Remember - Thoth is a fake god

Thoth is a fake god
The globalists have seen how we get our power, and are trying to give us a false god
Although he was also created to divide us, so even if there is a big debate about Kek vs Thoth, we must never give up on our goals
But remember

Other urls found in this thread:

toth created the ogdoad, and thus kek. he isnt an enemy of kek. also you can worship and acknowledge multiple gods or enthities. monotheism was created to controll people better.
make a god>give him characteristic you want in the people>make him give humanity rules everyone has to obey>you got a slaverace

toth is the god of wisdom, knowledge and scribes (like writing on this board) and furthermore of balance and equilibrium. right now we have far too much evil, or at least far too strong evil, toth could balance that out.

he could be a valuable ally and isnt in any way enemy of kek

Thoth is here


people afraid of us summoning another god of the egyptian pantheon, this time toth whos power is similar to that of ra, and infinite in the underworld. he created the ogdoad (of which kek is part of) and the ogdoad created everything else. he is a mighty guy of wisdom, knowledge and balance, and his words are magical

>Anonymous (ID: sG/yRQLu) 01/13/17(Fri)13:36:43 No.106969572 (OP)
Fear Uncertainty Doubt

Divide Weaken Conquer

It's the same 5ish posters astroturfing in every thread, the most obvious being the swedish nigger, the russian, the bulgarian and the dane.

Just report them.

why is kek worship ok, but not toth?

How the fuck did Thoth become related to meme magic?

He delivered the digits...

praise Thoth

Amazing palindrome gets coincided with repeating gets, Kek approved of it many times

He's basically the deity of wisdom,knowledge,scripts etc
He's more of a wise man/mage than a chaotic random guy
still part of the chaos pantheon tho

Book of Thoth - Book of Palindromes - Chapter 1

Chapter 2 will be up soon

kek comes before the bringer of light, he is the god of primordial chaos remember?

Every time (((they))) try to take Thoth down this happens.

There was a thread earlier with a high concentration of palindromic meme magic with numerous 5 digit palindromes.
Also the Emerald Tablets of Thoth are BASED ancient greentext.

Remeber, multiple People getting Thots numbers 4 times in A ROW.

Rememer aso this one:Hail Thoth
Praise KEK

why do the mods delete it? are they legit afraid of having a second Kek on their hands?

kek has spoken, thoth is on our team
OwO and shadilay

Thoth approves

KEK confirms (((thoth))) as fake by changing the middle


I'm a full convert now after reading about this shit

some people just don't like change. others won't profit from having another "deity" on Sup Forums's side

Will do.

>fake God

If anything, that's Thoth.


Remember if you want Trump to have wisdom and strength you have to awake Thoth. Kek is the happenings, Thoth is the brains.

See this thread

Right? Aleister Crowley up in this motherfucker

Check out Chapter 2, pretty sure there's a lot of that in there

Chapter two is up

Whatcha reading? There was some user uploading some docs on mega, but thread got 404'd

>Kek shall bring in light
Then why is he the God of Darkness?
Conservatives BTFO

When did Thoth become a thing? last week nothing, now he is everywhere

KEK is done for now.
Let him rest!

that's just Chapter 2, see here

I have summed the reasons in pic related

It's not a thing just being shilled hard right now

I always thought Thoth was one of the coolest pagan gods because I always liked birds. Every year as a little kid I went to the Thoth parade during my city's Mardi Gras, and now I do work as a writer.

This is neat.



S H A D I L A Y !

Thoth is awakening. These are no coincidences. We must add him to the pantheon. Kek is our head, Thoth is a secondary.

Kek even confirms.


Reminder, Kek is still PRIMARY. Thoth is a SECONDARY. Should we assemble a full pantheon we will be powerful.

We MUST strike down the likes of Minerva and Moloch

I've seen memes you people wouldn't believe
Swiss bro summoning palindromes off the archives of Sup Forums
I have seen triples glittering in support of Thoth

All those digits will be lost... in time, like memes.. in the catalog

If i could give you 10 (YOU)'s, I would.
Nice job.


He has blessed you
Praise Kek

2017 will be the year the Old Gods rise.

feels like I'm going to go to hell just from reading this thread.

