"Income inequality among men soars"

Does this explain the rise of right-wing politics?


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Why would that explain right wing politics? It's literally the right wing union busting and supply-side economics pushing baby boomers that are crippling these young kids. These poor white trash cucks of society think drumpf is going to fix their problems and have misplaced their anger on alternative 'causes' of their failings... really pathetic/sad actually.

Short answer: no

So now that I've posted the evidence I'll go over the basics

Neoliberalism and globalism have destroyed the western economy

1. wages have been lowered by mass immigration

this is basic supply and demand

2. Outsourcing has also lowered wages

see above

3. loose credit has greatly increased the cost of any financial asset through usury

this includes healthcare, education, housing, etc

all of these are becoming unaffordable thanks to massive usury and are far outpacing inflaiton in costs

4.private debt is still at all time highs

not only can no one afford anything, prices continue to increase so you have to go into debt just to survive

Combine this with the complete social and moral breakdown of society and you have essentially created a system no man wants to live in

no only can you not afford to live you are punished for being productive.

you are retarded

Neoliberalism started with the left

Globalism is a leftist project.


i've thought a reply to each one of your points but too lazy to type it...

1) Mass immigration has nothing to do with suppressed wages, since immigrants are consumers and immigration / population increase is directly related to the growth of a consumer based economy. Furthermore, 'globalization' offers an increase in quality of life for American consumers thanks to free-trade. The incentive to add jobs beyond the supply of labor literally does not exist, so slowing population growth virtually means you're now in the situation Japan is in.

2. Whose fault is that? Certainly not the pro-labor Democrats.

3. Predatory unregulated practices thanks to the right, yes.

>Why would that explain right wing politics? It's literally the right wing union busting and supply-side economics pushing baby boomers that are crippling these young kids.
No, those are the policies of the left now.

The Democrats were for continued free trade.

Trump was for protectionism.

>have misplaced their anger on alternative 'causes' of their failings
Nobody wants to see the culture of their country change into a gynocentric cuck fest where the working classes are ignored

And that's exactly what Hillary wanted to do.

Can you expand on that a bit? Not a very informative answer otherwise

Also that's just one question I'm posing. Feel free to discuss the contents of the article too.

You can call me 'retarded' but I'll bet my masters of economics and 240K a year far exceeds what you're presently making. You literally believe you're failing at life because of immigration. LOL

>neoliberalism is a leftist project

Protectionism is harmful for the average American consumer and only benefits business owners since labor is still competitive and they can afford goods regardless. It's as though you're completely uneducated.

>Went to college
>Thinks that makes him able to discuss politics
Sorry about the jew brainwashing son, but stay lurking

Niggers die

typical lazy SPaniard

immigrants do not "produce more" in terms of what actually causes private debt in teh US due to prices far outpacing inflation (real estate, healthcare, edcation, financial services)

There is not magically "more land" in the us when an immigrant moves here

In fact all an immigrant is is another sucker for the banks who will get into more debt

again you are retarded

>The incentive to add jobs beyond the supply of labor literally does not exist

>I have no idea what debt is


>pro-labor Democrats.

like Clinton? kek

>unregulated practices thanks to the right,

see Jacobin article above, retard

>masters in economics

no wonder you are so fucking dumb

Just another parasite in academia taking up space

It would be better for the world if every current economics major besides a few people (Randall Wray, Michael Hudson) fucking killed themselves.

see Jacobin article above, dumb leaf

>Sits on Sup Forums after he watches daytime TV for 8 hours
>Thinks that makes him able to discuss politics

Sorry about the Jew ensuring that you'll live and die miserable, but stay lurking

>Protectionism is harmful for the average American consumer

People don't care if things are more expensive if it means they've got a fucking job

Working is dignity you utter sack of shit

>I have no idea what I'm talking about.

When inequality rises, the left rises. With their commie bullshit of equality through "fuck the 1%" and gibmedat.

>You literally believe you're failing at life because of immigration

But that literally is a reason.

Higher supply of labour = more competition for jobs and suppression of wages.

