Really boiles your ramen


When the Republican's completely fail this term and rape Obamacare, the alt-left will rise, and maybe push for medicare for all. That's my hope.

Hospitals, drug companies, and insurance companies should operate at a loss?

Hospitals are generally non-profit. It's morally reprehensible to profit off sick and elderly people with no other options.

Non-profit doesn't mean jackshit. All it means is that the organization can't pay their employees any more than their salary.

Anyone can start a charity and state that I need to give myself a 99% commission as operating budget and as long as I only take 99% of all donations, I can legally call myself a non-profit.

No it's not, it's morally neutral aka the best kind of morality

someone hasnt seen hospital bills or how much doctors and many others in the business makes.

Insurance companies aren't the bad guys.

Their profit margins are razor-thin and they're the only ones saving you money.

You think transferring claims processing to Shaneequa and Tyrone in the Federal Government who make $200k + 70% pension plan is going to save you money? You're on crack.

You're also not going to be concerned about your shareholders.

I disagree. Access to health care is a natural right imo.

This. The only thing non-profit means is that you don't pay your employees or stockholders anymore than what you agreed to.

You can give yourself a $500 million salary and still call your charity a non-profit as long as you don't give yourself a penny more.

Thank the insurance and drug companies for jacking up prices. $$$ is more important than actual care to them. Doctors deserve to make lots of money, considering how much they pay for schooling, and how long it takes.

>You're also not going to be concerned about your shareholders

In theory, yes. In practice, no.

The stipulations will put a high dividend ceiling for shareholders.

>1 post by this ID

Slide thread detected

>you have to go back

>Thank the insurance and drug companies for jacking up prices.

Insurance companies only make a few bucks off each insured person.

>Doctors deserve to make lots of money, considering how much they pay for schooling, and how long it takes.

Actually, doctors limiting the supply of doctors is the reason why care is so high, because it's creating a lack of competition on the provider side.

Insurance companies are the good guys. Doctors are the bad guys here.

i think not having my hard earned money that is Taken as Taxes shouldn't go to bullshit programs paying for things that dont help me at all.

Private insurance is and will always be better. opening up state lines so they can actually compete would solve the problem better i guarantee it.

also while the bill afterwards sucks ass, i could've sworn there were laws in place where hospitals couldn't turn you away if you were dying.

sure as you didnt have insurance your fucked afterwards but your alive to be fucked(if thats actually a thing i wasnt simply lied to.)

The far right is the establishment now. I hope you guys make America great. I really do. I hope Trumpcare is better than the Heritage foundation version of health care. I really do.

People who even think about the difference are stupid.
Our health care is free, and we pay it through taxes and tickets (fees applied to certain medical things)
Yours isn't and pay it through insurance
There's no difference, really.
Apart from like, homeless people (I think, I don't know in detail how this works) that can't afford health care. But they're definitely not the majority

>medicare for all.
>Crashing our social security with no survivors.

>opening up state lines so they can actually compete would solve the problem better i guarantee it.

This isn't going to solve anything. Insurance companies have ridiculously slim margins.

The high cost of healthcare comes entirely from the provider side, and that's because doctors are greedy faggots and are limiting the supply of licensed physicians in the country to raise their own salaries.

The extreme shortage of doctors created a chain-effect with the rest of the provider insurance, as it makes it difficult to open up hospitals to compete. It makes it harder for healthcare tech companies to benefit from economies of scale to lower their product prices.

If anyone wants single payer healthcare in the US they can join the military and deal with the wonderful services provided by the VA.

Two important things must happen for single payer to work:

1) Diet and nutrition must be evidence based. We've allowed the Department of Agriculture and the followers of the China Study to mislead us for half a century despite plenty of contradicting evidence that gets ignored for political reasons.

2) Each citizen must make their health a matter of patriotic duty. Right now people treat their bodies like shit and will do so even more when there are no financial consequences to them for doing so. Making pride in one's body and health a central part of society is required to keep costs from spiraling out of control.

>The extreme shortage of doctors created a chain-effect with the rest of the provider insurance

Meant to say provider industry.

you are the first person ive ever heard say anything about it being Doctors fault due to trying to limit their numbers.

not saying your wrong, just want to know where thats coming from.

