Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums

Former black nationalist here. Ask me anything.

Inb4 W

What years were you active?

why would you subject yourself to that?

1) Do all black nationalists think like WEB Dubois and believe a black Marxist nation is the ideal?

2) What do black nationalists think about their previous attempt in Liberia?

Good job abandoning your people cuck

You weren't a former Black Nationalist. What is our Theme song then white boi?

Did you give up on being a black nationalist or the black community as a whole?
What do you think could be done to improve the community and in your opinion what are the most salient problems within the community today?
Also would you prefer that blacks create black homogeneous communities or integrate with whites (race mixing)?


Are you no longer proud of your race?

Why are your people so degenerate?

Why do you have such low IQs, and such high crime rates.

Why are you people so incredibly lazy, and have such a shitty work ethic?

Why do you not understand how to keep a marriage.

Why are you fuckers so obsessed with White Women?

Why are black women untalkable to?

Sieg fucking Heil.

Yes they do believe in the creation of a black nation. Hence the term black nationalism. The active black nationalist groups only convey this in code, which one can learn. Read the BLM manifesto, the term self determination means establishment of a black nation. I don't know how they feel of Liberia, it never came up
2009 to 2014. 18 to 23.
Gave up on being a black nationalist. I didn't realize that what this was was called black nationalism until just before I gave up organizing for leftist groups. You see, the point that the goal is to form a black nation is only conveyed subtly.

I think the biggest problem in black America is education. Either black kids go to a school that's ran down and controlled by the gangs or they go to a nice school that teaches them blacks never had a history of being equal in America. Yes, racism existed in the past, but consider that the house un American activities committee reported negroes were less likely to become Communists because they were more loyal. That's only possible if pre sixties America was not ALL bag for blacks. How can you expect blacks today to be patriotic at all they've ever been told was America has a racist legacy

I am, but the movement is a communist movement led by wealthy, mostly white men, to bring about a revolution that would kill millions of Americans

Also think exposing HOW these black nationalists intend to accomplish their goals is important too

How do they plan to do that?

What do you think of Tree of Life the black youtuber?

do you hate the term African-American?

why former? malcolm x had it right, if blacks would have listened to him and built your own instead of listening to commie king who just wanted to milk off the white mans society, you'd be in a much better situation today as a group.

who'd you vote for in the election?

Are you the same guy from the other night? I believe it was two days ago?

why you decided to be a black nationalist

Why do you come to pol?

Don't know of him. I prefer the term black American
No one law will set aside the land that would become a black nation within America. It will be the buildup of a series of laws. Each "equal rights" and "civil rights" law enacted is a small step towards this goal. The voting rights act set up a precedent where the federal government puts the South into a district to be administered by the federal government. When Marxists have infiltrated the federal government deep enough, the federal government will ally itself with the civil rights movement to reshape the governments of southern states into a black nationalist Marxist nation

The fact that the whole thing only succeeds with the backing of the federal government made me seriously question this whole thing
Malcolm was with MLK the whole time. Black nationalism is a communist ideology. Communism killed more people than any political ideology outside of Islam

Liberal public schools

>Liberal public schools
you still went a lot of step further on the extreme spectrum than normal blacks. cant just be that

The schools imbue all blacks with sympathy to the ideology but only those who really want to do something will get organized

I remember your previous thread. Thanks for coming back. I was very impressed by your answers, and the depth of your understanding of political issues. Are you aware of David Carroll on Youtube? I think you would very much enjoy some of his work on the decline of African American society in the United States.

Not aware of him. I have never seen an expansion on the decline of the black community I've found sufficient. Thing is, black power, civil the civil rights movement, various federal programs and the mismanagement of desegregation really fucked up the black community and no one wants to criticize some of those things


Would you call or have called yourself a "Black Supremacist"?
Thoughts on White Supremacy? Or Supremacy in general?

Do you want to stop Black Nationalism?
If so how would you suggest stopping it or atleast convincing others to drop it?

