Really made me think

really made me think

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Thats cuz Euroope didnt have black people. Now they do and look what happened.


BTFO Murica

This. They throw off the average.

>t. Prison colony for shitposters.

Yeah, well it is the country that believe they solve gun violence with MORE GUNS!

>New Zealand
>Prison colony

It's where the prison colony sent their prisoners duh

I'm pretty sure it was originally a vacation colony for bongs.

Read 'em and leaf.

If it wasn't for america single handedly funding all of Europe's military they wouldn't have been able to create the socialist paradise that supposedly makes them better than us

she's right but not because the woman didn't get elected

Actually we were as well, until they decided Australia was way more miserable. And when people escaped they didn't get killed by every animal in the country. So was Canada. And USA. You could be sent to any of those countries. It's almost like we're all Englands Penal Colonies

t. history

we just have to wait for Muhammad and his wives to go to europe

So what? I like it that way.


I wish I was american now

Wait, is this the same Europe that is lamented by the same people as being racist colonists?

That "civilized" Europe?

Britain truly did colonise the equivalent of hell on earth when they colonised Australia.

Don't bother to think about it. They're inconsistent as a motherfucker.

Why do American leftists always want their country to be like European countries?