Has Sup Forums been right about anything ever?

Has Sup Forums been right about anything ever?


About what?

Yes Sup Forums is always right, no exceptions.


Give me few examples.

It has been alt-right over everything.

in more recent memory, recall Trump and Brexit.

Who is the guy in the OP?

That Finland make the best memes.

This, and the normalization of pedophilia

can't forget the rapefugee situation

We've yet to see the benefits on those. But I'll give you Sup Forums predicted them winning.

every time there's a "diverse" cast for a film or show,
don't come running to us when it turns out to be shit

Go away, Reddit.

remember that every shooting in the US is a huge deal, but is hush hush under the hour as soon as the attacker turns out to be nonwhite;
or so dark they can't portray them as white

remember that the narrative we have is that women are all victim's of a man's world

oh sorry, I forgot to remind you about the fact that any group trying to help is labelled an enemy

and then there's Israel getting all violent; but now that the US took its hands off look how that's going
it's as if Israel really is put there to cause problems in the middle east

and when "fake news" turned out to be real news,
and when "real news" turned out to be fake news

who was right first time?

when our "post ironic" comments became reality, were we wrong?

it's not a case of trying to find things to prove the point

it's a case of trying to ignore the narrative pushed upon you

And when we point out who's to blame,
are we wrong?

Have a good day,
And don't say we didn't tell you so

lol he's balding