If you are going to be activist against the marxist black nationalists then good luck mate. Big hurdle to overcome how they refuse to put any responsibility on black communities having the crab in a bucket mentality.

No, because I never bought into WE WUZ and shit. White supremacy is obnoxious.

I want to stop black nationalism. The best way is through imbuing a black generation with patriotism and exposing the black nationalist conspiracy, it's goals and methods. The ultimate way to stop it is to get America to stop honoring MLK. In an age where it's OK to criticize George Washington, Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin etc but not MLK, this is a bad thing. Idiots like Reince Preibus and Mike Pence that claim MLK would be a Republican today have to stop lying, conservatives have to go back to demonizing him

>Idiots like Reince Preibus and Mike Pence
Cucks gunna signal

I would strongly recommend him. I do have a few questions for you, however, especially since this seems to be a slower thread.
First, do you believe communist/marxist forces have actively played a role in getting the African American community to where it is today?
Second, and I know you already addressed this previously, what, in your opinion, are the short and long term goals of BLM, and other groups like them?
Third, is there anything that can be done to reverse or fix the current situation, or do you advise simply walking away and letting it collapse on itself as violence and lawlessness increases?

Wait is the We Wuz Kangz thing actually real and not just shit we tease them about?

So you think all supremacy is stupid? Give no credence on the IQ rates? Or just dont think thats enough to call one group supreme?

Honestly seems like attacking MLK would make the situation worse. Unless youre suggesting they start teaching that in school and I doubt thatll happen

Seems like the school system would be the only way to alter anything

First, I believe the Marxist impact of the black community is tremendous. It's frightening when one notices communist slogans in rap songs. There's evidence that Communists infiltrated a lot of black gangs in the sixties but only circumstantial evidence and no one has written a book on it

Second, the long term goals of BLM are to establish a unified movement with Latino revolutionaries and a white workers movement. The end goal is a Marxist united States with the South set up as a black nation along with northern ghettos being conclaves of that black nation. The short term goals of BLM are to build up this movement and wait about twenty or thirty years for the schools to shit out enough leftists for this work.

Another short term goal of blm is to get a nationalized police force in America.

Third, I believe teaching the beauty of the Constitution and trading MLKs legacy are what it would take to fix the situation
That's why the public school system had to be protested in any way you can

Search afro-centrism.

On the black nationalist forums do they also have miscegenation trolls?

They get lambasted by the black female posters :)

Also, another short term goal is to set up organizations seen as governmental representation of all black people.

Take the congressional black caucus. It claims to be the authority of all black people and conservative blacks are race traitors

Trips of truth.
I was fortunate enough to be homeschooled, so I didn't get the brunt of the public education system, but I definitely felt the effects of it. It's truly an incredible source of brainwashing. The college meme, of course, only serves to solidify a lot of the absolute garbage learned in high school and previous grades. Let me ask you this... Do you believe that college is pushed at the level it is today because it's an extremely effective way of brainwashing the average person and making them a compliant tool of Marxist thought?

Would you support the creation of a white ethnostate if you got a black ethnostate?

How much overlap is there between the hardcore white nationalists and black nationalists?

Is ethno-bolshevism an accurate term?

Ya I get that tards on Facebook and Twitter meme that shit but I didnt realize it was like actually part of their system.

What is the Black Nationalist response to Sup Forums and other AltRight type places memes? Are they even aware of the shit we say or are they/we just in their own little world? Or do they focus complaints on like systems rather than normies on the internet?

By overlap I mean, ideals not membership

Yes, but also to move youth away from tradition forms of employment that would lead to these youths becoming conservative.

Also, I think that there's a goal to establish such tremendous college loan debt the government has to nationalize the colleges

But also, most importantly, a socialist state needs individuals that manage the socialist programs. These people come from colleges that inducted them into that work. Think of colleges that teach of what qualifies as hate speech. Partially this is meant as brain washing but also to train a work force to regulate hate speech laws when they are enacted in the future

I think debt slavery is definitely a component of it. I also believe, however, that college is meant, in part, to artificially raise the marriage age, or even prevent marriage altogether, either by immersion in Marxist/feminist ideals, or by simply overloading the students with so much debt as to make marriage nigh unto impossible.