>At least you're still alive so you can file bankruptcy
fucking kill yourself

>Insurance companies aren't the bad guys.
>Their profit margins are razor-thin and they're the only ones saving you money.
3% of trillions is still a lot of profit, user. Stop gobbling the insurance cock and wake up. The insurance companies do not continue operations in areas that are non profitable. They have always been like this, and will always be like this.

Just because they have (((thin profit margins))) doesn't mean they get to use predatory practices.

>They're the ones saving you money
>refuse to cover what they say they will cover when the plan is first purchased, but gladly take my monthly payments
Interesting interpretation of "saving me money".

It sounds like your opposed to the idea of insurance at all. There's always going to be someone taking more than they put in.

Also have you ever wondered why all credit card companies are headquartered in North Dakota? Opening up state lines will create a race to the bottom.

People will receive life saving care, even without insurance, that's not a law, it's the hippocratic oath. The problem is that they won't pay for the care, so other people have to.

I'm a health insurance actuary, so I know what the numbers are.

The extreme shortage of doctors, and as a result, the extreme shortage of hospitals puts all the power of negotiation to the providers, who operate under a "take it or leave it" philosophy when it comes to prices.

>Actually, doctors limiting the supply of doctors is the reason why care is so high, because it's creating a lack of competition on the provider side.
>Insurance companies are the good guys. Doctors are the bad guys here.
Insurance shill kindly get the fuck out. Insurance companies have the power to bankrupt a doctor's medical practice simply by being a stiff negotiator, and because of the ACA the doctor's patients are FORCED to go somewhere else.

USA currently spends the most of any nation on Healthcare despite not guaranteeing coverage. If not for the (((cronies))), we would have a Universal Healthcare system by now like every other advanced nation.

We make fucking $30 in gross profit per insured person. You think the government can do it cheaper than we can with Tyrone and Shaneequa making a $150k salary and 70% pension plan?

The problem is doctors.

Hospitals shouldn't be for-profit, drug companies can be subsidized by the state, and insurance companies shouldn't exist at all.

"Private" medicine is a wasteful mess of inefficiency and price gouging.

when you look at counties that are mostly poor and white, after obamacare they continue going the the ER at the same rate relatively, for a few years. Gradually as they grow used to having healthcare, the rate of ER visits goes down as they learn to understand the system other than "shit i maybe cracked a rib gotta go to the ER".
Black counties don't really show this, it shows them continuing to do retarded-ass ER visits and stupid fucking medical shit, which drives up the payments overall as these new people forced into the system are deemed pretty high-risk.
Niggers are going to continue to be niggers no matter what we do with muh magic dirt.

>I'm a health insurance actuary
He is a shill for the insurance companies who negotiates rates for doctors. He seems to be having trouble accepting that corporate insurance companies are quite the juden practices.

>Access to healthcare is a natural right imo
Your opinion is worthless, then, because it isn't. No theory of natural rights has ever included a natural right to someone else's skills/labor.

>30$ per person
>insure millions
Oh lord, you poor soul! How dare they stop you from making even more free money??

Obamacare is a waste and allowed insurance companies to corner and to price gouge their customers.

Is it better to have single-payer only for the sick, elderly, and poor?

>public funded health plan
>saving millions
reason we don't do it is because most of the population won't even pay shit.

And when the government tries to take over the administrative portion in claims filing and processing, that $30 will morph into $5000 to pay off government employee inflated salaries and pension plans.

you can look at the numbers for Massachusetts, which implemented something like this as a test run several years before ACA, and this basically shows my point.

Maybe the elderly, but not the sick nor the poor, as you can consciously and purposely become either of those to leech the system, which is why we are having so many issues to begin with.

>that $30 will morph into $5000 to pay off government employee inflated salaries and pension plans.
Interesting, that is exactly what happens now with the negotiation process. Or does aspirin really cost $150 a pill and the altruistic insurance companies are eating the cost for the good of the country?

its called a joke you mong.

>It sounds like your opposed to the idea of insurance at all.
my bad if it came off that way, im most certainly not.

>Also have you ever wondered why all credit card companies are headquartered in North Dakota?
are they?

>Opening up state lines will create a race to the bottom.
explain i suppose.