Why wouldn't we vote for the things that are causing us problems? Sure it's not the ONLY problem and if you blame everything on external problems without getting your shit together then that's your own fault.

But that doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist does it? So why the fuck wouldn't we vote to stop it?

>see Jacobin article above, dumb leaf
>liberals are leftist


>protectionism is bad for consumers

It's supposed to protect workers you drooling retard who happen to also be consumers

Holy shit the average economics major in this country is so fucking dub it's physically painful to have to read the stupid bullshit they regurgitate.
>Sup Forumstard watching the electric jew for 8 hours a day

please just kill yourself

not even your rhetoric makes sense

All this typing and rage only to prove how stupid you really are to anybody who is remotely educated. Sad!

I'm not in "Acadamia" you fucking clown. i.gyazo.com/9a7ff6c1b182040991a9f9e4bddfdeaf.png

I make about 20K a month give or take and I promise you at 29 years old it has nothing to do with 'academia' or 'taking up space' - I'm paid what I'm worth, and so are you.

You are a serf my friend; you'll live and die one. Stay preaching to the other white trash failures on Sup Forums though kek.

>since immigrants are consumers and immigration / population increase is directly related to the growth of a consumer based economy
This is based on the flawed assumption that one immigrant "creates" as many jobs as he "takes"

The USA (and UK) have huge labour surpluses, and have done since full employment (and postwar Keynesianism in general) were abandoned at the behest of jewish economists. (Keynes, oddly enough, was a goy.)

Then how come this year has delivered massive blows to the left in the UK and US?

Clearly it's because the left wing campaigns in both countries were serving only a technocratic elite. BOTH of them (Remain and Clinton) banged on about increasing middle class technocratic jobs and economic activity. They completely IGNORED the working classes that have been left behind, or whom aren't served by the urban, technocrat economy.

So in a weird switch, the right-wing, in both cases, was standing up for those left behind, those at the bottom. The people that the left SHOULD be standing up for. But they're not because they're self-serving, middle class, technocrat CUNTS

I'm not an 'economics' major, I run my own business and derivatives/commodities analytics firm as well as fly airplanes for a living. You're totally uneducated and that's ok, it's not your fault. You literally believe protectionism is good for workers and that without a doubt proves how fucking dense you are. Sad!

All the evidence suggests that immigrants produce more capital than what is expended on them, show me that they don't.

>le fuck borders and nations and shit if it means a bigger GDP and more shekels meme

Our world order is sustained through one thing; debt. The moment debt overtakes the West, is when the world turns to Children-of-Men tier. And Trump's tax cuts may be the catalyst that breaks the back of the US. But as long as credit can be maintained, Globalism will still endure.

You think I watch daytime TV? kek
is this how they teach you to argue in Kike Academy?

>just quit my stressful job
>broke, decide to take a odd job to buy a marketable licence eventually
>warehouse job descriptions to work out in the cold for 7 hours
>experience a must
>2nd language a plus
>drug testing
now i remember why i stayed unemployed for so long. none of it is worth it. either gamble on a 5 figure loan in college or live like a peasant. no other choice

guys this gives me an idea..

open a restaurant or fast food chain ect.

and pay the women proportionally more money, like women start at $25 and men are minimum wage only

claim its to fight the wage gap

but secretly its to put women in the fucking kitchen and the cucks will never figure it out

It's not a meme at all, American workers compete with the world whether they want to or not. All competition isn't through two-party transactions, in fact only a minuscule amount are. Adapt or die. If your manufacturing job went away it's because you didn't adapt, and you probably haven't accepted the finality of labors situation throughout the world, that it will eventually be replaced, starting with blue collar, then managerial and intellectual positions until virtually you work only to survive. Your children, will be cleaning the shit off of my children's assholes some day because you just can't get it.

>Trump was for protectionism.
To be fair, his "bring business back with tax cuts" plan was essentially playing into globalist hands. (Since on the whole it reduces the ability to fund public services, and in turn lowers the overall living standard for western people.)

The collapse of Breton Woods was the greatest tragedy of the 21st century bar none.