I have nothing against pagan "gods", it's just that I don't "trust" them

The order isn't as simple as that
Kek and Thoth have different power sets, we need them all

I can't do it all, I tremble to think of how many gets will be lost. Like Schweeden says here

kek brings light by submerging the world in darkness. after all, you can best see light in the dark.

someone link me to it I forgot to save the thread

Jesus - Lawful Good
Thoth - Neutral Good
Kek - Chaotic Good
Moloch - Lawful Evil
Minerva - Neutral Evil(?)

the god of redpills


>Lift thou thine eyes to the Cosmos.
>Lift thou thine eyes to the Light.
>Speak in the words of the Dweller,
>the chant that calls down the Light.
>Sing thou the song of freedom.
>Sing thou the song of the Soul.
>Create the high vibration
>that will make thee One with the Whole.
>Blend all thyself with the Cosmos.
>Grow into ONE with the Light.
>Be thou a channel of order,
>a pathway of LAW to the world.

P R A I S E !

I fucking hate kek and all this egyptian sandnigger horseshit. It has completely ruined Sup Forums

What has toth done for you lately?
>also checkem

Check urself before u shrek urself

Checked for Thoth.

Beware Jehuty, otherwise known as Thoth

I dislike it too, it's more cluttered now. Still, without Kek we would be in the Hillary timeline right now. So that's something.

Mods deleted it. I saved it (most of it at least) and will provide screencaps in future threads, for now I have to go.


So you trust the god which wished to hide the truth of the world from man? You wish to be protected by a god which is absent?

You are the true essence of weakness, cucked by faith and indoctrination.

We merely worship numbers, the numbers give us truth of the times. Praise Kek.

Praise be to thoth.

OwO to you too.

Shadilay, Brothers. Praise be to Kek and Thoth.

They will guide us through these times. It is always darkest before the light.

This is how we fight the bots so whats your big idea?

If you know the post numbers you can just look it up in the offsite archive.

i gained some trustissues too after finding out most high god in most religions are the equivalent of satan. toth seems based though. but better to look into it yourself and decide which god(s) you follow

Is Medjed a friend of Kek?

Note the hermit card and the pyramids in the upper left side right under the moon(symbol for Thoth)

You know nothing of the Ogdoad and how it was created.

Fuck off.


Digits imply yes

Thread number was

KEK worship has already peakes last summer

Funny that's when all the happenings were.

>thoth now part of meme magic
This really is best timeline

Palindromic numbers are infinitely more common than repeating ones. This will dilute and ruin your power. Thanks CIA!

Kek and Thoth part of the same pantheon and religious tradition. What's the conflict between them?

allies not enemies

I'm just wired like that, I believe in nothing, not even my own existence, everything is just a dream, a "state".
I have no quarrel with anyone, but that doesn't mean I will just randomly bend my knee and suck someone's cock without good reasons.

you still don't understand how this whole "pantheon of egyptian gods" thing works, do you?
listen to yourself
>the GLOBALISTS are getting SCARED so they MADE UP this WHOLE NEW GOD to steal our MEME MAGIC
it's pathetic

mighty Thoth give me wisdom. Glorious Kek give us the chaos for we are reborn after it! We must awaken them /po/tards, for if we awaken them all we can awaken the only one who will bring us victory over the madness!

pic related

shadilay i offer you my doubles, bless me with your power!

Redpill me on thoth guys

What can thoth do that kek can't, and what can kek do that thoth can't?

I have a Whole Screencap of a Thread I made, it got deleted after a while.

Where can i upload this?

So many digits to confirm.
But how can a mortal man know with true faith that it is so?


to the people saying we dont know what were messing with

but OwO is bro-tier.

>Ages to come shall see revival of wisdom
>to those who shall inherit thy place on this star.
>They shall, in turn, come into wisdom
>and learn to banish the darkness by Light.
>Yet greatly must they strive through the ages
>to bring unto themselves the freedom of Light.

I'm uploading the Verses onto Imgur and
Praise Toth


The one that delivers.

>Redpill me on thoth guys
tl;dr OG god wizard that may or may not help Sup Forums in conquering the world or in some other endevours.

i was like you my bozgor friend, but in the end all you do is awaken what is in you. that is the true purpose of religion

I'm confused. Who even is Thoth? Enlighten me.

why do you always want direct rewards? he is the one who brought us the writing so we can write on this very board, he is the one of knowledge and wisdom, which we all seek here. he is the one who brings the balance to the force

oh you mean it's an html? idk man, maybe Mega?

I was the second to last post in your chapter 2.

Started freaking out because 7/22 is my birthday.

Like clockwork.

Thoth confirms