Katy Perry UTTERLY BTFOs Drumpf


>Haru is an 89 year old American woman of Japanese heritage who grew up in Riverside, California. She recalls how her family was put on a registry and incarcerated in an internment camp where they were forced to remain for four years. Then Haru stops talking and does something unexpected...

am I stupid or she wearing a layer of fake old lady skin?

don't answer that. I don't want to know.

Oh man, how dare a fucking country that gets attacked want to control it's population from the country who attacked it to prevent any further attack.

oh shit. wtf. the answer is both.

Creepy shit..Let this shit die don't forget to sage

When we discuss internment are we ever going to acknowledge that we did this because the Japs annihilated almost our entire navy in a sneak attack? No of course not we just put them in a camp because.

I don't get it.

I literally got nothing from the video.

Is the last woman supposed to represent Muslims or something? Isn't that a bit racist of them to imply that Islam = Arabs..when 20% of Muslims are Arabs?


This make me rage so much.

Fucking stupid shit, fucking stop Westerns!
You literally lose rightfull clays and stop claiming the lands, you completely give away a whole region like the Middle-East
You let Christians and Whites being literally genocide in Africa and Middle-East.
You let refugees make crime in your countries.
And then fucking Liberals wanna make you feel guilty because you're "too racist" toward them.

Fuck. Katy. Perry.

When will this stop already?

tits or stfu

I studiously ignore goon faced mugly hags.

there's literally nothing associated to Katy Perry and this video

so let's turn this into a katy perry thread

post her tits



wtf i hate trump now

>New Zealand was going to be ethnically cleansed by Japanese
>She complains about being put in a camp
Wow really roasts the almonds.

>muh camps


>dat pic.
Kek! That's real dank right there my nigga.

This. She is fucking retarded.

But then, Libshits don't get the notion of a Trojan horse attack, hence why we are being culturally enriched by the Arab world.

Well boo hoo. Filthy Nips got sent to internment camps.

>japanese people were ready to blow themselves up for their Emperor
>keeping potential threats under check so they don't create a Fifth Column
>somehow bad

Based N Zedder knows what's up.


thats what they get cause they killed patton right sorry im new here

We should deport them, not intern them. Don't make the same mistake Hitler did.

Katy Perrys Head Utterly BTFO

who the fuck cares what that dumb cunt thinks

Is this the best ((they))) have?

>The japanese massacred Chinese civilians and cut their heads off for sports
>America temporarily kept Japanese civilians in camps to prevent them from sabotaging the war effort

The only mistake Americans made was not following the advice of John von Neumann: Dropping the a-bomb in the cultural capital of Kyoto to destroy the spirit of Japan for the rest of time.

waahh bad stuff happened once under different circumstances waahh why isn't the past the same as the present? waahhh

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with these people

I get sociopath chills watching crap like this, the propaganda is off the charts

Isn't FDR the biggest liberal hero of all time?

Sure, it would've been an amazing idea not not lock down the people harboring close ties with the enemy until the end of the war.

It's not like the people complaining would ever have to take any responsibility for nips blowing up shit and sabotaging to help their friends and families at home.

This is the whole point in this "absolute morality". It's an obvious lie, liberalism is a scam. Traitors will always favor a society not protecting their members, and they will always speak up against fascism, nationalism, not because it's bad for the people nationalism want to protect, but because it hinders their agenda to destroy them.

There is no sense other than deception in all of this, people, who speak up for decolonization and native rights and condemn the white conquest of America would deny the same right to the White communities in America and Europe.

But now even advanced societies in Asia: Japan, Korea or even China. Not even because these people are so closely linked in a monolithic organization, but because this is the mo of the traitors, who want to profit from destroying the societies they live in.

They are selfish people, they pursue their interests recklessly, only those interests are against the people similar to them.

did Katy Perry secretly made a banepost?

>no one cared who i was until i put on the mask

>Japanese-Americans get put in interment camps by a social-democrat

Really got me thinking...

FDR was a Democrat


"YAAAAS slay"

it's ok to impersonate someone else.
in her mind's eye it's real.

Is this a holocaust denial thread? Because it looks like they are admitting it was the practice to put problematic people in camps in wartime.

>can't behead someone with one hit
What a bunch of fags.

but user, it was WRONG

Wtf she doesn't sound Japanese this is fake

This is retarded my family had to stay in a camp when they came as refugees from Hungary to Canada and we didn't chimp out or get fucking pissed I want a registry of Hungarians in Canada because 90% of them are fucking gypsies on welfare I want them deported I don't give a fuck if you're brown back yellow or ayyy lmao get the fuck out my country if you don't assimilate. I told my mom that because she keeps saying Canada sucks so I told her fuck off and go back to Hungary now she won't talk to me

As an asian amaerican I find this offensive. I mean a white guy to play Iron Fist and now a derka derka plays an asian grandma.

When you were in the camp, Did any officials bring you food, but before giving it to you, said "Are you Hungary?" and then smile at you? I'm just wondering. That would be funny.

Nice bait. Everybody knows what you're doing.

I actually thought she was a puppet from the tumbnail.

I wasn't, this was in the 1950's when the Russians invaded and took over the country. My uncle was wanted because he was part of the revolution, he escaped from the country, my grandma and Great grandma left too. They escaped to Austria because they lived near the border but all the donated food from the countries giving us aid was stolen by the Austrian soldiers all the refugees got was cold tea and bread, but they did complain they were happy they didn't have to get the weekly ration of one piece of meat at 5am. They went to Germany by train and left on a ship and were at sea for 11 days before arriving in New Brunswick, they took a train to Quebec and my great grandmother was given a job in a factory. In Canada was the first time in my lif met family saw toilet paper and an indoor washroom they couldn't believe there was hot running water they didn't have that in Hungary.
This is what pisses me off about refugees today, they're living in luxury they have everything here their shithole country has nothing and they don't care or appreciate it. I can sort of tolerate having them if they were at least happy to be in our country but they aren't, they come in and start raping and stabbing people. Fuck them

What was the point of this video?