Redpill me on Jews. I used to think that Jews wanted to help us...

Redpill me on Jews. I used to think that Jews wanted to help us. They always seemed so friendly like someone you could trust. But Sup Forums got to me and I say Oy Vey, why do we hate them likes?

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Red pill me on the board rules first.

yes goy they want to help you





All those people are white

did he actually say that? Is there definitive proof?



Jews were responsible for marxism/communism

Well I was not personally there, but several articles claimed that. So who knows?


>Learn about jewish surnames and facial characteristics. All of those are dirty kikes. Mixing kike blood with white blood does not make you any less of a kike, but it does make you not white.



this is a good read if you have the time


here's another wall of text

I think he was referring to russia

They act like they are helpful and friendly but they scheme and will ripping you off if you are stupid enough to end up trusting them.

Run by who?

yeah, almost forgot



Jews are behind almost everything Sup Forums complains about, whether it's communism (created by Karl Marx, a Jew, and implemented by people like Trotsky and Lenin both Jewish), feminism, forced multikulti, the mainstream media, forced race-mixing, the Left, neoconservatism, anti-white propaganda, WW1, WW2, the USSR, etc.

You name it, and you'll probably find a Jew behind it. Relevant books that cover the subject are The International Jew by Henry Ford, and The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald.

Hitler was nothing more than a rebel who led a slave revolt against his Jewish masters. Hitler was the first person in the history of mankind to nearly shatter the power of international Jewry, but he failed and his people paid the ultimate price. The Jews rule the globalized world and are trying to drive whites to extinction (as they did way before the Nazis came to power) so they can have a slave class with no identity to rule over.

Jews pretend to be nice to us, only so they can use us and get into positions of power. It's all subterfuge.

Which jews are you referring to, OP?
The globalist jews who would ship all jobs to where labor is cheapest, enslaving us all?
The zionist jews who will take over the middle east, controlling a major portion of the oil in the world, enslaving us all?
The Rothschild jews that controls the currency of nearly every nation in the world who would enslave us all?


lol. An extended version of this




playing devil's advocate for a second, how would Sup Forums respond to the "who controls your mind" graph about jews in the media, when a leftist could easily bing up that jews are not one entity of people, that they come in different shapes and sizes and have differing political agendas?


That agenda will ultimaltely always be "whatever is good for the Jew", whether it's supporting Israel's hegemony in the Middle-East, using globalism/communism to subvert goy nations, or extracting shekels from goyim through exploiting finance.

Some of them just prioritize certain aspects more than others.

Point out that even ultra-lefty outlets like New York Times and Washington Post (which are controlled by Jews and promote leftism, multiculturalism and mass immigration) pormoted and cheered for the Iraq War in the early aughts. The Iraq War obviously being something that was fabricated to serve Israel's interests.

Jews have always tried to control both sides of political spectrum, which is why they created neoconservatism in the 70s. But the ultimate aim is always to serve Jewish interests at every level, from every side.


Despite the variation in ideologies, they still have stronger ethnocentrism than any other race. Their religion strongly favors Jews over gentiles.

I would have nothing against the highest IQ race ruling over the earth as long as that race was known for their philantrophy and empathy rather than usurpery.

Anyone who brings up your counter argument automatically invalidates any argument against white men and patriarchy, since whites and males have at least as much in-group ideological variation as Jews.




in the Talmud they show you how to be a jew






Help us?
Who told you that?
Even in my bluestpilled days I never believed they help anyone but themselves.



god damn. Sneaky bastards.




Gas the kikes.






I wonder if there are still jews in russia


Yes he did say that, it used to be on wikipedia but they have recently removed that comment.




Haaretz article is still intact, those rats have tried to cover their tracks.

I haven't watched a jew-vie in years and I can't say I miss them.



I'm Jewish and I will be the first to tell you that my people are ruining this country. I will also be the first to tell you that religious and Zionist Jews are different, though, and I always get called a shill for it.

(Ultimately, I only care about Israel because I really fucking hate the Palestinians.)

who's worse tho?

I like Jews because only one women in my life who gave me a chance to relationship was 100% Jewish and left wing. It's sad

But I read too much Sup Forums so that was wrong impact for me
If I hadn't read too much Sup Forums , I would have had lovely jewish girlfriend
Now I'm alone with Sup Forums



don't be alone stupid. Go marry a nice polish girl and have 6 children, what are you waiting for? Also, don't reveal your power level to women. pretend like you don't like politics.