I didn't say capital, I said jobs.

Immigrants are - on a purely economic and UK-based basis, profitable. Profitable to whom is the real question.

You live like a peasant because you are a peasant... all of Trump's 20 something supporters are literally peasant NEETs just looking for excuse after excuse as to why they are total failures. The ultimate cucks and crybabies are found all over Sup Forums they just can't accept it.

>To be fair, his "bring business back with tax cuts" plan was essentially playing into globalist hands
but trump wants to use tariffs too which is not a globalist measure

>not true leftist fallacy


Stop using common sense

if you expose an economics major to common sense they die from anaphylactic shock

>I make money
>I am right

wow great "argument"

>I am a financial parasite who profits off of the destruction of every productive industry in the United States

well that accounts for the raging, incoherent hostility and support of globalism.

Any more pearls of wisdom, leech?

good goy

>Does this explain the rise of right-wing politics?

No, rural and suburban retards explain the rise of right wing politics.

>gross debt
>not as a ratio of private debt to GDP

Jesus Christ user

high private debt to GDP ratio is what puts you in a Great Depression scenario

it is never "good" and it leads to an inevitable deflationary spiral.

Manufacturing jobs were going away regardless. Tariffs and other protectionist measures could create an economic incentive to build automated factories domestically instead of continuing to rely on chinese slave labour.

Oh, definitely. I pray he does so.

Not really, if anything income inequality tends to be bias so that the number of very poor people vastly out number the rich. This means in a democracy the poor are going to vote for income redistribution which is a left wing idea.

What drives part time work is many of the hiring laws and state meddling in the economy. They do things like put in a min wage and all these worker rights and benefits, and so businesses turn full time positions into part time ones to compensate.

You think things are bad now?

What do you think will happen with the government asks me and my brother to DIE so that niggers can live.

>not true leftist fallacy
You're a dumb cunt. Liberals were never ever left-wing.


>Profitable to whom is the real question.
Business owners and the elites. Immigration drives down wages for workers. Immigration is not even profitable for the country. They are a drain for the first 5-10 years and eventually they are neutral.

Mass immigration has nothing to do with suppressed wag-

The people who voted trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people voted hillary.

All profits are made off the backs of employees whether they are immigrants or not. When faced with the choice to either work for slave wages and live or don't and die there's no choice. The reason "capitalist" countries are regulated is literally to prevent you from having to kill your neighbor for a job that provides little more than a life of serfdom. Recently, we've been letting these protections slip away because ultimately the average person is not as intelligent as the labor union crushing businesses. I work in management at an airline... scored 750 on my GMAT, I am telling you that you're dealing with absolute sociopaths and liars who will do absolutely anything to profit off their employees.

>advocate for women to take over traditionally high paid male fields in STEM
>tailor school, scholarships, mentor programs, and culture to helping women get ahead
>encourage women to all go to university, dangerously skewing demographics to 60/40 women to men
>replace the father with government through family courts, abolition of 2nd amendment, and welfare
>blame men for all the problems women have historically faced
>be surprised that men no longer have a stake in society as protector and provider
>be surprised men are dropping out of society and making less money
>write books and articles celebrating the death of men

really vinces my vaughns

Trump's tax cuts were the price he had to pay to get Campaign contributions in his campaign. The thing is, he truly believes that Supply-Side economics works, and it'll be his downfall....as well as the American government.

I'm confused. I agree that the debt isn't sustainable for the future. But I'm just documented the reality of the present. Debt is the secret weapon that enables Globalists to sustain their weaknesses. Without Debt, the Globalists literally couldn't afford Globalism. Which may be the reality soon.


Immigration has only ever been a scheme by the owners of production to exploit the proletariat.

By flooding the labor force the demand for domestic labor decreases along with its price.. Our wages then go down.

Such is life under neoliberalism.