I suspect there's an overlap in membership. Black nationalists need a KKK to justify a lot of their ideals.

Take the case of three civil rights workers being kidnapped in Mississippi and then killed. Conveniently, the first day of MLKs Mississippi campaign. Making an issue of those three rights workers being killed amped up the Mississippi campaign to more support than anyone expected.

The car of the victims was found abandoned beside a highway. State authorities believed the kidnappers wanted the car found for some reason because had the car gone fifty feet further it would had been sunken in a swamp and never found.

When Delmar Dennis, a FBI informant within the Klan gave the testimony leading to the conviction of the murderers of the three rights workers, wrote a book on his experiences testifying the head of the Klan was a communist
They have no idea really.

>black nationalist
More like Black Narnianist.

Where is this black nation?

All right answers

Are a lot of Black Nationalist leaders 'Race Pimps'?

Did you encounter any of them while part of the movement?

Race pimps?

Someone who takes advantage of racial tension for their own personal gain.

Marriage age doesn't matter we need women out of the workforce.

Thank you for your time. I have to go, but I appreciate speaking to you. Have a good night.

Yes. Loaded with them. I met many like that. One even blamed whites for inventing AIDS to kill black people

black nationalism is good. all nationalism is good. accept responsibility for your own people. ask much of them. defend them with your life. hope your example resonates.

Do you understand that whites basically created civilization as we know it now or you believe that African american slaves build the whole country and the white man didn't get enslaved at all?

You have the answer already blackanon, education. There are a lot of us that are redpilled from years of being called coon for becoming educated and successful, and we're doing what we can to save black youth from the ghetto culture.

What do you think of what I said about how history needs to be corrected to include the story of blacks in America that had successful or even normal lives in America before the civil rights, even before World war two.

Worship of MLK needs to be taken out of schools. He was a leftist that was against the Constitution and Christianity, how can you expect blacks to stop pooling into the Democrat party when MLK is supposed to be their hero?

Education is not everything man. If you ignore IQ then you are doomed to fail just like the left and right have in fixing the black nation of america.
Getting rid of ghetto culture is crucial though.

What would you say the Black Nationalist stance is on Judaism?

Just out of couriously what would be your estimate on these black nationalists numbers? Have you got involved with any right wing groups since leaving and if so how's that been for you?

Lastly, what would be youre ideal for the future of blacks (and whites) in America? Segregation, seperate entho-states? Or some how whites and blacks working out their differences? What's your opinion on race mixing as well?

I enjoy this thread even if it's just LARP.
Anyway how can black nationalists support creating their own nation and marxism at the same time when marxism is inherently international?

Good to see you back. You bring quality discussion.

>I don't know how they feel of Liberia, it never came up

gee i wonder why

I just finished reading your answers.
>What do you think of what I said about how history needs to be corrected to include the story of blacks in America that had successful or even normal lives in America before the civil rights, even before World war two.
Completely agreed. The US ended slavery, it didn't start it. The birthright of black Americans has been stolen from many of us, and that birthright is definitely NOT gibs.

MLK is tougher for me because he wasn't an obvious poison so I think people need a first level of education first before they can be expected to go deeper.

I think IQ would change (upwards) if ghetto culture was mocked and ridiculed as musical slavery. Someone repeating mumbling nonsense and smoking endless blunts isn't developing their intellect? Not surprising. When black Americans seek to develop their intellect, IQ follows.

Another thing about IQ, there's a chemical warfare going on against all people and inner city youths are no different. Poisoned food loaded with sugar and GMOs is as dangerous to the body as propaganda to the mind.

>What do you think of what I said about how history needs to be corrected to include the story of blacks in America that had successful or even normal lives in America before the civil rights, even before World war two.

That would be a major help.

