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Does this mean Africans are pure blood human?

We are descendent from the Homo Sapiens sapiens after all and they are 100% HS while Whites are part Neanderthal.

If you watch the video, he explains that europeans are equal to neandethals + evolution. With a few percentage of mixing.

Exactly... so Africans are pure breed human since they don't have mixed DNA.

Well. They still evolved. And are a lot of different races. So I don't know how you make them pure breed.

What is fascinating is how some people believe "There are not races, there is only the human race" when the DNA show you how different we are and that we are evolving in different paths.

I don't think there is a species as diverse as the human and yet the rest of the animals have "races"

Holy fuck this guy in an idiot, Europeans are not mostly Neanderthals. East Asians have more Neanderthal DNA than Europeans.

He explained that part in the video, fucking leaf.

We have genomes from Denisovans. Asians don't score higher because of Denisovan DNA.

He is a retard who obviously didn't even take the time to read a single study on the subject.

>Fucking leaf
Did you even watch the video?

Fuck off with your graphs obamaleaf

why does he want so hard to be a neanderthal?
they we just literally manlet cavemen.

cavemen got blacked just like Europeans are now.

I did watch the whole video, it was all retarded bullshit.

Neanderthals had blonde hair blue eyes and light skin? Wrong. Light skin evolved 10,000 years ago , which was 30,000 years after Neanderthals went extinct. The only thing they contributed was genetics for red hair. All that bullshit on skull shape and physiology? None of it factual. His points about Denisovans? Totally wrong. Denisovans are well studied and most related to Australian Aborigines.

Don't be rude, Varg is just a victim of the dunning-kruger effect

t. homo sapiens

He's obviously got his DNA tested and came back with some ridiculously high percentage of Neanderthal ancestry (explaining how stupid he is), now he's convinced DNA testing is a conspiracy against him. Pathetic loser.

The only place in the world today you will find people with low sloping foreheads is in semites and africans.

Degenerate Neanderthals

There are a couple of new papers out on how utterly fucked-up Neanderthals must have been, The Genetic Cost of Neanderthal Introgression by Kelley Harris and Rasmus Nielsen, and The Strength of Selection Against Neanderthal Introgression, by Ivan Juric, Simon Aeschbacher, and Graham Coop. The basic idea is the same in both: the effective population size of Neanderthals was considerably lower than that of anatomically modern humans (which makes sense, considering glaciation), and this had negative consequences. Theory says that selection is less effective in small populations: mutations with small negative effects (s < 1/2N) are not much noticed by selection and accumulate. Judging from the Neanderthal genomes we have sequenced, their effective (neutral) population size was about a tenth of modern humans. The first paper concludes that Neanderthals must have had much lower fitness than AMH: They say "Under an additive model, a recessive model, or anything in between, the severe reduction in fitness of Neanderthals would have doomed them to quick extinction if they had been competing for the same niche with humans under conditions of reproductive isolation. " Of course, one problem with this conclusion is that we know it is not correct. The projected Neanderthal excess genetic load would have accumulated over several hundred thousand years: it wouldn't have been much smaller 120,000 years ago (the Eemian) than it was ~50,000 years ago, when we displaced them. Modern humans in the Levant (Qafzeh/Shkul) ran into Neanderthals back in the Eemian – but they didn't win then : later Neanderthals seem to have reoccupied that area, and moderns don't seem to have developed the ability to displace Neanderthals until much later, some 50-60,000 years after their original contact with Neanderthals.

Like they imply, if Neanderthals were that genetically screwed up, something like Florida panthers, we could have knocked them over with a feather – but it didn't happen. Presumably we would also see skeletal abnormalities, lots of them, in later Neanderthals – but I don't think we do.

Part of the problem is that the model is probably too simple. There is an argument, which makes sense to me, that suggest that small-N populations do better than you would think, because as the average population fitness gets farther from the optimum, strongly beneficial compensatory mutations become more and more possible. And the effective population size for generating those beneficial compensatory mutations is not the same as the neutral effective population size, which is dominated by the low points (probably glacial maxima) – it's much larger, closer to the average population size, instead of the harmonic mean.

In addition, I don't have much confidence in our models of the distribution of mutational effects, or our models of the way in which the effects of deleterious mutations add up.

Both papers talk about the likely genetic burden that Eurasians picked up from that Neanderthal admixture. Since East Asians have a somewhat higher level of Neanderthal admixture than people in Europe or the Middle East (~20% more) then they must have even more toxic Neanderthal genes, and Africans the least. This echoes earlier papers that have argued that population history (out-of-Africa bottleneck, Neanderthal admixture, etc) must have increased genetic load in Eurasians.
Evidently extra genetic load has anti-intuitive effects.

Neanderthal DNA explains Endomorph body type. Blacks are fat or ripped, not endo-tier

Races are just the human word for breeds or types.

I noticed Asians have the most endos too. When they get fat the weight seems to distribute almost naturally and evenly.

>tfw ripped endomorph manlet
>tfw sister is a lanklet and got all her homosapiens genes from my father while my mother literally grew up in the village called "neanderthal" in western germany.

Im not kidding you, i visit the museum there often.

Its called "Neanderthal-Mettman"

Didnt eaven watch video till the end.allready knopws its bullshit ,this neenderthal memes has been created to make us looks like fools,there is literaly nothing wrong of us having neidenthal DNA,they wherent retarded as we thought before and eaven if they where how is it that Whites still are smarter then blacks eaven tho they have neinderthal DNA?Huh?Pls explain to me this ''fenomena'' Smartasses.I will take in count every answer!

I think you better watch the video.

Yeah they're pure, but look at all that got them

Dude i have no time now im drunk and have to meet one girl,send me link of this ''movie'' but it better be unibiased wether it be left or right yust pure sciace,i will check it out in 2 days.

I'm the opposite, full ectomorph lanklet. 23andme has me in the bottom 6th percentile for neanderthal ancestry.

If neanderthals were so great, why did they get effortlessly wiped out? Checkmate, Varg.

He just said we are the neanderthals.

Who is this faggot and why do I see his picture so much?

And we (whites) are getting wiped out too.

still here