Race is a social construct?

People who believe behavior is cultural are too scared to watch this!


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I will be bumping this into oblivion. People actually need to watch this.

Watch it cunts!






Double bamp.


It is very good that there are yellow French, black French, brown French. They show that France is open to all races and has a universal vocation. But [it is good] on condition that they remain a small minority. Otherwise, France would no longer be France. We are still primarily a European people of the white race, Greek and Latin culture, and the Christian religion.

Don't tell me stories! Muslims, have you gone to see them? Have you watched them with their turbans and jellabiyas? You can see that they are not French! Those who advocate integration have the brain of a hummingbird. Try to mix oil and vinegar. Shake the bottle. After a second, they will separate again.

Arabs are Arabs, the French are French. Do you think the French body politic can absorb ten million Muslims, who tomorrow will be twenty million, after tomorrow forty? If we integrated, if all the Arabs and Berbers of Algeria were considered French, would you prevent them to settle in France, where the standard of living is so much higher? My village would no longer be called Colombey-The-Two-Churches but Colombey-The-Two-Mosques.



I was unaware of behavioral difference between races in newborns.


Yeah it's interesting.
When you think about it it's not shocking that there are innate behavior in humans. aka instinct.



So aboriginals are the masterrace?

This thread takes shameless self bumping to another level.

Here are my thought on it.
I believe babies act this way because of the group behavior of their parents.
If their instinct does not conform then the chances the baby will die increases.
Here is some of the logic:

Why does a Caucasian baby struggle harder the longer it's nose is held?
Because Caucasians have a lot of empathy, will see their child doesn't like it and will stop.
Babies that didn't react this way dead because the parent didn't notice.

Why does the Asian baby eventually submit to the nose holding?
Because Asians have less empathy, therefore struggling more does nothing, and their nose is probably being blocked for a reason.

Why is the African so good at keeping it's head from falling over, while the Caucasian isn't?
Because Caucasian parents are MUCH more gentile with the baby, meaning they don't need to keep their head from falling over, the parent will make sure it doesn't happen.

Watch it or i'll smash u bro


According to latest Anthropological studies, Aboriginal Australians have a significant amount of Denisovin [?] DNA and have been widely classified as a human sub species. Their average IQ is at, or below 70. They are not Negroid, regardless of having extremely broad noses, black skin. Their chins are universally extremely weak and the brows are very broad. Caucasians have a significant amount of Neanderthal DNA, with an average IQ of 100. Negroes ( Blacks ), have no Denisovin [?], nor Neanderthal DNA. African, sub-Saharan Negroes have an average IQ of about 80-85. Asians have less Neanderthal DNA, than do Caucasions. The Asian average IQ is about 105 ( higher than Caucasion ). Jews have the highest average IQ at 110. The myth that were are all ""the same"" is a liberal social construct. One need only do a superficial study of the Australian Aborigines, to see the extreme differences:, physical, social and mental, to conclude that the Australian Aborigines are a human sub-species.

Very interesting excerpt from the comments section


I would classify all races as a kind subspecies because that is what they really are.
Caucasian, Asian, African, Aboriginal, South American for the big differences and for any further differentiation.
Asian: South, North, Native American
Caucasian: ME (non Arab), Slav, W-Europe, Mediterranean, Arab.
African: Bushman, Congo, Ethiopian etc

The issue we have is that ignoring innate human differences is causing conflict.
It will eventually erupt into mass conflict if we keep going the way we are.


Bumperio 2.0


Yesterday you said today


Every time when I look at the media
All the lies keep getting clearer
The elections gone

Traded away, to virtue signal on
Why'd it have to be this way?
Someday these traitors are going to pay

Yeah, I know nobody knows, where it goes and where it goes
I know it's everybody's sin
They have to stop cucking and learn how to win

Spent my time trolling liberal pages
sending them into effortpost rages

Sing with me
sing for the year
sing for the laugh
sing for the tears

Sing with me, if it's just for today
if it's just for today
maybe tomorrow the lord will take you away


Fash on X3
Fash on until the 14 words come true
Fash on X4
Fash on until the 14 words come true
Fash on X7



BUMP Bump be bamp


Translation of “There is only one race: the human race.”
(A manifesto by anti-racist scientists)

These were the words of scientist Rita Levi Montalcini (also attributed to Gandhi and Satyendranath).

I. Human races do not exist. The existence of human races is an abstraction that has come about from a false interpretation of the small physical differences that we feel we perceive. It comes from mistaken “psychological” associations: differences interpreted from a basis of secular prejudice. These abstract subdivisions are founded on an idea that humans are made up of groups that are, biologically and hereditarily, greatly varied.
This is pure invention that has always used arbitrary classification between men and women as better and worse and in this way discriminates against those at the extreme (always the weakest) after having blamed them for being the key to all evil in every moment of crisis.

