The pantheon grows stronger: Kek AND Thoth, Shadilay AND OwO

They are trying to take the powers away from us.
This will not happen, the ancestral powers of the old ones will belong to man once again!

Christ is weak and clearly a front for the darkness and the lackeys of Moloch.
Bring back the ancients who brought upon man knowledge infinite and wisdom unbound.

Do we reach for the stars brothers?

Other urls found in this thread:

Brothers, we must secure our new lands in the name of the light. A beacon to inspir those within the darkness to shine brightly once again.

Thoth was an Atlantian.

>tablet 1
I, THOTH, the Atlantean, master of mysteries,
keeper of records, mighty king, magician,
living from generation to generation,
being about to pass into the halls of Amenti,
set down for the guidance of
those that are to come after,
these records of the mighty wisdom of Great Atlantis.

In the great city of KEOR on the island of UNDAL,
in a time far past, I began this incarnation.
Not as the little men of the present age did
the mighty ones of Atlantis live and die,
but rather from aeon to aeon did they renew
their life in the Halls of Amenti where the river of life
flows eternally onward.

A hundred times ten
have I descended the dark way that led into light,
and as many times have I ascended from the
darkness into the light my strength and power renewed.

Now for a time I descend,
and the men of KHEM (Khem is alchemy in ancient Egypt)
shall know me no more.

But in a time yet unborn will I rise again,
mighty and potent, requiring an accounting
of those left behind me.

Then beware, O men of KHEM,
if ye have falsely betrayed my teaching,
for I shall cast ye down from your high estate
into the darkness of the caves from whence ye came.

Betray not my secrets
to the men of the North
or the men of the South
lest my curse fall upon ye.

Remember and heed my words,
for surely will I return again
and require of thee that which ye guard.
Aye, even from beyond time and
from beyond death will I return,
rewarding or punishing
as ye have requited your trust.

Great were my people in the ancient days,
great beyond the conception of the
little people now around me;
knowing the wisdom of old,
seeking far within the heart of infinity
knowledge that belonged to Earth's youth.

Please remember to screencap these Threads.


Kek shakes the foundation of the corrupt, Thoth brings us the wisdom to rule on top of the ashes.

Kek is present so far

I must remind everyone that the frog god Kek speaks for another addition to this sacred gathering, as well.

The sacred numbers are evidence of this!


so here is a thougt. kek is known also for fertility as he is a frog, and kek is on our side, will this mean our numbers will grow? will our ideas spread and multiply?

toth is wisdom and knowledge, does his ressuraction mean both will come onto us? further more he is the balancing force. right now evil is stronger than ever, does this mean he will help us grow stronger/weaken the other side to bring balance to the force again?

furthermore we are currently shifting in the age of aquarius, the age of wonders and magic. is the pantheon rising the first wonder?

To summon Thoth, I believe we must triforce

Praise them!

Hey guys, whats going on this thread?

goddes of war? really? i dont know how to feel about it. i would like some bigger digits than just doubles

Remember that post

I summon Moloch to destroy thoth and return KEK to the abyss.
Moloch return to your place of power
The acrolites are busy with speak of herisay.
They have lost faith in KEK and now look to new gods

We bringing polytheism back

It's repeating doubles, the initial post got repeating fives. Everytime I have posted about this, doubles or palindrome numbers.

I'm tempted to go fully analogue with this and some fucking dice just to be sure.

Thoth is present!

Shadilay and OwO!!

i summon toth to give him knowledge of his faggotry and kek to make a dick in his ass happen

>mfw Kek and OwO are ancient memes that predate Christianity

Try harder. Try again.

Sacrafices my lord

should have added the pic. fuck moloch, aint getting our childs

You fools, Kek and Thoth are of the same clay. Bringing the pantheon back will only strengthen the potency of Kek

Use these and reclaim your thrown

Sacred numbers of Thoth noted!


We're probably going to have to get a priesthood going at this rate.

May everything jewish die 6 gorillion deaths, Kek be praised!

This is where I draw the line


its the year 5777 in the jewish calendar ..

What did Thoth mean by this? Did he want us to have the knowledge of the atrocities of Moloch? Truly this must be his purpose

>Christ is weak

Moloch Lord take these sacrafices

Mods are shutting this down hard. The shills are scared.

Check these palindromic digits

>mfw you seriously study religion you'll find that Thoth is Thor, Jesus, literally the planet jupiter and a son of Shiva.

Get him to do something

ovo, like the label of Drake, who is named after minerva, the owl of the secret societies?


Not long left on this one now

Once more for Kek

What was the latest showing of christ? Multi-culturalism and despair.

So close, we must meditate on the mysteries of Thoth.

Why Thoth? Did I miss something? First it was Baal, then Baal and Kek, then just Kek (during which time I witnessed the most amazing and unlikely of happenings, events, signs, and omens), and now Kek and Thoth?


Praise Thot!

"That light, am I, Intellect, thy God, who existed before the Liquid Substance which appeared from Darkness; but the Luminous Word which appeared out of the Intellect is the Son of God."

I used to look at these pictures and recoil in shock. I would get so shaken up by it, but nowadays I could stare at photos of dead children and not feel anything. I've lost my humanity thanks to this website. I hope and pray to God that Sup Forums gets shut down.

Someone will link it but we had a massive showing earlier today, the holy palindrome is real

I think I've just worked out an oracular system using d10s to learn the will of these two gods.

Who thinks I should work this out in full and share my findings?

Image unrelated. Shadilay. OwO

I want to believe.

