
Don't you hate it when you accidentally the entire microphone?

if you read this you are sub 100 iq

i can tell it's poison from a glipse of its light and shape


He just lost the only audience he could've had. It's 2017... White people, stop saying "woke".

I'm glad this fag blocked me.



am i the only one getting pissed off by people actively calling for revolution on twitter?

my IQ definitely dropped after reading it


Only because you know they'd never actually rebel in a million years.

Is a technofascist like the technoviking?

I never thought "revolutionists" could be so fucking whiny.

Hey MTV i found your annoying white guy, turns out they're your chosen acolytes

Who is this and why should I care?

thats cultural appropriation, bruh

What future?

This future?



Extreme levels of faggotry

How do you become that big of a faggot? I would like to see a How It's Made episode on that.

>get woke
>drop mics

Now here's a dude who's hip and with it.

Is he mansplaining right now?

>get funky with it xD lel

Hehehehe le UNUSUAL WORDS make me superior to all the DRUMPFTARDS :^)
*tips vocabulary*

When everyone has nothing we're all equal

MTV was right, whites really do need to stop saying woke.

stop saying woke

This is cringey and vapid

these boring fucks are going to lose the culture war desu

Who is that guy? He talks like a Dr Seuss book.

hey I love that map