Is there a more blatantly hypocritical group in existence?

Is there a more blatantly hypocritical group in existence?

>hates fascists
>threatens violence and persecution over ideas that don't fit their agenda

Leftists have always been like this. Why do you think Hitler created the SA? Leftists tried to shut down his speeches in the early days too.

All tyranny comes from leftism.
Hitler was a socialist.
Stalin was commie scum.

It's always the left.

They like to lie and say Hitler was right wing, which is a complete and total lie.

These people don't really believe in liberalism. The core of the ideology is freedom of speech/press/assembly.


Violence is the only language fascists understand.

>blaming others for your own intellectual disabilities

Thanks for admitting that you're fascist.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

These people are often socialists/communists/anarchists but "normal" liberals, classical or modern are hypocrites.

Nope. Red/black is anarchocommunism, which is totally OK with violent persecution over ideas.

Problem with that is:

It makes the "fascists" violent too

So, you have a never ending amount of violence

even though your position is correct youve used naught but laughable fallacies to assert it

>Never ending amount of violence.
I don't know why, but that sounds nice. Maybe I have a problem.

No, actually lol
I don't get how this isn't a narrative people use more because the irony is staggering.

>We hate fascism! But we want a larger state and will attack anyone who poses a moderate threat to achieving our goals (and even some basic-bitch republicans)!

I think it's just an excuse to wear a mask and make cool-eyes at people, honestly. These people are usually lower than IRL stormniggers, and that's saying something.

Nah, you've just been worshiping the wrong god.


Antifa are pieces of shit and they need to be dealt with any time they organize their leftist violence.

I'm guessing from the file name that it's something from Warhammer 40k. In which case, I'll go and read more about it.

Egalitarians have always been comfortable with violence in order to bring about "equality". You really can't achieve the kind of radical equality that antifa faggots want without a little violent suppression of all dissenters

Hitler was a nationalist Schomo.

nationalism and socialism aren't mutually exclusive, you stupid hick

Your post doesn't do the hypocrisy of these faggots justice.

On top of what you said,
>Hates fascists for using might makes right arguments >Main argument against fascist is "we'll beat ur shit"

>Usually against "hate and bigotry"
>They hate anyone who has too different of an opinion to them.

>Usually Anarchists
>Think they are fighting system
>Love talking about how much stronger they are than the other side
>They get money from the government
>They get BTFO with 50-1 odds
>so only thing stopping "fascists" from murdering the whole lot of them is the waning self control of the fascists and the government they want to overthrow

I would pity them if they weren't so destructive.

You faggots always come out with that right out of the gate. Nationalist Socialism is Nationalism when reduced to its core components.

Antifa is basically Sup Forums but for the left and obviously more powerful.

Every time you argue with a leftie it comes down to "MUH FEELINGS"

>The real enemies are from within

Pol is more powerful. Antifa is financed and protected by (((them))) and they aren't willing to die for their beliefs. Nationalists are their worst nightmare. Their days are drawing to an end and they will surely be repaid for their efforts in their own coin.

>>Think they are fighting system
>they all wear nikes and use iCuck devices

That's where your wrong.

The fact that they are financed by jews makes them an even bigger threat, but the thing that makes them "bigger" than Sup Forums and actual white nationalist organizations is that their people are not limited to one race, as opposed to, well, white nationalists.

Not only are they composed of whites, but asians, spics, blacks, and especially muzzies.

It seems like violence is the only language you antifa fucks understand as well.

Your arguments have been blown the fuck out, anarcho communism can be debunked by a fucking 8 year old. So you resort to chimping out and attacking whoever you deem fascist (who is anyone to the right of center, even fucking Ron Paul is fascist for you). Except your bodies are fucking sticks so you only fight evil fascists when you outnumber then 2 to 1.

Good point.

They don't hate fascists, that's just for show. They hate themselves and their own race.

>he thinks all antifags share the same beliefs

Top kek. I don't beleive in anarcho communism and so plenty of other antifags I know. Just like all of Sup Forums doesnt beleive in white nationalism.

>Just like all of Sup Forums doesnt beleive in white nationalism.
Just because you've ordered your IRC/Discord to shill daily Marxist Leninist generals for the past 3 months doesn't mean Sup Forums isn't white nationalist anymore. Sup Forums has always been white nationalist.

> I don't beleive in anarcho communism and so plenty of other antifags I know
Fine, substitute anarcho communism with kumbayaing with all the other races while whitey is rattling his chains. Doesn't explain why every antifag is a "fuck evil bourgeois capitalist" type though, surely they can't all be commies...

Right. Well, I come on Sup Forums everyday and have been for the past 3 years, and I'm not even white. There are plenty of other posters who you can tell are not white just by looking at their flags. Are you lumping 30% of the posters on Sup Forums with the rest of white nationalists? Seems like you are, and well, you're wrong.

They aren't all commies, I can tell you that right now. You are underestimating your enemy, and some of them right under your noses. It's easy to identify a white nationalist, not so easy with an antifag.

They'll learn their lesson just like the rest.

They are completely different systems retard.

They're stupid kids, the oldest of them is like 19.