Lol Elba knows how much hate he would get for playing that role. He's not much older than Craig was.

We appreciate those of you who are brave enough to speak out against those monsters. It would be nice if there were a few more of you though.

I'm the same way, I used to love movies and watched them very frequently.


many palestinians were born palesteneian and have no control over there situation. Is it reasonable to kill them for the mere crime of being born under those circumstances? Also, read the Talmud and you won't be jewish anymore

Why is the jew a black guy?

Jews are basically successful gypsies. The diaspora meant that they were always outsiders in the civilizations they found themselves in. For a variety of reasons Jews have very high in-group preference. When you couple this with their high intelligence, you find up with an "outsider" group that is very successful, but doesn't share that success with the wider community. This creates tension between the Jews and the dominant social group.

It is important to remember that Jewish in group preference is not due only to inherent qualities of Jews. Any "outsider" group will develop in group preference in order to survive in societies where they have less support. It's not even that people are necessarily hostile to them, it's that a German man is going to help another German before an outsider, even if that German man isn't xenophobic. At a large enough scale, this puts the outsider group at a disadvantage, and in-group preference is needed to counteract this disadvantage.

Israel is a very young country, but hopefully it's existence will lessen tensions between Jews and Gentiles. People like George Soros and Haim Saban need to fuck off back to the Promised Land, but if a strong, isolationist Jewish society is built, they should stop coming into conflict with the other peoples of the world. This will not happen for at least another 50 years, and may just be wishful thinking.

Finally, something to keep in mind is that most conspiracies are not Jewish conspiracies, but since Jews are over represented in the world elite Jews will usually benefit from anything done at the global scale. You do not want to lose sight of the scope of an event by focusing on only the Jews involved, there will usually be other groups working in a similar direction to produce the effect you are seeing. The world elite prefers that you focus on Jews, because it allows them to obfuscate their activities, and the Jews don't particularly mind since they can profit from "muh Holocaust".

Being Jewish I fucking hate you niggers here

Adolf Hitlers Warning
>Adolf Hitlers Warning
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>Adolf Hitlers Warning
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>Adolf Hitlers Warning
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>Adolf Hitlers Warning
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>Adolf Hitlers Warning
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>Adolf Hitlers Warning
Adolf Hitlers Warning
>Adolf Hitlers Warning

The Jews literally preach slander about Jesus, and call Mary a whore in their holy texts. They hate Jesus, and they are proud they killed him:

Jesus was the product of adultery:
"the mother of Jesus played the harlot with carpenters. "
"his wife happened to be called "Miriam' ("Mary), and was known to be an adulteress
Jesus was the bastard son of Mary and a Roman soldier named Panthera:
"So-and-so is a bastard [having been born from a forbidden union with] a married woman"
"The seducer was a soldier by the name of Panthera"

Gloating about Jews being responsible for Jesus' death:
"Jesus learned magic in Egypt and performed his miracles by means of it"
"he was a fool"
"On the eve of the Passover Yeshu was hanged. For forty days before the execution took place, a herald went forth and cried, 'he is going forth to be stoned because he has practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy.'
"He was a blasphemer and idolater, and although the Romans probably could not care less we insisted that he get what he deserved. We even convinced the Roman governor (or more precisely: forced him to accept) that his heretic and imposter needed to be executed-and we are proud of it."
"There is no reason to feel ashamed because we rightfully executed a blasphemer and idolater. Jesus deserved death, and he got what he deserved"

sun burnt him crispy? Idk. Maybe the jews plans have backfired and now they're getting barbosa'd in there own cities.

>Is your baby racist?

This is a great thread.

Fun trump autism thread

nice trips kike, but jews are bad m'kay?

Go back to fucking your cow goy

>Also, don't reveal your power level to women. pretend like you don't like politics.

This meme really needs to die. It's easy to use your politics to influence people, even if you don't go ballistics in one go, and if you know who's receptive to what type of ideas.

People who don't use their politics to shape the world (especially their girlfriend) are usually weak, lazy or scared.

go back to eating dick skin right off an infant's cock you fucking parasite

Joe Biden: "Jewish Leaders Drove Open Borders, Feminism and Gay Marriage Changes"

Jewish Leaders Behind the Homosexual and Lesbian Movement

U.S. Jews Among the Most Supportive of Gay Marriage

Gay Marriage's Jewish Pioneer
Jewish Scouting Leaders Vocal on Gay Inclusion


is that a sign from austwitz or some random museum?

>captcha had image of Esso, suppliers to nazis