>(A manifesto by anti-racist scientists)

Sounds like cultural Marxist bullcrap

If social science is going to obstruct real science then it needs to be obliterated.
>arbitrary classification between men and women as better and worse

Moralistic fallacy.
These people have to go.

>University of chicago
Makes sense, the nazi eugenics science was after all based on the Americans work.

Sorry for your loss.

Race is a Social Concept, Not a Scientific One (Op-Ed)
By Michael Hadjiargyrou, Chair of the Department of Life Sciences, New York Institute of Technology
August 29, 2014

The continual use of the word race, predominantly by the media and policy makers, perpetuates the myth of multiple human races and further polarizes our society. We must not allow the media or our lawmakers to hijack this issue and continue to misuse the word. We must hold them accountable and demand that they stop misusing it, especially for sensationalistic and factually false reporting. It is simply irresponsible and feeds into the hands of those that espouse discriminatory and unscientific ideas about the single human race. Society can certainly protect the rights of minorities without invoking the word race.

Alas poor yorick, I knew him well.

Do you think when a german shepard looks at pug the sheperd thinks to himself "yes race is a social construct".
Why is it only a social construced for humans when humans are just animals and had a evolutional journey like all other animals.
I guess that its "shit" knowledge since the only question is "ok maybe it is maybe it isnt but why would you wanna know and what would you do with that information" but still closing your eyes putting finger in your ears and pretending isnt the way to go.. rather you should argue that there is some small amount of knowledge not worth having simply for the possible abuse that could result and that usually only certain types of people are actually interested in this subject.

>life sciences

this is what I mean. PC Trash.

>perpetuates the myth of multiple human races and further polarizes our society.

Not noticing differences solve differences...

>especially for sensationalistic and factually false reporting.

To these people any reporting is false/sensational.
I see why Americans have a hard time believing Africans have higher crime rates.

>Society can certainly protect the rights of minorities without invoking the word race.

More moralistic fallacy.
Fuck these people.


Why is it only a social constructed for humans when humans are just animals and had a evolutional journey like all other animals.

Because Europeans might just say, hey, this multiculturalism and mass migration thing isn't working and we know it's because we are inherently different and create different societies.

>but still closing your eyes putting finger in your ears and pretending isnt the way to go

This is pure liberalism though.
Not noticing. Being tolerant to a point well past self harm.


tfw you remember Zidane was praised as national hero

It was a Charles De Gaulle Quote,
That fucking nazi!



AND we bump and we bump and we bump.


Read Rushton, Race, Evolution and Behavior

people who believe that are willfully ignorant.

this has been debunked countless times you bonger

Just keep chanting that, fuckin zealot

what aspect was debunked?

Do Africans really have twice the number of twins?



Not only hasn't it been debunked, but you can actually verify much of this yourself if you live around blacks.



What utter imbeciles not even understanding Darwin.

Social sciences isn't real science.
They need to be rejected from the field entirely

Culture itself is largely derived from genetic.


>45 posts by this id
Roo, you need to put down the spiderbite booze.




You are being lied to by globalists and various slimes to justify fucking over your culture.

Guess what is based on culture(s) - civilization.

If I could beam this to everyone's TV screen and force them to watch this video, I would.

For me culture is group behavior.




I met a man of the crescent in a forgotten land
Who said:" Four large and roofless walls of stone
Stand in a meadow. Near them,in the grass,
Half sunk, a shattered cross lies, who's crafted,
And whether beams, and echo of lost belief,
Tell that its engraver who is long gone
May yet have words that do survive,
The icon of zeal of everlasting glory:
And on that cross these words appear:
>My name is Jesus Christ, king of kings:
>Look on my faith, ye faithless, and despair!'
Not one worshiper remains. Round the despair
Of that abandoned wreck, empty and overgrown
The an alien and foreign people stretch far and wide

Jewish non-conspiracy.

A coach was looking to make a sport team for his school.
Many many students tried out, too many to be accepted.
This worried the students, not one person wanted to be left out, the idea of not being picked made each one of them uneasy.
Because they felt uneasy, because they are fearful of not being picked each one of them trains hard.
The team is picked and when they vs another school they annihilate them.
This was because each one of them trained.
The other schools coach is angry, it is illegal for a team to train and he has just found out that students from the other team trained.
He wrongly thinks that the other teams coach, to avoid the law, told each student to train by themselves rather then as a team.
He believes it was a conspiracy rather than individuals acting on their emotions.