The final redpill is acceptance of spirituality

The final redpill is acceptance of spirituality.

Collective consciousness, esp, telepathy, all of it is real.

People who reject this do so for a variety of reasons. Some are still greyed out, having never experienced a connection yet. Some have experienced it but are scared and don't want to turn and face what they saw. Some even choose to take up arms against this truth by attacking and ridiculing, deliberately associating recognition of base spiritual truths with phony new age garbage or the laughable idea that it by definition requires some kind of progressive egalitarian outlook. Hitler himself was a student of esotericism, what does that say about the validity of these criticisms?

Get your fucking spirit clean and do it as quickly as possible. Meditate, exercise, eat well, get enough sleep.

Other urls found in this thread:

ayy lmao weed

Spirituality is empathetic by default. You can't be redpilled if you are at all humanistic.

I have doubts
We live in the most scientific and technological period in human history and there is still no solid proof of any supernatural things

Nope, no drugs

This is the viewpoint one would develop if they read new age spiritual material targeted at women in their 20's or 30's

Association with dude weed lmao and general progressivism means the propaganda is working, unfortunately.

I really really wish.


Fuck you the final red pill is galactic lebensraum and xenos-eradicationism

The final red pill is dropping irony and cynicism and just enjoying life.


>and just enjoying life.
You have a philosophy of a teenage girl

I've never heard of your country.

Also Christ Conscienceness is where all humans minds will reach Christ like levels. We will see the univerise in a way never before.

you are a girl

no one wants to communicate telepathically with me :^(


It's all lies. You're a meatbag and your awareness is limited to the meatbag. We can induce any of the shit you think is deep and meaningful by messing with your meat.

Making the world as it actually exists better for our people is the only reality.

Abandon the lying hippie bullshit.

One day when Alah wills it no one will have ever heard of yours.


The "ascension" stuff related to Dec 21, 2012 meme was mired in new age crap but the basic principle of a new paradigm of consciousness once a certain critical mass has been reached is sound.

Investigate Jaynes's Origin of Consciousness, it basically indicates that human begins have hoisted themselves up from a lower echelon of organization of consciousness organization before, there is no reason we can't do so again. It is NOT necessarily some kind of hippy dippy bs, that is deliberate, but more often misguided obfuscation of the nature of reality.

Embrace that spine and crown tingle, do not shy away when your mind touches another.

Humans are still evolving.


At night i feel a dull tingling on my forehead, and it pulses. It feels like something is massaging where my third eye would be. what does it mean?



Where can I find pure info on spirituality when every book written on meditation and such topics is NewAge self-help pseudoscientific drivel for cat ladies?

>Collective consciousness, esp, telepathy, all of it is real.
That's nice and all, but where's your proof?

I am going to shill for Jason Reza Jorjani.

He gave a pretty sweet speech larping about a future national socialist society where ESP is acknowledged.

Also check out Dean Radin's lectures for proofs on the fact something anomalous is happening in his lab experiments. We have no idea what it is or how it works (psi).

Far out man, transcend reality, man.

I mess with my meat every night before bed but I wouldn't describe my experience as "spiritual"

Some proofs.

The fact is this completely debunks the Cartesian mechanistic model of modern science. When fully realized of its implications, it would completely wreck society. IE No more privacy.

I think the current naturalistic/materialist paradigm has A LOT to lose from acknowledging PSI reality.

>That was the fatal flaw in Tim Leary's trip. He crashed around America selling "consciousness expansion" without ever giving a thought to the grim meat-hook realities that were lying in wait for all the people who took him seriously... All those pathetically eager acid freaks who thought they could buy Peace and Understanding for three bucks a hit. But their loss and failure is ours too. What Leary took down with him was the central illusion of a whole life-style that he helped create... a generation of permanent cripples, failed seekers, who never understood the essential old-mystic fallacy of the Acid Culture: the desperate assumption that somebody... or at least some force - is tending the light at the end of the tunnel.

alright, I'll bite
how exactly do you experience a "connection"?

fuck off mechanistic cuck

And no solid proof that they cannot happen. Science cannot denounce what it cannot measure. That is why their duty is to measure everything. Once they have accounted in their theories for 100% of matter and energy in the observable universe, and disproved the ability of alternate universes to influence or interact with this one, even on a quantum level, then you can discount any possibility of it.

Until then, your beliefs are as valid as theirs, assuming you actually try to put thought and logic behind them. Getting high and claiming you saw through time, not valid. Coming up with a theory on how it may be possible to do so, while sober and clear headed, worthy of consideration until it can be disproved.

i have been saying this since 2010. we must exercise our spirtuality.

weather you pray to allah or praise kek.

Just pick Stoicism and mix it with the fundamentals of something like mother nature.
The idea is that you find order in your life and you pursue a healthy society, where you and others take responsibility for their actions.

It could be a sign of your consciousness/spirit apprehending itself, or it could just be something benign. That one thing alone doesn't really do it, it's generally a collection of experiences that leads a person to understand their status of development.

Meditation, clean eating, exercise, and sleep. Stick to this for a little while you'll be propelled to a place where you can choose what and how to develop.