We have a similar thing here where leftists are trying to make the native Maoris history far more negative than it really was. It's nothing like what happened with you American blacks but they are trying to create that narrative.

Since it's no where on the level of America but is being pushed in very localised areas of education, you can really see how much of a difference a persons perception of history makes.

Lets put it this way. If slavery and second class right were never taught in school, how many blacks would still think they were being tyrannically oppressed? Would they develop that view based purely on their own experience?

GMOs are fine

Don't conflate education and intelligence. Nurture is losing really hard to nature when it comes to intelligence.

>GMOs are fine
Not even once.
>Don't conflate education and intelligence
How am I conflating them? Are you suggesting they aren't related?

It's a small number of black nationalists. No idea how many. It's not a numbers game. It's a game of how well organized a small group of people is against a less organized but larger enemy.

Though there's a small number of black nationalists, the goal is to lead blacks to mentally see themselves as different from the rest of America. The black on the street corner with a red black green hat may not be a black nationalist but he's led to believe what black nationalists want him to think.

Got involved in the John Birch Society.

I think that having the smallest government possible is what black and white America need. An embrace of constitutional principals

>How am I conflating them? Are you suggesting they aren't related?
Intelligence is hardware, education is software.

Who do you main in Street Fighter?


This muh constitution shit is what the right has been preaching to no avail for years. You need to focus on what Trump does and copy the rhetoric from the marxist black nationalists but point them in a different direction. You can't convince people that think the foundation of the country was evil and oppresive to them of the merit of it's founding document.

I don't agree. In your metaphor I see intelligence as firmware and lifestyle as software. The lifestyle chosen affects over time what some people think is fixed. Look at epegenetics.

Malcom X was redpilled. Even Commander Rockwell respected him. Black nationalists and white nationalists are allies whether they care to admit it or not.

Maybe maybe not, something ignorant people hate is being lied to, so if you reveal to them who's lying to them, and how, AND show them a better way, you can turn people pretty fast.

Communists don't exist anymore outside of us controlled opposition. On the other side, CIA is known to pass cocaine into black neighborhoods, and blacks didn't get better since 1991. Something doesn't add up in your theory.

Yep, Nation of Islam and National Socialist are more alike than most think.

The Nation of Islam blacks are the only ones I've seen that dress well and have good discipline.

Black nationalism is meant as a movement to give blacks their own nation under a Marxist government. It would be part of an international Union later.

Remember what the definition of a nation was in the Soviet Union. The individual Soviet republics were called nations despite not having Sovereignty. The Soviets believed that a large area of land composed mostly of one homogenous ethnic group was a nation. The Soviets told Tajiks, Uzbeks etc would have their own nation. What they got was an area of land where the governing authority was made up of people of their own ethnicities. So the Tajiks and Uzbeks had their own nation, governed by their own ethnic group, but that government took marching orders from Moscow.

It would be the same thing in America. A black nationalist government would govern the South while being subservient to a communist government in Washington DC.

>Genetic determinist
>Son is an schizophrenic

My sides.

Blacks really started going downhill in the 1960s.

Their family unit was utterly destroyed by welfare.

Liberals being unwittingly (or sometimes completely willingly) led by USSR subversives is the reason.

Communism still exists in the tax exempt foundations, universities, activist groups and government departments it managed to infiltrate. Communism being dead is what communists want the world to think

Then focus on (((who))) is trying to turn them against white-america in a divide and conquer strategy. The very same (((people))) that owned most of the slaves.

I'm not saying it's entirely nature but it is mostly nature we are looking at over 70% at this point.

Communists did organize many things, but all those were shut down since 1991, many even earlier. Rap/gangster culture rises instead. You probably confuse Frankfurt school that is everywhere now with actual commies

Sounds retarded because that's not what nations actually are.
Those black "nationalists" might as well all gather in Detroit and pretend to have their own nation separate from the whites.
Creating a fake nation that would be under Washington control wouldn't change blacks situation a bit. They'd just be dependant on commie oligarchs rather than neoliberal ones.

