NUNAVUT leafs..what happens here

>do people like life here
>how expensive is it
>why don't u leave
>why do u stay
>how the internet

My dad lived up there.

Danced with a squaw's girlfriend and almost got shot with a shotgun.

>tfw you were almost never born because your dad was almost murdered by the guy he cucked

Not to many people live in Nunavut. Hopefully you get a legitimate response

i need some more nun-leafs to post

Bump for interest

science and shit (mostly shit)

There's like 20000 people up there. Good luck.

>this is the native writing system
no wonder leafs have a hard time understanding us Americans

a squaw is a female native.

Bump for interest

You have more natives than we do.

No, it's a derogatory name for a native.

i can do science. can i come?

yeah but our natives don't speak triforce

This is correct
This is not correct

>pic related

noun: squaw; plural noun: squaws

an American Indian woman or wife.
North Americanoffensive
a woman or wife.


Natives speak drunk, in Canada and the US.

your natives literally speak wonder leafs are shitposters
>MFW i figured out what makes leafs shitposters

It's almost like you don't live here and know how we specifically refer to all natives. Semantics faggots, please leave. We don't use language the same way.

>Most people near or above the arctic circle are eskimos

I want to know absolutely nunavut.

Two things :
1. The fucking dictionary disagrees with you.
2. The American way, is the only way.

America has barrow cuck

the leafs want to hear nunavut

You're retarded. Go huff some gas, red nigger.

99.9% barren wasteland

you have more red on our flag then us

But you have the most reds.

And the most niggers.

you speak triforce...

ooga booga booga muh muhfuggan bix nood finna errull bruh



Milk runs you about $20 for a 2L container.

It has the Yellow Submarine airport because it'd be fucking invisible if it wasn't safety-yellow.

Some of the islands up there have whales that punch through the ice holes and fuck some shit up, lots of inuits AKA eskimos up that way, no booze allowed because they have an absolute 0 tolerance to alcohol and as with all territories, the free-est gun laws you'll find in the country.

Also there's a theory that Leif Erikson found Helluland in Nunavut.

Not a lot going on up there aside from research, mining, teaching, and rangers being rangers. I think there's an old cold-war US radar system up there too, but I can't remember if that was NWT or NU.

Nunavut anybody says in this thread actually happens up there.

It is a derogatory name for a native.
Specifically a female native. You wouldn't call a male native a squaw.

There's a five man military base up there called Alert.

It's the northernmost settlement in the entire world or some shit.

Also their language is fucking whacky.