Stop watching porn

Stop watching porn

or yall end up like dis

How can I find the will to stop it

Four-armed wheel of the sun is your guide

>or yall end up like dis

Like a famous and therefore found attractive by hundreds of thousands of women worldwide, charming serial killer? Shiet, where can I sign up?

How thirsty do you have to be to want the attention from women that are into serial killers?

>women that are into serial killers

All women are into the ''serial killer'' archetype.
Read pic related.

>muh dark triad
Yeah, it's called being dominant and not letting people walk over you like the cucks that ravage society today.

Seems like a nice guy

>(((Evolutionary psychology)))
>people willing to kill their own wives and children for the pleasure of it pass on their genes
What teh fuck m8?


>stop watching porn
stopped right there. nice try ahmed.

So you just have to act like a serial killer to get mega fat pussy?
>Pick one

There is literally nothing wrong with watching pornography....

Those males are the ones that kill weak males

Why you think niggers are flooding the world?

every fucking day on this board we get this bullshit

Literally not possible unless you have a regular sex partner you are damn near completely satisfied by on a regular basis

Pls help guys the Jews got me how do I stop watching Bbc porn

I wonder who's behind these shades..

What about chemical castration?

Stop watching porn, degenerate.

i know it's a slow news day, but varg, again?

Guy who never accepts responsibility for his crime tries to frame porn as the reason behind his killings when talking to an anti-porn Evangelical Christian.
Really makes you think.

So you're implying people are born serial killers? People are born gay? People are born trans? Find a link between these three items I just listed. Yeah, porn.



Joke's on you OP, I only watch solo nudes.

funny for some reason I always have the will to masturbate, guess I'm stronger :D


This isn't how the problem will be resolved.

The logic behind that psychological reasoning makes sense, but it makes more sense that pornography opiate of the masses/bread and circuses which tend to sedate and distract people. The fact that it causes crime only justifies law enforcement/police state, concurrently appearing to be a satanic evil to more conservative cultures in convenience to fire them up to attack the west

nevermind the fact that western society and conservative religions are unwilling to explain why pornography and masturbation is so taboo, but then again most of humanity is an immature little fucking baby at many ages when it comes to sex, so leave it to us.

pornography is opiate*

also just wanted to add, if conservative cultures cared so much about the faults in materialism and spiritually harmful effects of masturbation, they should of shared them, but they didn't. They didn't want to help the West and its struggle with pornography and materialism. They didn't want to explain energy systems with us. Let them be cucks and watch us, instead of being actual human beings and assisting the entire human species in overcoming its challenges.

I hope you all get along more in the future.

I-i didn't watch any for two days, did I do good ?

I've been clean for a while now... how?
watched VR porn which brought my avoidance personality into it

one has to go - and i'm not avoidant by choice

Just don't think about stopping it might work... I think if you try to actively force yourself to stop it you'll inevitably start thinking about it because it's going to be on your mind and thus it becomes a temptation, so that at any time some naughty thought could pop in your head. Just an idea anyway.

men are designed solely for fucking and fighting. to cum and to kill an enemy are the greatest pleasures a man can experience

Ya but he didn't murder people out of sexual perversion like that other guy, so nice comparison there.

nvm, didn't read your actual post, thought you were attacking Varg. Varg only killed one person if I remember correctly.

>Stop watching porn
>or yall end up like dis

Bundy was a pansy who couldn't own up to it. Serial killers come from childhood head injuries and gettin' diddled.

But what if I don't want a sex partner? What if I just want to troll women in real life that I wouldn't have sex with them. What if I just want control of myself. Muslims might have it right by having their women cover up.