How and when

How will the most qualified candidate in history die?

Murdered by a young asian girl in her sleep for revenge from pizzagate

She'll choke on a frog

That'd be funny

She's already dead..

>most qualified candidate

In prison.

Not soon. She's got projects on the boil (Tie color relevant)

butter rape

Raped to death by dindus
>Dis fur losing da election you whiet crackah biyatch

Deus Veult

In jail.

Jesus Christ himself will smite this evil witch, within the next 218 days.

God is good


She fought like a girl

Alone and crying

throat cancer after having eaten too much nog pussy in federal prison

"A peaceful death"
Is what they'll headline. She'll probably die choking on her own vomit alone whilst her husband is out trying to bang young women.

Right now. With a lightning bolt.


AIDS complements of Billyboy

Alex jones busts her skull