>The extreme shortage of doctors, and as a result, the extreme shortage of hospitals puts all the power of negotiation to the providers, who operate under a "take it or leave it" philosophy when it comes to prices.

not that i dont trust you, but any proof of your job title? believe it or not people go on Sup Forums and lie about who and what they do to try and help their argument.

I think America should work to be the best country for it's people. If you disagree that's fine.

Health insurance companies are not fucking healthcare providers.

The only thing that would change if you moved our role to the government is the higher administrative fee.
The cost of healthcare would still be the same.

Under the current model, we have healthcare costs + $30 insurance gross profit.

With the government, you'll have healthcare costs + $5000 federal government admin fees.

>Doctor charges more than you can afford for health care
>sorry famalam but health care is my natural right
>votes in people to threaten the doctor with imprisonment and violence
>fuck your rights doc

It's like me saying food is my natural right and therefore food producers must sell me food at a loss, in fact my example is more legitimate than yours because subsistance farming and hunting/gathering are not viable due to regulations and land prices but you don't need acres of land to learn medicine.

>inflated government salary

Government workers don't actually make that much.

That should be the objetive for EVERY country.


>I just want to gas the jews but if you disagree that's fine. Perhaps one day you will grow up.

It doesn't make sense for there to be an extreme shortage of doctors at the same time we have billions in education debt. Or are we suppose to believe people suddenly didn't want to become doctors when presented with that fancy, dancy liberal arts degree?

This is the third time you have dodged my instigation of the insurance companies being predatory practices by saying it will cost more for the government to handle health insurance.

Last chance: Do you, or do you not, agree that insurance companies have the power to hold their customers, small doctor practices, and "rural" states hostage due to the twisted negotiation process with the corporate hospitals, that is specifically designed to hyper-inflate the uninsured cost of health care?

There is really only one answer to this. Choose wisely.

Legit question, best way to fix the system, if healthcare costs are actually the issue, and that cost is driven up by lack of doctors, too many false malpractice suits, and added bureaucratic burden of regulations?

Hospitals have to turn profit because they're owned by someone or group of people. Why you think there's so few hospitals in poor areas?

fuck 90's memes

If it requires someone else doing something for you, it's not a natural right. Natural rights are things that, no matter what, you would have unless forcefully stopped. This is government 101

its not that people disagree that America should do that, its that people disagree on what that means.

saying he disagrees that america should work to be the best for its people simply because he doesn't agree with what YOU think is best is literally one of the biggest problems with todays society.

everyone thinks that if you dont agree with them you just want to throw babies off cliffs and stomp on puppies, fucking Christ im tired of hearing this bull from everyone.

Med School - Memorize the bones of the human body, the organs, and all their functions

Liberal Arts Degree- Write an essay on how white people are bad.

One is hard work, one is Koko-tier work. You know anybody in the 18-21 age bracket like to work hard when they can be lazy instead? I don't. You know anybody at that age who has concepts of delayed gratification or putting in work now, to make life better later? I don't. Because, you know, #YOLO. Fuck studying and throw me another beer.

Most of the healthcare costs goes to research & development.

You must be joking.

Obama care is a disaster and a lie from day one.

"You can keep your plan"
"you can keep your doctor"
"Your costs will be the same of reduced"
"Your premiums will never rise"

All of the above was said by Obama. WOrst president ever.

Until your shitty hospital system runs out of capacity and nobody wants to be doctors anymore because they work for 48 hours straight every 2 days for what is pretty decent pay, but you could make upwards of four times that for waaaay better hours in another country.

Line-up for any non-emergency surgery is something like a year now in Ontario, because nobody wants to be a doctor in Canada, let alone outside of a have-province. Here in NS, you gotta fly specialists out of Ontario because of a lack of trained healthcare workers.

With so many people leeching for handouts, even the government runs out of cash.

>It doesn't make sense for there to be an extreme shortage of doctors at the same time we have billions in education debt. Or are we suppose to believe people suddenly didn't want to become doctors when presented with that fancy, dancy liberal arts degree?

i just assumed most weren't smart enough(in that field), didnt have the money for the classes, and/or didnt want to put in all those extra years.

The government has programs for people without access to food.

Doctors are more than free to move to a country without a single-payer system. They're probably going to deal with a much poorer populace, however.