I'm coming closer each day to the belief that even a resource collapse followed a societal regression to serfdom would be preferable to staying on our current path. At least lords had some notional obligation to serfs.

this shit is fucking criminal and rly DOES MAKE ME THINK


it's okay though, i think trump will do better than hillary at least

The difference is, Hong Kong is developing, the United States is not. The elites in Hong Kong are presented with the chance to be competitive and become billionaires... nobody in the U.S. can until the next huge industry springs up. You're trying to compare apples and oranges.

Can I have this image? I'd like to leverage trump.


fuck. this is it.

>le tax cuts invariably decrease tax revenue meme

Sorry bonger but you have to kill yourself

and you are a leech who profits off of the corruption of our financial system, which is ironic since you claim to be a leftist.

people like you shouldn't even be alive

>don't push your labels on me, mannnnnnn

private debt is the real problem

more specifically private debt run by a private banking system is the problem.

pushing consumers into debt is what stagnates the economy into shit.

Public debt, unless you are in the EU, is not a real problem.

The FED created trillions of dollars out of nothing in 08 as a hand out to the banks. Nothing happened aside from a lot of bankers and speculators getting a whole lot richer through stock buy backs, free money (lots of literal free lunches for Goldman Sachs no doubt), and gambling on foreign currency exchanges.

i didn't say invariably. i said they will, in the end, as other countries lower their rates to remain competitive.

alternatively they'll be redistributed. Thatcher cut the top rate of income tax, but because she transferred the tax-burden downwards with a VAT hike ended up increasing taxation as a % of GDP.

HK =/= China
Development here is pretty much done

>>don't push your labels on me, mannnnnnn
War protests totally didn't end when Obama got in, mane.

Flint, Michigan still doesn't have clean running water since 2014, but it's okay because are putting on safety pins, mannnn.

Liberals are totally not the same status quo pushers and conservatives, mane.

And? Your point? I'm not a leftist at all, but I do accept that in the system people win and lose and unlike you I've accepted the actual controls we need to adopt to keep the system free and running as long as possible, you're the one buying what the kikes are selling. Protecting the masses protects stability. If you keep an open mind, once you graduate high school there's a chance you may be able to become something more.

Throw neoliberalism down the well

the leftist-liberal distinction is quite useful. it's just annoyingly conflated since the liberals tend to occupy "leftist" parties, in the same was as many market-liberals are considered "conservative" despite their ideological tradition going back more to liberalism than to (in the British case) Toryism,, because they managed to take over "right wing" parties.
For fun:

Neoliberalism is just the same right-wing economics, just using progressive social policies as a trojan horse.

Both are a problem, but the question is which one will kill the economy first? Money printing (for assets) worked because it was feasible to do so within the given circumstances. But there are instances in history where Money Printing cannot be a solution, because the supply in the economy is already stretched to its limit. Why? Because money supply is what brings down Empires, rather than necessarily debt.

The US must sell its bonds to investors to keep the machine going, and failing to do so will inflate the money supply through Federal Reserve purchases, causing the collapse of the integrity of the currency itself.

I could be wrong, but understand that many empires in history have found 'limits' to the amount of debt they can realistically take. And the US could rapidly be approaching that threshold, especially after the Republican Tax Cuts happen.

Deficits HAVE mattered in the past, so it's strange to think they don't matter in the future.

It seems like you're actually serious.

What kind of idiot thinks that importing poor, retarded immigrants has no effect on supply and demand of goods in a country.

Population demographics absolutely determine the supply and demand curves, you dummy.

"Growth of the economy" isn't the same as "growth of quality of life". Or "growth of available resources"

If you want to cite reddit, the amount of bitching about liberal hubris on commie subs eclipses all else.

>I've accepted the actual controls we need to adopt to keep the system free and running as long as possible

There is no scenario of Globalist survival that doesn't call for massive tax increases. That's what Augustus figured out when he built his Globalist order in Rome. He discovered that Free Trade and Open Borders work even better without Oligarchs.

>critical theory leftism


Immigration has a lot to do with it, especially the low-skill, illegal immigration. Wheter you like it or not, they drag down wages for the bottom half.
If it's not the american wages that go down, it's their own. And if they are not allowed to work for such low wages, they go on welfare.
Higher inequality is one of the results of a racial diverse country. Most of Latin-America is extremely unequal too. Of course that's not the only rason for the large inequality, but it's the elephant in the room that no one talks about.