I screencapped the thread from last night in which Thoth finally spoke to us in. I'll be making it into a colage and distributing later

Brothers I've seen a disturbing lack of holy palindromes and repeats. I think we have a massive infestation of the molochian hellspawn in this thread.

Who the fuck is OwO, are we furries now?

If so I a approve of this idea

>literally the planet jupiter
Wait, what?


guys what does OwO means and how is that related to thoth

You are chosen!!!


Only one off. Damn.

Well, I guess the gods aren't digging that shit today. Maybe because we're all new?

> 454
That's not what Thoth says

AM 5777 began at sunset on 2 October 2016 and will end at sunset on 20 September 2017.[2]

what's gonna happen

LET IT BE DONE!!! But uh could someone lrn me how to triforce? I never into'd memes of old.

Let them be cleansed. They offer us nothing but misery and chains.

Kek! Thoth! Aid us against their fuckery!


Everyone, this is our Kek Nasheed


Thoth is a false god.

Listen to the prophet Obama.

Great! You made this upload, right?


Forgot the image.

Thanks for the pali, pal

Ok wtf I believe

oh, I understand now. thanks

Thoth: God of knowledge, moon, measurement, wisdom, alphabet, records, thought, intelligence, meditation, the mind, logic, reason, reading, heiroglyphics, magic, secrets, scribes, writing.

Hermes: Messenger of the gods, god of trade, thieves, travelers, sports, athletes, border crossings, guide to the Underworld.

Mercury (Mercurius): God of financial gain, commerce, messages/communication, travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery, thieves. Also considered the god of sleeps and dreams, and guides souls of the dead through the underworld. Greek counterpart is Hermes.

Odin (Wotan): Associated with healing, death, royalty, the gallows, knowledge, battle. sorcery, poetry, frenzy, runic alphabet. Odin/Wotan is derived from words that mean seer, prophet, mad, frantic, and furious.

Praise the Old Ones

Isaiah 40:26
Lift up your eyes on high And see who has created these stars, The One who leads forth their host by number, He calls them all by name; Because of the greatness of His might and the strength of His power, Not one of them is missing.

jupiter, along with the other planets are not planets, but wandering stars. and it has a name, as jupiter is the son of god.

there's a lot of research and randomness that goes into this, that i couldn't fit into a 2000 character post.

well, zeus is jupiter, and i heard jesus was a mockname given by the greek meaning "hail zeus" or something like that, so its plausible. no idea bout toth and thor though

Taking the roleplay to next levels

Thoth is Odin.


gensis 1:2 takes place roughly after Ragnarok.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

the grammar in the original Hebrew implies that the earth and heavens were full of life, and had become dark, and void without form. because Ragnarok happened.

Thoth, should the anglos be blamed for ww2?

I genuinely believe I am the antichrist

Same.praise Kek & Thoth


That pic isnt real, is it?

> 878
> Egypt

Holy Kek and OwO!

other user was so kind screencapping the gets, here is chapter 1 and 2 of it.

second link almost has owo in it

do yout hink user delivers chapter 3?

also be carefull when refreshing. always refreshin another tab if you didnt read the whole thread. mods like to delete these

Unite Kek and Thoth in the Patheon. We are the jews now.

Fuggety fug


No that wasn't me. The thread I am speaking of is when user got ODIN ID and another user confirmed with trips.

I believe thats where it all started

Hey, fuck it. Let's see where this goes. At least I'm willing to push some boundaries once in a while.

This board has apparently resurrected an ancient chaos god, memed a man into the white house, and is... What?

That's right, resurrecting ANOTHER fucking deity from the same pantheon. Possibly two since Sekhmet was acknowledged by Kek as coming down the pipe.

Everything seems to be up for grabs, right now. Let's see how far down this crazy fucking rabbit hole goes.

I genuinely believe to be Lucifer who is a redeemed angel.
What a time to be alive.

Don't damn Thoth you moron, it's not a lottery you taking

Really marinates the noggin'

Oh, ok.

I woul like the whole screencap though.

thoth is a son and servant of the eternal fire.

minor differences in pantheons don't matter

norse mythology is rough, but basically Yahweh still created them, and the confrontation between Ice, and Fire.

i find the consistency between Brahman (hindu) Aether (ancient greek) and yahweh to be too similar to ignore, and the planets are definitely up to some spooky shit

Egypt was divided between Horus and Set. After years of conflict, they raced boats of stone.
>stone boats
fucking ironclads

Horus made a lighter boat, and won:
>"The smaller, nimbler, and faster Monitor was able to outmaneuver the larger, slower Virginia”

>god of kingship
big government democrats
>god of sky and the black land and the regions near the sea in Lower Egypt
blue, blacks, coastal

>god of the desert, foreigners, and the red land of Upper Egypt
red states, in the deserts and upstream the great river (Mississippi)
got later demonized by the worshippers of Horus, just like the South got demonized
foreigners = outsiders => Trump

Thoth will bring balance
the south will rise again
people of Set will overthrow the tyranny of the worshippers of Horus and they will be equal in the pantheon once more!

The image needs an explaination about Thoth Odin connection

OwO be praised
I knew it!

but for some reason, the earth isn't flat

So Kek (chaos) was needed to usurp the establishment, and now that there will be a new POTUS, Thoth (order) is needed to bring harmony?

What happens to Pepe in all of this?

There's pyramids in China as well, but the Chinese government is extremely hush-hush about it and is purposefully planting trees over them to cover them up.

I hope Trump knows this.





We want to be acknowledged as an religion for tax excempt status.

Digits confirm!