>all of it is real
and no proof whatsoever. go back to /x/ you dumb faggot

Sorry don't mean to harsh your buzz bro

The final and hardest redpill to swallow is the one about us being simple bioautomations. Nothing more, nothing less. Religion is a sham. Consciousness is limited, constrained and nothing special. Man turns into animal with the addition of simple chemicals into the brain. And since no objective meaning exists yet, we might as well strive for our own brand of subjective greatness. Try to go beyond our 3d reality and find out what created the Universe. And I don't mean random goatfuckers, but the real force behind the big bang.

More proofs for ESP

>Using the standards applied to any other area of science, it is concluded that psychic
functioning has been well established. The statistical results of the studies examined are far
beyond what is expected by chance. Arguments that these results could be due to
methodological flaws in the experiments are soundly refuted. Effects of similar magnitude to
those found in government-sponsored research at SRI and SAIC have been replicated at a
number of laboratories across the world. Such consistency cannot be readily explained by
claims of flaws or fraud

This is coming from Jessica Utts president of the American Statistical Association.

I can will myself to feel good. I physically feel something around where my abs are and this good feeling extends across my whole body.

I gained this ability after meditating a lot a few years back, and as I've read more and more into the occult I've become more able to make myself feel amazing at will with no stimulant or food or anything required.

What is this?

Dean Radin is a champ, solid recommendation user.

Start with vipassana or "mindfulness" meditation and the basic Hermetic principles.

The two resources I recommend are "Mindfulness in Plain English" for meditation and "The Kybalion" for spiritual principles.

What a way to go through life. I guess user wouldn't mind if word like this were printed on his meaningless epitaph.

I have genuinely tried the spiritual BS (meditation, prayer etc) and nothing happened

It's the type of thing that'll find you if you need it.

You're like one those morons who goes to the gym for a week and bitches about not being jacked already.

It takes like 2-3 weeks to start noticing benefits from mindfulness meditation.

Why would you expect scientific/observable proof for non-physical phenomena?

You have to experience it yourself.

Yeah see that I have no problem with, but it's just laughable to me when a pack of monkeys (self included) claim to know the Mind Of God.

please see
The proofs have been established, numerous times. From the occidental to the orient.

But mechanistic materialst cucks have their head in the sand because of the absolute terror of the implications of this phenomena.

Ok m8 i juked you, i know how far along i am. Been doing this stuff for 2 years. I communicate with a higher being, i guess you could call god. Sometimes they pull me into the astral plane when i am sleeping. I hear extremely loud noises in my ears like static when this happens. What does it mean? How can i develope more?

Will spirituality help me


That's not true. Moral subjectivity is why human beings continue to live in the same retarded cycles of degeneracy and limited progress.

Reality is more important to me than what feels good. It's just about priorities. For real I like
but my mug with a big shit-eating grin is already in library books around the world. That's about as much meaning or immortality as any of us can hope for.

Yur a Shitty troll

Responding to the post aboot tim leary. Leary's fatal flaw was that he was working for the CIA. Leary was out of the harvard department of social research and designed the personality test for the CIA. When stanford research institue and harvard and the CIA were first testing LSD they first named acid psychotomimetic (pyschosis mimicking) then schizophrenogens (as in causes schizophrenia) once they renamed and rebranded acid as psychedelic and suggesting the spiritual trip then hippies starting tuning in turning in and dropping out. Which is exactly what the establishment wanted. For more on this check out Jan Irvin at gnostic media he's written papers such as manufacturing the dead head a product of social control and has some great content on you tube like his new series with steve outtrim about burning man and silicon valley. And he's fully redpilled on the (((JQ))).

>Collective consciousness, esp, telepathy, all of it is real.
got any proofs there?

>you're a meatbag
>awareness is limited to the meatbag
>making the world better is somehow meatbags moving randomly with no purpose
So you only concede awareness to the meatbag, however randomly this may have been formed, and you reject the idea of collective consciuosness (even though you're experiencing it in this forum) because?

I have posted some interesting reading ITT.

check my ID

you're not furthering your case here

not every book.

if you actually are interested in meditation, read The Mind Illuminated by John Yates aka Culadasa. its good shit no new-age BS i promise

I don't know what it means specifically, that depends on what you experience in the astral.

It's like you telling me you opened a book and read it, I can't tell you what it means because I don't know what is written on the pages.

>Moral subjectivity...degeneracy...
>"""(((objectivity)))""" exists
Can you back up your memes?

Hey user what is it called when you can will a good feeling out of your abs area?

It's weird, but it honestly feels like a good feeling moving from that area to every area of my body, making everything feel good. Almost like a sexual orgasm, except not in the same frequency for lack of a better word.

Sure there's a different kind of collective awareness here, no argument. It's an emergent epiphenomenon and it's both awesome and a faggot.

>applying mathematics to the universe

Theres your fallicy. What makes you think a mathematical truth implies anything at all about the universe?

Objectivity exists, but outside of your perception.

