Paneuropean Union and Kalergi plan

We don't talk enough about the Kalergi plan, nu/pol/ spends too much time shitposting and not enough time educating the newfags.
Today let's talk about the Paneuropean Union and Kalergi plan.

For those who don't know, Richard Nicolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi was mixed japanese/austrian ideologue whose work found a lot of echo among european leaders and intelectuals (like Freud, Einstein, Churchill, Schumann, Briand, etc...) before and after WW2.
He is considered one of the fathers of the today European Union and has advocated for Paneuropeanism during his whole life, his teachings are still considered as a reference among pro-european leaders.

Here you have the script of Practical idealism from Richard Nicolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi:

Kalergi on the "man of the future" and destroying diversity
>The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.

The comparaison with the british:
>The precursor of the planetary man of the future is the Russian Slavic-Tatar-Finnish mongrel of modern Europe; because he, among all the peoples of Europe, is the race of the typical multi-soul people with a wide ranging, encompassing soul. His strongest antipode is the insular Briton, the highly bred single minded man whose strength typically lies in the character, in the will - he provides modern Europe with the most closed, perfect type: the Gentleman.

Other urls found in this thread: News Highlights of the Week&utm_content=01&utm_campaign=GEN News Highlights of the Week_20170114

On the jewish leadership and philosmitism
>The highest requirement demands that aristocracy coincides with nobility, and leadership coincides with a model: that leadership falls to the perfect man. From the mass of European humanity, two quality races stand out: blood aristocracy and Jewry. Separated from each other, they both hold firmly to the belief in their higher mission, of their better blood, to human differences in rank. In these two heterogeneous and preferred breeds lies the core of future European nobility: aristocracy in the feudal blood, as far as he did not let himself be corrupted by capital or the court, and aristocracy in the Jewish brain.

On the future jewish aristocracy
>Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.

About the intellectual « jewishness» of Europe
>Christianity, (John), through the ethical Jewish Essenes and spiritually Jewish Alexandrians (Philo) regenerated Jewry. As far as Europe is Christian, it is (in the ethical and spiritual sense) Jewish; as far as Europe is moral, it is Jewish. Almost all European ethics are rooted in Judaism. All champions of religious or irreligious Christian morality, from Augustine to Rousseau, Kant and Tolstoy, were Jews by choice in the spiritual sense; Nietzsche is the only non-Jewish, the only pagan ethicist in Europe. The most prominent and the foremost proponents of Christian ideas which are present in its modern reincarnation are pacifism and socialism, and these are Jewish.

Have a bump for effort

yeah i tried to make a thread about this a few months ago, did not work, apparently they dont want to swallow this pill

Thank you, French user. May Kek bless your ways.


Never trust the Frenchman's flattery.

Kalergi was also a member of the Vienna freemason lodge.
I would be in favour of a united Europe for the benefit of the native Europeans, but the EU is the opposite of it. They will flood our countries with negroes till there is nothing left.

The archive shat itself but you have the link of the original site in the top bar (I can't post it since it is considered as spam).

I advise to read at least the chapters:

All french and german speaking posters should read this book (it doesn't take long, two hours at best) to understand the diseased utopic delirium of our pro-europe leaders.
It's basically the very core of the ideology behind the EU.

Here you have the french version

Here the german one:

I will try to post about it more often.
Also we should keep a redpill/news thread about the EU all the time, it's a more difficult and maybe less fun topic than race realism or Islam but that's the biggest threat for europeans by far as we are talking.
The migrant crisis is just a manifestation of the European Union action, it could be stopped completly tomorrow by stationning few dozens of ships around Lybian coast and soldiers in Greece and Romania if we decided, they are just purposfully enabling it.

Bump, this is important goys.

Nice work frenchbro

This is old news to me and to a lot of us, that's probably why you don't get many replies. It's hard to judge how many actual newfags we are getting. I agree on having a redpill/question thread up at all times.

>if a lot of people look like you, you must be living well

Yes, I can't properly describe to you how good it feels to wake up and see people who look, act, think and speak similar to me. Especially after spending time around negros and gypsies. It really puts things into perspective.

Read it long time ago, quite short text actually.
Thought it was just some Crazy guy.
Later found out, it was the Founder of EU.
Well, how possible?

By God did that man fucking fail his pre-assumptions. His fucking project ravished the entire west.


Those who are just now hearing about this should say it, so we have an idea on how many newfags there are now

yes because there is only two races white and not white

The Kalergi plan is essentially crypto-communism, the Jewish drive for global supremacy, and the enslavement of gentiles. They want a slave race with no culture or identity they can easily control and rule over. That entails removing white people from Europe and America.

People don't even realize that all the mass immigration, forced race-mixing, and migrant/refugee crisis we're witnessing are a part of it.

