What's trumps first post on the potus Twitter account?


he will be assassinated before he is president

Probably something completely stupid. As always.

I Suck Russian Cocks!

"Funny, isn't it?"

"Jesus, this place stinks of watermelon and kool aid"

"I won't be using this. you can follow me on my own twitter account"

Lol the White House décor is so gay.

>Obama - you're fired. Sad!

Kept you waiting huh?

obama youre fired

Looking through Obama's cyber history right now
I never knew so many African American women had penises

This. Nobody would really care either.
It would be like, some white dude in a red MAGA hat will say, "Yeah, not surprised."

This, he's got more followers on his real account.

Thanks y'all these are beautiful replies. Now try to hit numbers with your predictions in the name of kek. Luv bruvas

he will be the first president to extensively use the presidential alert system

ecли вы нe oтвeчaeтe нa этo cooбщeниe твoя мaмa yмpeт вo cнe

Fuck I hope so.
Passive aggressive Libniggers wouldn't even be able to make snarky replies back, it would piss em off so bad.


how can I subscribe to these alerts if I'm a leaf

No tanning bed? SAD!

fuck niggers

digits confirm


Gas the kikes, race war now?


The Greatest shitpost of our lifetime


I don't think he's kids will be happy about that

I follow back. Thank you. #MAGA