Science infers things, and we operate relatively well through this function. Similarly morality is a physical system property, analogous to something like temperature.

This can also be inferred using science and philosophy.

Ok well, its always dark. I can barely move. My brain feels like it is buzzing, it feels so good. I see a pitch black figure. Ive had sex with it a few times. One time, it took me to a room with statues that looked ancient. One i recognized as the symbol of the goddess i talk to. She showed me this, and asked me "what do you want?" "I dont know" "think hard. What do you want". The experiences have been getting longer and more intense. I can feel her touching my body, it feels like pinpricks.

Don't get attached to the feeling of eurphoria. It's common once you delve deep into meditation to have those feelings, just try not to fall in love with it. There's more beyond that.


When she touches me, i feel calm. Whenever i am sad, she comforts me. She is like a mother to me. She tells me things, and gives me advice and wisdom. Sometimes she gives me glimpses of the future, and they always come true.

I'm not having these feelings. I can will these feelings into being anytime.

Basically I can make myself feel good randomly when I desire.

I want to understand what this is. It feels like some sort of energy radiating through my body.

Leary's problem is that he never went beyond psychedelic drugs, and drug experiences (even good ones) are weird and chaotic and send people on weird tangents when they pursue them for too long.

A LOT of time has been wasted by trippers who were too lazy or uncurious to learn to meditate.


>morality is a physical system property
Then how do you explain "objective" morality changing it's "objectiveness" from culture to culture? Morality is just a reaction to the current enviroment (including society).

*rips bong*
*Pauses Alan Watts video*
Dude... this is like the most redpilled thread on Sup Forums right now

Another user already replied with sound advice. Manipulation of, and I hesitate to use this word because of the connotations, your energies is an important step. Yes it feels good to "flex" your energies. It simply means you have reached a stage of development where you're able to ascertain spiritual and consciousness awareness.

Keep going! This is good, I suggest a meditation regimen if you aren't already.

If objective morality exist then why does every culture has different morals and values?

The same way I'd explain different societies getting science wrong over the many years. Niggers in bushes think a great moon God created the Earth, Europeans thought Zeus created man etc.

Subjective morality is just flat earth tier explanations of what morality is.

So, what are you gonna do when someone deliberately intends to corrupt the collective consciousness by thinking like a complete asshole?

I mostly subscribe to Snowden's Secret. Man is matter. I don't believe in anything which is not scientifically provable.

That being said, I cannot fully reconcile the events of one night of my life with this worldview.

Essentially, I experienced a traumatic night (I suppose it was "night terrors") only once in my entire 25 years of life. It happened to be on the night that someone very close to me killed themselves. There was 100% no indication that this was going to happen, it was a normal night like any other. I found out in the morning.

To me, this lends credence to something like a collective consciousness. I don't know how to explore this phenomenon further except to say that it happened to me so I'm more open to the possibility.

Maintain the straight and narrow path

But what exactly am I flexing?

I understand that free will and consciousness exist, and that I can in fact will things into existence, but is this feeling I can create my "will" so to speak?

Some people in the astral choose to develop conduits because it best suits their growth. These are refereed to by many different names guardian angel, spirit guide, etc. It seems that you have effective results with this method, which is likely why it persists.

Sounds like it's serving its purpose, which is facilitate your development and perception of existence. Whatever "it" is shows you glimpses of the future and they always come true, what does that tell you about the nature of reality? This is an effective conduit for you, there's nothing more for me to advise.





fringe is a good board for stuff like this

Whaf is a conduit? Whats the end goal?

What chan is this screenshot from?

Do a ten day, but I warn anyone that's interested they can put you through hell


This is ideal but the world and values the world conditions onto people is incredibly counter productive to this, you're just standing on a soap box yelling at a bunch of sheep in real life and on the internet

Best thing is to impose a fascist spiritual-socialist-national state of new epic proportions, according to my desires that is.

I just want to


Sounds gay as fuck my family.


The final redpill is discarding these notions of "transcendence" and realizing that you are already enlightened, just the way you are. The world is absolutely perfect in every respect. There is nothing to achieve, nothing to attain, no work to do. Just "chop wood, carry water"

>referring to yours and others understanding of life and the self using a shitty quote from a late 1990s action movie

When is this fucking meme going to die?

This is beautiful thought, and I mean that sincerely. People are actively doing that have been for a very long time. Why do you think we in the midst of a recovery from such a dismal state? Powerful entities understand the rudiments of consciousness shaping reality and use it to their advantage!

Do you think kek and meme magic is a coincidence? It is a gigantic and Chan-friendly (not a coincidence) conduit for thousands and thousands of anons to learn and grasp the nature of reality! Consciousness affects material reality.

This is very common

>tfw you recently woke up

feelsgoodmane :^)

Truth leaf

I'd rather be a teenage girl that a salty beta loser that hates fun

Stay perpetually butthurt, fag

>I don't know how to explore this phenomenon further

If you'd like it in the most scientifically rigorous way possible, then "Dream Telepathy" is a book about experiments run by pscyhologists into telepathy that is very well done.

8gag's fringe

there is also fringechan which splintered off