To this day, people who manage to further the Kalergi plan are given out awards specifically made for this goal, like Angela Merkel in 2010.

>Juncker receives Kalergi prize 2014

>Van Rompuy receives Kalergi prize 2012

>Merkel receives Kalergi prize 2010

Kalergi is one batshit crazy perfect gentleman.




Also Sutherland deserves more attention, as much as Soros in fact, he isn't jew but he could be one.


Interesting quotes. He seems utterly convinced that we should be obedient goys. Thanks.

Kalergi wasn't a Jew (supposedly), but he was a self-loathing halfbreed, a philosemite and he was funded almost entirely by Jews.

Most of the people who have gone on to implement his plans have been Jews.

Here's another quote the baguettefag omitted:

>The prominent position held by Jewry these days is owed to its spiritual supremacy which enables it to win the spiritual battle over enormous superior numbers of favored, hateful, jealous rivals.

>Modern anti-Semitism is one of the many reactionary phenomenons of the mediocre against the supreme; it is a new form of ostracism applied against a whole people.


Good thread, french camarade.

Kallergi did nothing wrong

>The prominent position held by Jewry these days is owed to its spiritual supremacy which enables it to win the spiritual battle over enormous superior numbers of favored, hateful, jealous rivals.

>Modern anti-Semitism is one of the many reactionary phenomenons of the mediocre against the supreme; it is a new form of ostracism applied against a whole people.

And how is this wrong exactly?

etymology of diversity (n.)

mid-14c., "quality of being diverse," mostly in a neutral sense, from Old French diversité (12c.) "difference, diversity, unique feature, oddness:" also "wickedness, perversity," from Latin diversitatem (nominative diversitas) "contrariety, contradiction, disagreement;" also, as a secondary sense, "difference, diversity," from diversus "turned different ways" (in Late Latin "various"), past participle of divertere (see divert).

Negative meaning, "being contrary to what is agreeable or right; perversity, evil" existed in English from late 15c. but was obsolete from 17c. Diversity as a virtue in a nation is an idea from the rise of modern democracies in the 1790s, where it kept one faction from arrogating all power (but this was not quite the modern sense, as ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, etc. were not the qualities in mind):

The dissimilarity in the ingredients which will compose the national government, and still more in the manner in which they will be brought into action in its various branches, must form a powerful obstacle to a concert of views in any partial scheme of elections. There is sufficient diversity in the state of property, in the genius, manners, and habits of the people of the different parts of the Union, to occasion a material diversity of disposition in their representatives towards the different ranks and conditions in society. ["The Federalist," No. 60, Feb. 26, 1788 (Hamilton)]

Specific focus (in a positive sense) on race, gender, etc. is from 1992.

But I thought you Jews were just poor misunderstood victims who just wanted to keep to themselves?

Why do you need to engineer the genocide of other people if you're so good?

A fucking Greek

I know. I actually turned a lot of libshits into ethnonationalists IRL just by showing them Kalergi(I'm Bavarian)

There is a war on European purity. Most of USA are just 50 shades of negro. Look at this map. Do you know where Federal Gov dumps all the somalis and nigger rapefugees? In racially pure Minnesota and Dakotas

>There is a war on European purity.
But by whom?
By Kalergi? Why?

By jews and race traitors. Racially mongrelised population is a pathway to easily controlled degenerates and police state. Just look at Brazil and Ukraine

underrated thread. pol sucks these days


Aren't Kalergi's quotes more of a prediction than a plan?

>Racially mongrelised population is a pathway to easily controlled degenerates and police state. Just look at Brazil and Ukraine

Finally somebody said it correctly.




That's why those who mongrelise Europe get his award every two years .....

fuck, time to actually read it then

The nice thing about the Kalergi plan, and its relation to the EU, is that it's available for everyone to see, and there is definite proof of its existence.

With a lot of other similar documents, they were usually destroyed or people will claim they're "forgeries" (like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion), but this one is clearly outlined and everyone can see that Kalergi wrote it.

You can't say it's just an "anti-semitic canard", and the man explictly mentions Jewish involvement.

provide this small data to your libshits friends. Sourced and documented fact of genocide turns them either into ethnonationalists or cognitive dissonance

Weaponized Neurotic Induction. Kek.

Practical Idealism less a manifesto than an essay on the EU ideology.
People speak about a "plan" because we are basically one step after another moving to what Kalergi proposed when he campaigned in politics:
- removing the sovereignity of the states (and so self determination)
- building an union that doesn't only relies on shared a economy and currency (basically the opposing of what anglos wanted and why they left)
- common army (which we are slowly moving to)

A lot of the Kalergi writings are esoteric though like Evola (when he talks about chivalry, heroism and opposes paganism to christianity), even if they are radically opposed when it comes to the actual ideology.

