Obama never had a scandal in his 8 years of presidency

Obama never had a scandal in his 8 years of presidency

Trump hasn't even become president and scandals are coming out left and right

Really makes you think

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People do a lot of Obama-shitting, but the next four years will probably be more interesting. Not better, just more interesting.

>one dumped osama into the ocean
>the other bought furniture and didnt get laid

Yes, goy! Really makes you think


Obama ran as a democrat and played the race-baiting game any chance he could get

Trump ran as a republican and was never deemed a racist by anyone until then

Really makes you think



>never had a scandal
>his birth certificate was announced as officially fake by law enforcement this month.

gg liberals.

>>one dumped osama into the ocean
Bush's plan that Obama took credit for.

only because the GOP were too cucked to question him on anything

paying 1.4 billion in cash to iran, to circumvent normal procedure and a house vote should've been one

>muh birth certificate
My god, you conservashits never let this go do you?

Even drumpf admitted Obama was legally born here. Get the fuck over it.

Isn't a crime in US to insult black man?

At the absolute worst case scenario, nothing will change. Nothing will get worse, but nothing will change.

Is this Patton Oswalt?

But he had 1 major scandal to rule them all. His successor is Donald J. Drumpf

was there not talks by burgers about the chicago party time with larry and others in bath houses, including some black dude lover who met the bad end of the deal too?

>direct violation of federal law
So who's to blame here?

its less to do with where he was born and more to do with why he had to produce a forged pdf as "proof"

>played race baiting

You mean had the audacity to be a black dude running for high office and actually winning it despite people pointing out that, yes, he is in fact a negro.

>nonstarter that the right has dragged on about for literally 4+ years, dumped millions of federal dollars into, and found not one god damn remote thing they can point to that makes anyone who doesn't already hate the left think it's real

But he does have to deal with this, which is arguably the biggest scandal to happen in presidental history.

Snowden? does he not count? Benghazi and Syria are pretty, but maybe not outright scandals

>fast and furious
>droning children
>blocking the 28 pages
>expanding the surveillance state
>lackluster cyber security

really makes me think why the fuck your here and not on reddit faggot

Trading five terrorist for a traitor
Fast and Furious
Accidental bombing of a hospital in Afghanistan
Bribe money shipped to Iran

I wish he gave more nuke materials to Iran and spied more on Tea Party conservatives, fast and furious. Tranny rights and racial tension

No, I mean him going AYO WHITEY DID THIS FUCK WHITEY every single time something went wrong. It got progressively worse in the span of 8 years, so much so that it eventually created BLM.

Edward snnowden


>Trump ran as a republican and was never deemed a racist by anyone until then
Really? Race baiting was the very first thing Trump did when he started talking about the wall. If it really makes you think, why aren't you thinking?

Trump only admitted it because it was politically expedient to do so

come on lad

Makes me think the media is biased and picks sides.


Im sure there is just as much dirt on him than there is hillary.

We do know he is supplying ISIS with weapons and gear.

Intentionally racially divided the nation.

There was also fast and furious.

Wasnt much before being president.Now all of a sudden is thinking about buying into the NBA.Where did all that money come from?

Im sure there are a lot of hidden gems in there somewhere.


>There never was a plan, initially, to take the body to sea, and no burial of bin Laden at sea took place.’ The retired official said that if the Seals’ first accounts are to be believed, there wouldn’t have been much left of bin Laden to put into the sea in any case.

Please, point out a situation in which he did that where it wasn't something like a white cop on a power trip accosting a minority, or the primarily white-dominated GOP obstructing everything and anything he wanted to do?

I mean, part of the reason he's got such high approval rates is he was, generally, a milquetoast centrist who talked big about leftist ideals then did not a lot about them so that the status quo stayed the same.

Bush has a hard time with simple addition. Bush never had anything to do with any plans unless it dealt with how to avoid doing anything about hurricane Katrina.

You all saw Hillary's ppl doing witchcraft in those emails and also talking about sacrificing chickens to false gods. Well here goes some more proof the hellywood music movie artist and leaders do witchcraft and worship the devil. They put stuff in movies and cartoons so you all will be numb to it and think it is fake. From Madonna to J-zay and his wife are witches and warlocks since the bible days tricking some of you into their rituals. This stuff isn't new. Planned parenthood = sacrificing babies to false gods. Kraft foods/ witchcraft foods which includes cells from aborted babies = consuming human baby sacrifices as another sacrifice to false gods that I can name if you don't know some of their names. Find Jesus now because the word is your weapon. Have a blessed day and pay attention.


mexican isn't a race

That's what I think, too. Of course, I also thought that there was no way Trump would win.

>stop having legitimate points!!!

Yeah, according to navy guys, each SEAL put a round into his body and it was swiss cheese.

