When do we retake Virginia, gentlemen?

when do we retake Virginia, gentlemen?

Floridafag here willing to help for the purpose of bringing glory back to Robert E Lee's name!!!

What happened to Virginia that it flipped to blue? did a bunch of faggots from Maryland immigrate? Also what made West Virginia turn deep red after 2000?

dubbbzzzzzzzzzzzz confirm new rebel army!

a bunch of northernfags settled in northern virginia

soon my friend. Bama is ready

Looking at modern day Atlanta, I'd get behind another burning.


Daily Reminder that the Rothschilds help to fund the CSA in order to divide and weaken the US

I don't know what happened to WV. Maybe it was the anti-coal, CO2 , greenhouse gas alarmist rhetoric, and it's a state that heavily depended on coal mining jobs to keep food on the table. An already poor state had a lot of it's mines shut down due to regulation against coal, justified by 'humans are causing global warming' rhetoric.

But I'm not sure when all that went down so maybe that doesn't have to do with the switch to red in 2000.

Not to say all regulation is bad. Regulation specifically against strip mining (aka mountain-top removal) would be great.

But regulations against other mining methods because of some CO2 boogeyman is ridiculous.

There are a shit ton of arabs and blacks here.

Yes, but mainly liberals/government employees and Indians have moved in and are taking over NOVA. They all tend to be bluepilled and very rich(they can afford the area)

This info is coming from me living in the NOVA area and seeing it transform into trash right before my eyes.

Virginia has always had a ton of blacks. Despite this it was often a republican state because the whites weren't fags and still outnumbered the large nog population.

But then a lot of Yankee faggots moved to NoVa and voted to turn it into the places they left.

Also correct, they came for the "guvberment jobs"

>faggots from Maryland
Its the same thing that made MD such a shithole. Yankees looking to live near DC for government work.

What do you mean retake? It was democrat then, and it's democrat now.

NoVa and niggers ruined the state

We need to bring back the Byrd Machine.

It kept our state running like clockwork while all the other states in the region were suffering. And as soon as it ended, manufacturing collapsed in Virginia.

Bob McDonnell legitimately did nothing wrong.

>anti-coal, CO2 , greenhouse gas alarmist rhetoric, and it's a state that heavily depended on coal mining jobs to keep food on the table. An already poor state had a lot of it's mines shut down due to regulation against coal, justified by 'humans are causing global warming' rhetoric.
That's untrue
What's killing coal is Natural Gas development, it's way cheaper and easier to use than coal

Here's a Map i made based on living here (may not be entirely accurate, but its generally what you see)


>tfw trapped in Arlington for at least another year

Do you ever run into the hwhite man?

I Feel your pain... Im trapped in LC

>average fairfax resident

Pretty much only at home, and even then nearby black neighborhoods invade ours at random.