This clip always go unappreciated.

The EU hands out a fucking award named after him too.

It's hidden in plain sight, damn idiots don't bother to put the pieces together.

It's inaccurate to say the award was named after him (because it isn't, the name is "Charlemagne Prize"), however it was created to honour him.

The most biting irony is how its creator presented it:
>the Charlemagne Prize reaches into the future, and at the same time it embodies an obligation - an obligation of the highest ethical value. It is directed at a voluntary union of the European peoples without constraint, so that in their newfound strength they may defend the highest earthly goods - freedom, humanity and peace - and safeguard the future of their children and children's children."



There is a Kalergi Award TOO

It's really sad what happened to Nick Griffin and the BNP.

The man was character assassinated because of it, they even allowed him on Question Time specifically for that purpose.

Is there another politician who's even close to having mainstream exposure who mentioned the Kalergi plan?


Yeah, he really should've become a bigger name than he did. He's the only one who had the balls to name the Jew and refused to sell out to Zionists, unlike the EDL and similar movements.

Absolutely correct




My bad, indeed there is:

I never heard about it on the opposite of the Charlemagne Prize, there are absolutely no article from MSM about it in french or english.

Fuck, I wish he wasn't out thrown out of the FN. He was 100% right about Sarkozy too.

>(((Sarkozy))) on forced misecegenation


Bump, important subject

Future MLP cabinet if elected

MLP's daughter

>my daughter is a SJW tumblirina, give me the codes

>Nietzsche is the only non-Jewish, the only pagan ethicist in Europe.

Thank you based Fritz

Jean Marie was right but he was kind of coward in a way, he never wanted power and was happy with opposition.
He knew very well that if he wasn't such a provocateur the FN would have already been in the parliament since a long time.

I'm kind of salty when it comes to him, a man like Farage for example understood well that if you want to play as a politican and bring change you have to respect a set of rules.
>inb4 Trump
Trump never was remotely as hardcore as Jean Marie Le Pen is, in fact all the Trump supposed "political incorectness" is pure exaggeration from liberal medias.

give me a tl;dr

>I can't read 7 paragaph to have the most insightful understanding of EU endgoal


EU is created to turn Europeans into mongrels with jewish overlord


Out in the open

Jews want to create a global government to rule over all non-Jews in the world.

Communism, the EU, and pushing mass immigration, race-mixing, and the genocide of white people in Europe and America are part of that. It's the main reason why your country is being flooded with migrants and refugees, and soon if Swedes don't fight back they will go extinct and get replaced by Mudslimes.



>just 8,000 jews in the all of Sweden

Seen it. Wrong. It started with Olaf Palme.



How long before the British and U.S. Navies begin the evacuation of ethnic Europeans from the continent to save them from the throat cutters. I fear there will be too few to save the culture before they wake up and realize they are in mortal danger.

Fucking retard. Britain and USA are cucked the most

Show proofs.

Both this Swedish oldfag, and Kevin MacDonald (who's pretty much the leading expert in the evolution of immigration policies in the West and Jewish influence) say it was Schwarz and everything I read about him and immigration data from Sweden indicate it's true.


He cancelled eugenics and supported anti-apartheid in SA. Enough?

You are in open war with the throat cutters in your own country. Don't lecture us about cuckery you could have solved your problem long ago.

Bump with genetic origins of culture. News Highlights of the Week&utm_content=01&utm_campaign=GEN News Highlights of the Week_20170114

This is factual truth.
And destroying culture destroys civilization based on it.

Kalergi plan is anti-civilization and crime against humanity.

Did he have anything to do with the liberalization of immigration policies? You can be against those things without supporting mass immigration. For example Americans stopped slavery in the 1860s, but only opened the floodgates to non-European immigration 100 years ago later with Jews like Celler, Javits, and organizations like the ADL and the American Jewish Congress leading the charge.

I swallow, friend.

>Did he have anything to do with the liberalization of immigration policies?
>mass migration
Even one racially impure subhuman is enough to ruin a nation

> to ruin a entire continent (whole world, actually)


> liberalization of immigration policies.

No. The free movement of people is a pillar of the "Free Market", alongside the free movement of products and capital.

If you're against free movement your enemy is Neoliberal Capitalism.

Liberalization exactly means what the leaf means.
Liberal comes from liberty which comes from "liberté", a synonym of freedom (libre=free).

Liberty and freedom are the same thing, it is just that one is latin and the other germanic.

The fact that leftists coopted the term "liberal" doesn't mean they are actually liberal, in fact today american conservatives are far more liberal than the leftists who are basically socialists.

I'm aware of what "liberal" means.

Our brothers across the water have associated "liberal" with the "left", erroneously.



I'd fuck your daughter, maybe I can redpill her with my cock.