Risky Business #2

Sauks have 36 for a bridge, Nova Kiev has 4 for a bridge, F Society has 14 t spill, and Dark Angels has 15 t spill.


Fill MA/CT area
kill Teal

Defend if attacked then counterattack. Otherwise fill Idaho.

Kill Yellow

where's the humble water filter salesman?

Keep capturing The Governator's city

Convert Iowa

build bridge across mississipi in lower louisiana and fill it

Defend against all attacks

Go for dark blues city

RAGE > take back land Dark Angeles stole
Also get me out of your ally list. I fucking hate you.Libertarians are a meme party and they are globalist jews in disguise


Ill take south you take north

Take reds city and spill texas



How does OP's dick taste, traitor? I guess even though I was an ally of your ally that didn't mean SHIT
Confirming my trip

what? im not allied with you

IDK why we're on opposing sides. OP and his Dark Angel proxy faction need to die, and the 2 of us should be fighting on the same side.

I didn't SAY you were, faggot! I said that we had an ally in common. But because he decided to allow you to attack me (*his other ally*) that's why I'm breaking my alliance with him. Why do I bother explaining myself to a retard like you anyway?

Or not.

I thought you were afk, so I let Dark Angel go through WV to get to that bit of Pennsylvania. Also, paleolibertarians aren't necessarily party members, or even part of the Libertarian establishment.

Alliance Confirmed

fug had no idea the new thread was made, push into the natives

jeez be more buttmad i guess

your the real faggot for having an autuismo attack about a image baord based risk game

Sauks have 36 for a bridge, Nova Kiev has 4 for a bridge, French/Hispanic Empire has 45 for bridge.


Break the siege.

complete georgia, spill into natives in the carolinas

Kill yellow



Fill California

build bridge, and fill louisiana, spills into arkansas

TAKE BACK PA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really wanted a Ron/Alex victory


Finish converting Iowa, colonize Wisconsin if able

3D PALI!!!!!!

spill into WV focus on heading to city

Kill the Angels


Defend if attacked then counterattack. Otherwise fill Idaho.

Sauks have 36 for a bridge, Nova Kiev has 4 for a bridge.

It's time to make the Unknown known.

Kill the Yellow

kill the natives in Georgia, then the carolinas



fill arkansas spill into unclaimed eastern texas

well fug :DDD

Fill texas, kill all in our way

Defend if attacked and counterattack. Otherwise fill Idaho.

Finish the conversion of Iowa, begin colonization of Wisconsin

Sauks have 36 for a bridge, Nova Kiev has 4 for a bridge.

Fill California, spill into Baja

fill arkansas

Kill Dark Angels

fug I went off for too long :I well do what previous post say

Kill Angels

Fill Quebec and New Brunswick. Give VT/NH and Maine to red.

Kill natives in carolinas, then tenessee, then mississipi

10 t spill

Defend if attacked then counterattack. Otherwise fill Idaho then Oregon.

Keep colonizing Wisconsin

east texas

Spend entire turn defending cities under control

shit didnt see that GA wasnt completed, throw a territory there

Fill texas
Stay out of texas or ill have to remove you, just get borthern states

how about i stay where i current territories.

I have +4 bonus btw

No leave or have your streets filled with poo

>tfw you wanted to cede Idaho in exchange for Nevada but then remember Nevada has a bonus of +3 and not +2
w e w

Sauks have 36 for a bridge, Nova Kiev has 4 for a bridge.

fill texas

Retake city in PA

Fill Cali, spill into baja

Siege Teal

Wrong move frog, you had plenty of space in the north now you pay

Completly take texas, kill any agressors

This is my roll btw op forgot to link you to it

Fill Quebec and Maine

Get the rest of Wisconsin, if able convert the city of Sauks

finish the natives, spill fills NC

Defend if attacked. Spills fills Oregon then Washington.

3D Palis


also i should own WV by now for holding that capital for 3 turns

Conquer Quebec and Maine. Spill to New Brunswick if possible.

You already rolled

It's been two turns. Sauks have 36 for a bridge, Nova Kiev has 4 for a bridge.

Attack Poo in Loo, leave one roll out to fill Baja

kil poos


Finish natives

Defend if attacked. Spills kill the natives, then fills Washington.

Finish Maine
Finish off the Angels

Fill New Brunswick. Build bridge to fill another part.

Keep converting the Sauks

(Do I have to spend all my roll in the city for 3 turns? If not, go south and convert natives in Illinois)

What does it mean?

Fill eastern texas

Hello there. I'm unknown from Michigan. Do you want to join the alliance?

Sure m8


There are no natives in Illinois.

Sorry man, Missouri, go south through Missouri, if able build a bridge

>home state finally colonized

I accept you Holy Empire