Someone just posted this on kikebook. What is an appropriate response?

Someone just posted this on kikebook. What is an appropriate response?

Standing isn't talking

Tell them to google "NSA"

none, because it's not an argument

nobody punishes you for those things though, but not standing up is a sign of disrespect to the nation that offered you said freedom of speech.

I do not oppose people not standing up for the pledge, we were given a right to do so.

But they are more than welcome to go back to their little rainy socialist island if they cant respect the flag. Especially the one nigger who makes more money than the average man ever will by playing handegg

Remind them that at least we only have to put up with Bongo Ocongos bullshit for a few more days.

you should reply to it "I'm a faggot Sup Forums reader and I need other faggot Sup Forums omega males to tell me how to think about things"

That should show that SJW libtard cuckface

>Obama is taking away freedom of speech

False dilemma, nobody says this

>comparing apples to oranges

No one is forcing them to stand for the national anthem. They just need to get the fuck off their high horse and stop acting like it's "brave" to sit out the anthem like a bunch of spoiled children throwing a tantrum.
Yes, this country has a history of slavery, but that's completely in the past. If systematic racism was alive in America today then blacks would NEVER be in a position to be making MILLIONS yearly throwing a fucking ball around.

You don't have to stand during the anthem, but be fully prepared for people to view you as a huge fucking crybaby if you don't.

>Implying we should be forced to stand for the national anthem

1. Hate speech doesn't exist.
2. Social reprecussions for your actions isn't "Taking away muh freedoms" Libs argue this point every single time someone calls them out for protesting speech events.
Reply with that and see what the cunt says.

the more I think about it I wouldn't stand for the anthem either.

this country has become a hollow hush of it's former self. It's become a vessel for the parasite Jew to suck it's blood.

don't stand or burn the flag I just don't care anymore.

There's a difference between:

>someone debating you and trying to convince you "you shouldn't sit during the anthem for _insert reason_".


>someone pulling out a gun, racking the slide, putting it to your head, and telling you to "stand or die".

>don't stand or burn the flag I just don't care anymore


>someone pulling out a gun, racking the slide, putting it to your head, and telling you to "stand or die".

yeah, nobody is actually doing that

Exactly except if Obama was to start implementing "hate speech" laws that is essentially what the government is doing.

the rotten house got to fall before you can rebuild.

prepare and be patient.

people should not be forced to stand during hte national anthem

and by the same freedom, other have the right to chastise and ostracise those who chose not to stand during the anthem.

>the rotten house got to fall before you can rebuild

call them out on their strawman argument (2nd button)

or post pic related after insulting them

because it's much easier that way. It's not like Trump is Hitler and is going to remove the parasites and cancer from this country.

>What is an appropriate response?


The 'shopped faces.. What exactly is this meme?

>easier is better

>trying to convince people with logic
Unfortunately that doesn't work very well for humans in general.

Just because we're pissed about Kapernigger and crew doesn't mean we want to legally force them to say the pledge.

No one is forcing him to stand, but they are exercising their right to free speech by calling him a fuckwit

if you can show me where the brown shirts are I'll change my opinion.

this is the best we got so far (pic related)

They are non correlative arguments, Obama has taken away free speech with the introduction of hate speech laws, this is a fact, you do not ban speech because you think it is hateful, you beat that sort of speech with brilliant rhetoric and infallible logic, also when you take away the voice of a person and prevent them from speaking the only form of action they have left is physical action that is usually violent, whether towards themselves (such as monks burning themselves alive) or towards others.

Also no one is forcing Kapernick (or whatever his name is) to stand during the national anthem, but they are certainly mocking him, deliberately showing him no respect as well as treating him as he deserves, a fucking asshole, because he is shitting on your nations national anthem, whether he realizes it or not but the reason you stand and pay respect during your national anthem is to show respect to your nation and to those who have fought and defended that nation over the years, to kneel or sit during it is tantamount to slapping all those who have bled for your nation in the face.

At the end of the day though it really doesn't matter because the average American is turning away from football as the NFL has had some of its lowest ratings ever which is adversely affecting its profits, what these athletes who are doing this do not realize is that if more and more people tune out that means there is less money being made and that means that contracts have to be reduced, once they start making less money I dare say other players will start correcting the problem quick smart.

>What is an appropriate response?
CLOSE your kikebook account, asshole!

Get rid of the trash in your country before talking shit.

Call him a cuck

was just about to type this

why are liberals completely unable to comprehend freedom

they can't even represent our arguments properly

>introduction of hate speech laws

what laws


>introduction of hate speech laws,
When did this happen?

I dislike Obama but I don't recall him ever passing laws against hate speech. I just remember him commenting on retarded issues such as race relations in which the news automatically spun into him taking sides (which maybe he did) but still no laws were passed

who triggered you today?

it was real in his mind

he's so terrible but we still have to make shit up


Everybody disappears when somebody makes sense.