The one-post question is an effortful attempt to avoid the possibility that right wing people can be correct.

r/LateStageCapitalism is the better sub anyway

Theory: Income inequality just makes the middle class feel poor. If the middle class already feels poor then the 'threat of being poor' isn't enough to keep them as 'good goys'.

>Theory: Excessive Income inequality

Small but important correction.

>Protecting the masses protects stability

And how does destroying the living standards and wages of western white workers through outsourcing, debt, and mass immigration "protect the masses" exactly "Mr. Paid $300k a year to fuck up the economy"?

The leftist globalist, neoliberals are all that is remains of the left politically

You think about that the next time you try to hold a leftist meeting that *isn't* centered around tranny bathrooms.

>market-liberals are considered "conservative"

and they largely aren't

Rome was brought down by its oligarchy destroying and displacing the working class of Italy with slave labor thus impoverishing the average Roman peasant and ending their ability to field their own armies. Then when the people rose up to reform the system (2nd-1st century BC) the leading reformists were slaughtered in the streets by the elites.

see: Grachhi brothers

meant for this faggot

>Latin America
>'What else do we have Steve?'
>'I don't know, just write 'other' '

>The leftist globalist, neoliberals are all that is remains of the left politically
Do we have to march on liberals like the ents marched on Isengaard?

Canada and Australia, probably


>that webm

I am not surprised by this at all

as I've said a million times "leftism" has been totally replaced by identity politics

most likely scenario is they take over the world and we all get to be perpetual debt serfs in a neofeudalist globalist empire run by zillionaire bankers where every country is a shithole identical to Brazil in terms of race, poverty, and crime.

Actually. The Grachhi brothers were the "Bernie Sanders" candidates of their era. Augustus was much wiser, and instead of using taxes to give back to the poor, he instead took the money and gave it to the military (and the state.) And after hiring the unemployed into his military, a new more equitable order was born in his empire.

Gulags it is, then.

>Hong Kong is developing.

We already developed it.

>most likely scenario is they take over the world and we all get to be perpetual debt serfs in a neofeudalist globalist empire run by zillionaire bankers where every country is a shithole identical to Brazil in terms of race, poverty, and crime.

As long as Globalists can maintain the growth of their debt, this is exactly the future that will occur. But the moment the debt can no longer be financed, is when Globalism has its "Soviet" moment.

Start exercising and learn how to become proficient with your weapon of choice.

I'm in the top 10% earners in the country, and I ended up red-pilled. Correlation does not equate causation.


>union busting
You realize all the big unions had their roots in the Mafia right? I'm not saying every business owner was a saint either, some of them were just as rotten and ruthless as the mob. But I always roll my eyes at lemmings romanticizing Unions.

Which turned Rome into a plunder based economy since all their domestic productive capabilities were destroyed. They had to rely solely on their army taking loot from foreign countries and bringing it back to survive since they couldn't produce anything themselves.

This meant instead of working and producing things in Italy, Young Roman men were off dying half way across the world. Rome's incredible fertility rates which helped them defeat Carthage were extinguished and they eventually had to rely on Germans.

We all know how that turned out.

wow rly makes jew think


which is why the globalists and international finance control national governments through lobbying and regulatory capture and use them to bailout the banks

How do you think Wall Street got trillions of dollars from Obama?

Even so, we are talking about a timespan greater than the existence of the United States. The Roman Empire survived its standard 250 year cycle, and yet limped on even longer than that. And this only the Western Half, because the Eastern Half survived even longer until fucking 1453. Using the same structures that Augustus himself put in place! Globalists would be destined for greatness if their current order survives to the year 2192, let alone past the 2020s.

But to be fair, Rome was a place of unprecedented trade unseen for centuries before the advent of global trade of the long 19th century. Rome DID manage to produce, because it had unlimited free trade. It wasn't until Rome lost the ability to tax is when things became undone.