Leftypol educates Sup Forums

Thread #2

Previous thread: >there are people who unironically believe Hillary Clinton was left wing


Other urls found in this thread:


go back to antifachan

>coops are bad

>There are people who think that Stalin won WW 2 because of communism
>There are people who still don't believe in race

>Co-ops work just as well on the macro scale as on the micro scale


>left vs right is a useful dichotomy
It's tradition vs progression. But no, she wasn't really left wing besides holding "left wing" social policies.

I don't care what her wing was, I hated her and her positions. Whether or not she actually believed what she said is irrelevant.

>every leftist I don't like is antifa

Well memed

>"muh clines"

I'm glad this thread is up. One of you commie faggots was telling me how he didn't want to buy back what "he made" and so didn't purchase buyback options in his company.

This is a retarded idea, because he didn't single-handedly make the finished product. He's proving his own greed by his desire to claim responsibility for an entire product that he obviously didn't make himself. Nor did he do the marketing for that product, nor provide the infrastructure that allowed that product to be made, nor did he perform the legal work to ensure the product was tested and safe to use, nor did he actively distribute that product to regions where it would sell, nor did he engage in contract negotiations with stores to act as middlemen in selling his product.

You would literally have to be brain-damaged to not want to buy stock in your own company if the company was a good one; if the company was shit and you felt its value would depreciate, then you'd be better off buying ETFs, which is you investing in other companies' work.

>stocks are a ponzie scheme
No, they're an appreciation of the value of a company, unless you look at micro cap stocks, which are purchased mainly through trading algorithms--then yes, those are ponzie schemes, but why in the fuck would you be working for a company whose stock traded on the pink sheets anyway?

>Hillary isnt left wing you guys!

>shills endlessly for Clinton over Trump

really made me think

>All the races should mix
>Losing the native Americans was a tragedy
>Diversity is our strength

Please disprove Lewontin's fallacy and all egebtic research? Why is it the vast majority of biologists and geneticist believe in race but you don't?


>He's trying to get communists into economics

Most probably haven't even read through das kapital

1. I never said I wouldn't buy back my surplus value, because that's the best hand I'm dealt under capitalism
2. It is a ponzi scheme if I have to exploit my own labor to create the surplus value, that creates the stock, that I then need to buy. People higher up the arbitrary ladder will always have a higher income than me, hence they will always have more stock available to them for purchase. We're left at the same place we began.

>capitalist calling others greedy
made me kek, honestly.

Nice pure ideology

Capitalism is the most failed ideology. The only reason is still exist is because porkies keep desperately trying to hold it up so they can exploit more workers.

Arguments made = 0
Good job guys, really made right wingers look intelligent.

Actually, here's what really ends up happening.

Retarded bitches, faggots, lesbians mudslimes and niggers come here and 1 of 2 things end up happening.

1. They realize they really cant fuck with us, and leave from the mental torment they literally have caused themselves.

2. They learn, as painful as it may be.....and then become one of us

>Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

She was left wing in social politics which is worse

Amnesty and refugees would do unreversable damage

She was a neoconservative which is right wing

>when trumpfags try to argue

what exactly is leftypol
I've only hopped into Sup Forums recently, since it seems like /tg/ keeps getting so many Sup Forumsish immigrants shitting up threads as of late

Leftist board on the hotwheels imageboard


>there are people who unironically believe Hillary Clinton was left wing
>we will never let you see what our real ideals are because then you can't tell us how we're wrong
>if you do we can just say "not real communism" and that justifies us in our minds and that's good enough

Back to kripchan you go.

It doesn't matter what she was.

She's a completely irrelevant loser.

Go back to cripplechan, cock mongers.

People actually stayed there?

I'd like to be the first to congratulate the left for infiltrating this shit hole, racist, backward thinking waste of space. The left shall always win, the right is doomed. If you seek the truth you need only look left.

Look left? Surprised you can even see anything through the mosques up and down you street.

We don't hate on Muslims. They do nothing wrong, it's the whites in power who are to blame for all the chaos.