Tell me Republicans

Why has all the libertarian "muh free market" and "anti-cronyism" bullshit you guys spew gone out the fucking window with Trump? The GOP senate voted AGAINST ALLOWING importation of drugs from Canada. The only Republicans to vote for it were libertarian leaning Republicans like Rand Paul. How is that not government monopoly and cronyism at the highest order? How is wanting to abolish the ethics office not corrupt as fuck? What about Trump not releasing his taxes and shady connections to foreign overseas interests and oligarchs?

The tea party is dead and Trump and the GOP killed it.

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>The GOP senate voted AGAINST ALLOWING importation of drugs from Canada.

Supporting U.S made stuff. I hope Trump taxes the shit out of Chinese made crap that gets imported.

When other countries like China and Mexico abuse our trade to make a fuck ton of money we need to be smart. hillary would have pretty much ended U.S manufacturing with the TPP.

>File: The evolution of Alex Jones, Stefan Molyneux, and Sup Forums.jpg

>Supporting U.S made stuff.

How's that been working over the last couple decades? Did you know we are the only country on the planet that doesn't allow for the importation of drugs to our country?

Never Hillary, faggot

>hillary would have pretty much ended U.S manufacturing with the TPP

You mean the thing Trump's Security of State Rex Tillerson supports and how Trump will probably enact something worse than TPP?

They were ineffectual cucks who got subverted faster than the occupy wall street protesters

>Never Hillary, faggot

Great, you are still left with shit.

Time to just rename this /natsoc/, so people stop getting confused.

Personally I'm still
>muh free market
And I hate the idea of putting tariffs on businesses who outsource. Don't give a shit about the tax return thing though, why would anyone?

Still, that being said, would you rather Hilary be in office right now? Neither candidates were totally free market but trump was closer than hilldawg. Really as simple as that.

>Time to just rename this /natsoc/

More like /r/the_donald

>implying Sup Forums isn't pro-Israel and pro-LGBT

Couldn't resist. :3
Cutest little furry family pic.

Only Lolberg Jews believe in "free markets" Protectionism is king. The Free market isn't a new untried economic thought, it used to be called laissez-faire and it's shit.

Trump has not ideology other than power

Hes just running smoke screens to keep everyone off balance and confused. He only ran as an R because it served him too. Trump will use the language of conservatives while articulating a massive public works project and the rhetoric of occupy while nominating people like Rex Tillerson for cabinet spots.

Trump is using the playbook Vladislav Surkov made for Putin that has allowed him to hold onto power in Russia

if you weren't a moron you'd understand why importing "drugs" is not just competitive problem but a legal and safety problem. go ahead and get your families scripts filled from china though.

more twisted arguments. just fuck off.

Yes goy allow big government monopolies and corporations to rule you. Don't abolish their power by diminishing the state.

>but a legal and safety problem.

Didn't know Canada is African teir country. Shit I guess we better watch out for the drugs from there since it's such a third world shit hole.

Yup, Trump's America will be like Putin's Russia, a sad decaying remnant of a former glorious power with peso populist and patriotic rhetoric to hide the fact they are robbing us blind.

>he thinks corporations won't be the defacto state if the government isn't castrated.
>he thinks marxists won't take advantage of a weaker state.
Top Kek.

>he thinks corporations won't be the defacto state if the government isn't castrated.

How do you know? It's never been tried before retard.