Agreed. That's why it's in our Constitution.

>It doesn't make sense for there to be an extreme shortage of doctors at the same time we have billions in education debt. Or are we suppose to believe people suddenly didn't want to become doctors when presented with that fancy, dancy liberal arts degree?

Confirmed retard.
There are so few seats at accredited medical schools. This isn't like undergrad where there's a university every town.

>Last chance: Do you, or do you not, agree that insurance companies have the power to hold their customers, small doctor practices, and "rural" states hostage due to the twisted negotiation process with the corporate hospitals, that is specifically designed to hyper-inflate the uninsured cost of health care?

Insurance companies do not give a rat's ass if the cost of care if $5 or $500,000. They are still making only a few bucks after they pay off claims, so why would they conspire to increase the uninsured cost of health care?

Yeah, no. Half the hospitals in my city are in the ghetto.

But you're right that they're a business and as such are profit-driven.

The biggest issue is the lack of doctors. That causes a chain effect on the cost of other services provided by providers, namely the lack of competing hospitals.

>One is hard work, one is Koko-tier work
First, you overestimate how hard medical schooling is. It is not difficult, it simply requires dedication.
Second, you seem to forget how streamlined our universities have become. Do you honestly not believe that the quality of teaching was reduced so they could pump more students through the system?

How do you explain the vast increase in the amount of "teaching" hospitals that are being constructed close to popular medical institutions? If we are getting less new doctors, why do we need more facilities to properly train the doctors we aren't getting?

>There are so few seats at accredited medical schools.
You underestimate the amount of medical schools in the nation, user. Get the insurance cock out of your mouth and stop blaming the doctors for an issue that was created by corporate inflation.

>They are still making only a few bucks after they pay off claims, so why would they conspire to increase the uninsured cost of health care?
If that is the case, why do they fight tooth and nail in negotiations? Why, in your opinion, are the pricings of our medical institutions inflating at such an unprecedented rate?

>Muh insurance company dindu nuthin
Probably why Obama sucked their dick in his bill.


Yeah you're real self aware user.

>biggest issue is lack of doctors
I mean, when you straight up refuse to negotiate a contract with small practices, can you really expect there to be a surplus?

Oh I forget that the insurance companies and hospital companies are in bed with each other. Really is the only reason the insurance companies would push for doctors to operate in corporate hospitals.

The streamline commercialization of our health care system, ladies and gentlemen. Crush all small practices so every doctor in the nation is owned by a national hospital chain.

Any insight as to why the lack of doctors exists, beyond people being too lazy/too dumb to go through med school.

hospitals are non profit? lol since when.

Nurses and doctors are better trained when hospitals are widely accessible.

>implying the left can do anything more than screech autistically

Most aren't smart enough, but they slip by anyway due to the sheer increase the amount of students in the past decade. Standards have been lowered so that more money can be made.

Because of doctors.

They have a powerful lobby in DC that SEVERELY limits the amount of accredited medical schools in the country.

While there are over 3,000 undergrad institutions in the country, there are only a couple hundred accredited medical schools in the country.

How about when those hospitals, all over the nation, are owned by the same entity? What happens when that same entity becomes partners with the entity that controls the insurance industry?

Because that is what is happening, and insurance shills like try and push the burden off to the doctors or some shit.

Remember when the small time mom and pop stores were bitching and complaining when walmart started opening up chains everywhere? That is essentially happening with our medical industry, except it is private practices closing down so corporate hospitals can take over.

>Access to health care is a natural right

Retard alert!

So the doctors have a more powerful lobbying effort than the insurance companies.

Shill, please. That is straight up retarded.

ive been lacking health insurance since november.

what do? i cant afford some sky high monthly premium. im broke as fuck. But i cant afford to pay the monthly fee for not having it either.

wtf should i do? Am I gonna end up in debtors prison?????

>open borders

democrats chose open borders and fucked all of us

>somebody else pays for it
>somehow this saves money
>appealing to image of big bad companies that in reality don't care

Really made me think.

>insuring fat niggers, paying for elective tranny surgery and abortions, and subsidising smokers will """save""" money

Jews go into medicine, but they don't go into health insurance.

You should be able to waive the fee, if you really don't make very much.

