The people who Doxed Millennial Woes. - Press F to Pay Respects

(They are all doxed)

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Embalm them.



Looks inbred

>(They are all doxed)

Sup Forums sides with antifa now, fuck off nazis

A Thousand Flowers and it's members are toast lol.

Wew, where can i get make scotland great again hat!

Someone plz "prank" him.

>That blurb

All that to say he works in a call centre...

MW, Pale Hom - Dem boys. Celtic supremacy.

Did Not understand anything other than celtic supremacy.
And I like that

Good. He was an asshole.

Yeah, A Thousand Flowers (Liam Turbett, Sarah Higgins etc) were assholes.. Now they are fucked for life desu.


Lotta fancy words for a Maoist tele-salesman.

I don't know, but I think that there is something very characteristic about the left in this job description.. The impotence and little substance/value, but rather a lot of effort into how to package it, a word salad you could say. But there is barely any core, just hot air. Cheap talk.

>Knock, Knock, Knock

In his real life he is woefully pathetic, but with ANTIFA and 'A Thousand Flowers' he gets to feel big and important. He gets to bully people around. Well Liam, your chicken has truly come home to roost. Not such a big man now, ay?

Kek, post more. Would like some more irl Woes OC.

All i got, it's from a new article today:

Ha no way they are still at it. Dam, would have been nice if Woes maintained the weight he had a year back though. He gained that weight in the year leading up to now.


"Now Police Scotland are set to get involved after Robertson’s supporters on the far right started a campaign targeting the journalists and campaigners responsible for naming the neo-Nazi. "

Lol no way.. But I don't understand, What happened to Woes is exactly the same as what happened to 'A Thousand Flowers'. If the police are going after the DOXERS of ATF, why would they not go after the DOXERS of Woes?

"In some of them Robertson says he believes whites have a higher IQ purely because of the colour of their skin" LOL

It's astonishing really.

Poetic justice.

The names are public of the peopled who DOXED Woes, the police should arrest them....

Yet they are now going after the people who DOXED the people who DOXED Woes exclusively? What a joke.

he's locked his twitter and deleted his linkedin page already

What a sad situation, I hope Woes is okay.

did they died?

All I know is that they were Doxed desu..

Read this article for the latest

Same, I really want to see his video on the whole thing.

You internet nazis can't do shit to us. You dox us and what else? Post anime on our twitter feeds TOP KEK

You'll get killed m8.
Webm related.

I am sure that they are very happy that they have been doxed and are not scared at all. It makes there whole anonymous ATF organization pretty useless now also, as everything can be pinned to them personally now.

They doxed Woes first also, people on the Alt right don't really dox people who haven't doxed someone else.


I love this video. Mortal combat fatality



Wow. a couple of bedroom dwellers got some real attention, and notice. I guess that makes OP feel a little less hollow. This article wasnt even worth a skimp through.

Don't be mad desu.


Who Cares?

Zim Zam has been walking around talking shit for years. Nothing happens.

hur dur I know your real name know ur not l33t

God he needs to lose weight

Yeah bro, he looked pretty good a while ago. Is a shame he gained weight just before all the exposure.

One thing I'll say is that he has a beast hairline for his age though. A least he is not balding, he just needs to lose weight and he will look a bit foxy again.