Hahaha... what? Wanna try that again?

it's almost as if the entire establishment and media go out of their way to cover up and hide his scandals

>not a natural born citizen
>supplied missile launchers to terrorists in libya
>lied about terror attack in benghazi
>knew about clintons private server
>used fake name email to talk to clinton on her private server so he could avoid accountability to public via freedom of information acts
>financed terrorist groups like ISIS in syria and iraq
>refused to enforce border laws to flood america with low information democrat-voting latinos
>expanded illegal NSA programs for gov surveillance
>openly supported high profile criminals because they were black, in order to start black riots against police
>illegally used executive powers to suppress evidence of eric holders criminal activities heading the DOJ
>lied about killing bin laden right before his second election campaign, never offered any proof, multiple stories exist about the capture and literally nothing backs up the multiple narratives

i could go on but im getting tendonitis typing this shit out

Nothing to see here

So, by your logic, discriminating against Mexicans can't be seen as being racist?

Yes, he was sued for not allowing blacks into his buildings back in the 70's


its isolationist, which fits in with trump's paleoconservatism. getting people to stay in their countries isn't racist in any sense of the word. if its so bad people are fleeing, that should be the mexican government's problem not some other government's

No, it's prejudice.

>fast and furious
>arming and equipping isis
>bailing out the banks
Why don't you try reading the paper instead of sleeping under it?


No its the same as discriminating against Canadians

Why hello there freinds

Cool. Fuck the Mexicans.

why do you hate mexicans anyways?

>Please, point out a situation in which he did that where it wasn't something like a white cop on a power trip accosting a minority,

Retarded level bait.Please kill yourself.

> or the primarily white-dominated GOP obstructing everything and anything he wanted to do?

Hahahahaha, are you fucking serious?They only obstructed the bare minimum.So they can pretend like they weren't on board with the globalist agenda in front of their base.


>Get the fuck over it.

This is what we should be saying to shitlibs about the election results. 2 months later, you are still spastic fucksticks.

people more more willing to cover up Obama's mistakes.

I don't. They don't really bother me. I've never seen a mexican working and thought "man, I wish I had that job".

He warrantlessly killed an american citizen, a 16 year old kid, overseas with a Drone who was eating dinner with his family at a restaurant. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdulrahman_al-Awlaki
He expanded Domestic Surveillance, look at all of the Snowden leaks. And when James Clapper lied under oath to Congress, and to the american people and that was proven through the Snowden leaks, didn't demand a resignation hasjamesclapperbeenindictedyet.com/
He ran the least transparent government in US history. pbs.org/newshour/rundown/obama-administration-sets-new-record-withholding-foia-requests/
He held people without charges in Guantanamo, despite promising to close Guantanamo. theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/nov/12/obama-close-guantanamo-without-congress
Used the IRS to target political opponents. washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jun/5/irs-reveals-list-of-tea-party-groups-targeted-for-/
Gave guns to Mexican Cartels. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATF_gunwalking_scandal

What did you say about Obama having no scandals?

I even dated one.


The left needs to have selective memory to hold on to any argument as they don't know how to ha due the fact the cuckservatives movement was so real Trump and his supporters staged a hostil take over of the globalist gop for nationalist interests while they are stuck with the same party that fucked Bernie to elect a fucking chicken hawk that supports countries that are the anothesis of liberalism more than her own.


How to deal*

>where it wasn't something like a white cop on a power trip accosting a minority
>This is what leftists actually think niggers having to fall in line and obey the law is
We are so fucked as a nation. We need a Trump like no other.

it wasnt uncommon for plantation owners to fuck their slaves. doesn't prove anything
>I don't want that job
I doubt many plantation owners wanted to be picking cotton either.

illegal immigration for shit jobs is just modern day slavery as they're here completely on our whims and they have no say in governance. just cut out the problem altogether


>Obama never had a scandal in his 8 years of presidency
kek. obviously bait.

>discriminating against Mexicans
Throwing out freeloading illegals who bring crime into our country isn't the same thing as discrimination against an entire country.

Caught spying on germany, UK, etc



>I mean, part of the reason he's got such high approval rates is he was, generally, a milquetoast centrist who talked big about leftist ideals then did not a lot about them so that the status quo stayed the same.

No, because he was black and "had charisma".Literally the only reason especially after 8 years of W.


Plenty in his time.

1.) Operation Fast and Furious (for one example)

2.) Leftists bullshit the majority of these "scandals" about Trump, and 90% of the media kissed Obama's ass all during his Presidency because they're leftists themselves.


A scandel doesn't have to be true for it to be a scandel you dumbass. Most of the scandels surrounding trump have come out as false yet liberals list them as negatives towards trump

The IRS targeting conservative groups
The Hillary investigation
The BLM thing
Fast and Furious

The only reason Obama doesn't have scandals in liberal eyes is that liberals don't care if the people they elect are corrupt, hypocritical, or criminal.

Liberals are human trash and a cancer on western civilization.

mexican is not a race, it's a nationality.





You = day late, dollar short.

Not to mention he was ACTUALLY caught on mic asking the Russians to help him beat Romney in 2012. Then he mocked Romney saying, “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because, you know, the cold war has been over for 20 years. The Russian are not our enemies anymore."

My how times change.