Should also note that insurance companies, hospital companies, and politicians much prefer doctors who "play ball" versus those that do not.

This creates fierce competition in the doctor field, where the most efficient doctor is favored over the most polite/friendly one. This is how you get the emotionless city doctors that do not give you the time of day: the system selects in favor of them.

>taking that from what i said.

yeah ok buddy.

didnt call him an asshole nor really imply it, merely that his assumptions did not mean what his post implied they meant, and that i was tired of seeing it everywhere.

no one posting on Sup Forums is free of being an asshole to some degree.

>Jews go into medicine
>Jews do not go into insurance
Nigger, you are straight up retarded. Jews don't into insurance? Holy fucking shit don't make me laugh, insurance originated as a function of the financial institution, the same institution that has been jewish for centuries.

Insurance companies shouldn't exist. They are the reason everything costs so much. Go to you doctor without insurance and see what happens. My doctor gives a 40% discount if you don't have insurance.

>being so cucked as to want to pay for the many health expenses that societal burdens such as niggers, beaners, and landwhales have

Health care will never work in America, and now with the nigger out we may be able to do away with it.

Why is this artist implying the whole country agrees with his autism?

The primary reason why the individual citizens of a country create a political structure is a subconscious wish or desire to perpetuate their own dependency relationship of childhood. Simply put, they want a human god to eliminate all risk from their life, pat them on the head, kiss their bruises, put a chicken on every dinner table, clothe their bodies, tuck them into bed at night, and tell them that everything will be alright when they wake up in the morning.

This public demand is incredible, so the human god, the politician, meets incredibility with incredibility by promising the world and delivering nothing. So who is the bigger liar? the public? or the "godfather"?

This public behavior is surrender born of fear, laziness, and expediency. It is the basis of the welfare state as a strategic weapon, useful against a disgusting public.

---Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

>the healthy man laughed as he injected super AIDs into his cock
>"Now they will have to pay for my medical expenses! MWAHHAHHAHAHA!!!"
>it was the end of an era

>the wealthy man laughed as he dumped all his money into the hungry fire
>"Now they will have to give me money! MWAHAHAHAHHA"


>and insurance companies shouldn't exist at all.
Actually, you get rid of insurance, medicaid, and medicare, and the prices for medical care will plummet.
This problem only became a problem due to various forms of subsidy, private and public.

Yeah that would be better than what we have now, but Obamacare sure as fuck wasn't that. All it did was force people to pay the people in the right of the comic who are salivating at the money coming from all the increased rates across the country.

Medicaid reimburses only roughly 30% of all hospital costs. This fact is why most hospitals refuse to see medicaid patients

The VA is notoriously corrupt and inefficient. Most veterans outright refuse to go to them for treatment and those who do often receive inedequate care.

Medicare covers so little that most seniors have to get supplemental insurance, that's why companies like AARP are currently thriving

Yes, we spend MORE money for SHIT service. So clearly we should give them MORE money for even SHITTIER service but it's OK because now it's (((FREE)))

Please kill yourself. All of you cancerous liberal cocksucker

Insurance isn't the problem, it's the government mandates insurance companies and hospitals are forced to comply with so they can squeeze money out of them

Single payer only works when people don't take advantage of it.
The UK's single payer system is out control due to all the migrants they let in who don't pay into it yet use it for every thing
This will be no different in America the poor already receive free healthcare and so do low income people (under 12k yearly varies state to state) while welfare and social security recipients also get this health care.
At who's cost though?
The tax payet, who pays for people who are able to work but scam having a pre existing to qualify
I'm sick of working everyday to pay for the people to don't need/take advantage of our government mandated healthcare coverage for poor/lazy/scamming people who are able to work but get a free ride due to our egalitarianism only allows them free rides

>Government workers don't actually make that much

The average government worker makes at least $15 an hour and on top of that have pension plans and benefits and not only that but these parasites are also part of unions. That's right, these cocksuckers are paid with tax dollars and are in unions so they squeeze out more

This man speaks truth, he just forgot to mention the part where non profits usually call themselves that for tax benefits. Friendly reminder, the Clinton foundation is a non profit

>Insurance isn't the problem
Yes it is. It's a form of subsidy. And all subsidy leads to parasitism.
You should know this if you understand economics as a conservative/libertarian.