Why do mods delete mystic threads?

Does Kek will Thoth be included?

Other urls found in this thread:


no dummy. cut it out, for your own good.

Bc mods don't want u to be woke


because its the ultimate RED PILL ;)

mods probably just like the autistic shrieking that happens when a thread is closed up

I know... Ffs Mods, just let people have their fun in a big long thread, instead of causing them to keep making new ones that you then have to chase up and delete every two fucking minutes...

Why is that bird bloke balancing a giant redpill on his noggin?


It is a pathetic raid. Perma ban for ops


palindrome confirms

Palindrome confirms the confirmation.


that actually belongs to Ra

I don't know who drew that lasphemous image considering Thot is a moon god


What do Egyptian gods have to do with that hoe over there?

Stop trying to get us to worship your shill god
We don't care about Ra


no shut up....you people are messing with evil


Kek wishes for all dieties to be worshipped in time and not forced. He also wants us to spread Thoth to reddit and let Sup Forums be the home of his worship

witnessed what he didn't get digits retard

This thread is totally epic, praise Thoth!

no he doesnt cuck

Someone please OwO my KiKe palindromic get

no its not

Fuck me, it's Professor Yaffle!

not a palindrome

if u guys want real digits just be a jew

but yours is the shill god

you even try to co-opt the sun / truth image in the OP



Palindrome retard


thats still not a palindrome

Jews are chosen people..i banish kek, moloch, and thoth
>i am a hero

thoth confirms jews are chosen people

thoth is not to be trusted

i warned you guys...