The reason >mug consitution doesnt work is because that's the back bone of their argument rather than the ideas themselves.

When the founding fathers or the french revolutionist started their movements, it's was their ideas and preaching them that won it for them, not trying to fall back on a piece of paper.

It's just like Christians who say
>b-but the bible says...
No body cares about that because the bible has no inherent significant to non believers . It's not coincident republicans try the same failed argument. Christians do better when they argue why those moral ideals are inherently good themselves.

The American right needs to stop arguing "because it's in the constitution!" and start arguing why it's in the constitution in the first place. Individual liberty is a powerful argument but it seems very few right wingers know how to articulate that (right wingers seem bad at articulating in general which doesn't work out well when you're claiming to be the voice of logic and reason)

The amount of confirmation bias I am feeling over this makes me worried you might be a LARPer.

I mean either that or Sup Forums is always right

>Then focus on (((who)))
There's much education to be done.
>I'm not saying it's entirely nature
I heard about (but haven't confirmed) a study of white black and other children of US soldiers in Germany post-WW2 and there was no IQ difference. I don't deny there are physiological differences between ethnic groups, we can look at eachother and see that, but I think if there's proper culture and education those differences won't be enough to matter.

What you're missing is it's not about logic, it's about ego. If you're ignorant you think you're represented if your gov looks like you, if you're intelligent you know you're represented when your gov thinks and acts like you.


The people "representing" them in Washington would surely be white or (((white))) anyway.

Nation of Islam, I believe, runs conspiratorial organizations, like secret societies, to spread ghetto culture to the blacks thus mentally separating them from their American heritage so they'll embrace black nationalism.

Evidence for this? Everyone talks about how Chicago is gangland but no one mentions the leadership of the largest gang in Chicago, the Black P Stone Nation, is entirely black Muslim.

One thing black nationalists did to mentally separate blacks from their American heritage is the idea of "black names" like Kenyatta, the idea traditional Christian names aren't fit for black people.

How do I know it was nation of Islam? Take the name Shabazz. It's a name many blacks give to sons. Some blacks take up the name as a street name. It isn't a black name at all but an Afghani name.

The founder of nation of Islam was a white man, Wallace Fard, whom intended to start a race war that would result in a communist revolution. This man wrote blacks were originally of the tribe of Shabazz. Fard was born in Afghanistan's province. The largest temple in that province is the Shahbaz temple.

Many organizations in the sixties wanted to spread "African names" to the black community but NOI is the only one that would see Shabazz as a black name

But that's logical thinking which doesn't apply to ignorant people, because they'd see someone that looks like them in their local gov, get warm feels, and not think beyond that. Why do you think we were able to take BLM apart? We exposed Soros backing of it and there was an exodus of intelligent well meaning blacks from the movement leaving them with trash that argued with itself.

Part of the problem is maybe that individual liberty leads us back towards freedom of association and away from affirmative action. Anyway I agree with your post.

>I heard about (but haven't confirmed) a study of white black and other children of US soldiers in Germany post-WW2 and there was no IQ difference.
Man you are grasping at straws here. It is widely accepted that american blacks have average 85 compared to whites 100. I don't mean to come of as rude or supremacist I just want the most effective solutions so you have to look at reality.

If you are black, you should have kept being a black nationalist. I respect any man who stands up for his kind, while also holding personal responsibility with how you play with cards you were dealt.

If you aren't black, then gtfo.

>It is widely accepted that american blacks have average 85 compared to whites 100.
I don't think that refutes my point though. I wouldn't argue against what you say there, I agree, but that's why the Germany study was interesting because it was children free from the ghetto nigger culture.

What happened to the M1 Carbine in pic related?

The point here is that black nationalism doesn't stand for blacks. It just uses them as useful idiots.

Lots of black nationalists don't realize their nation won't have Sovereignty and to those that realize they won't, it will be OK to them because it would be a Marxist government in charge of the black nation