American history x. Was there a lesson to be learned?

So I just watched this movie with a redpilled view. And I'm not sure if I actually got the message they were trying to send or if most people just misinterpreted it.

>the main character makes logical and to the point arguments based on facts at many occasions.

This made me question the plot. At no time do we see anything changing the facts of the bigger picture.

>every single black person except for the teacher and the 1 inmate he becomes friends with, is a proof of the problem with black people in America.

This movie isn't about white racism. It's about not meeting violence with violence.

>the main characters father even talked calmly and very clearly about how he think the best person for a job should get it. No matter the race.
But then he finished his speech with nigger.

What do you think pol?

Either they made the movie about something other than racism and people misinterpreted it, or they made a lazy attempt at making a strong minded character by addic facts to his dialogue and forgot that it was facts along the way.

Without black people, it would be a happy living family.

Other urls found in this thread:


It was a complete fake out. A test of sort.

It tries to make you stop thinking of niggers as nigger because of 'muh good ones' then kills a white boy, there by proving they are chimps.

Something about the cycle of hate, hate leads to the people you hate hating you back which leads to an endless cycle of violence. The point was made when the teacher asked "How has anything you've done improved your life?", and it's true, he overreacted to a couple of nigs trying to steal his car and got prison raped as a reward.

praise be unto your palindromes OWO

yeah, don't drop the soap

The only lesson to learn from that film is to watch yourself around blacks.

>curb stomping

I guess curb stomping is probably worse in India, considering all the poo in the streets.

So much poo.

Wait, what's going on in Slovakia?

It started a conversation.

lots of gypsies there.
and a shithole in general

Welp, next time I see one of those gypsy cunts posting here I know what image to spam them with.

The way Derek kicked that Jew out of his house was exemplary.

>indian logic
Why are your people so intellectually gifted. Im not even joking. Every hindu I meet is this way

glad I could help out.
to be fair though: there are huge differences between the western and eastern parts of slovakia. basically like two countries

Explain how I'm wrong then.

The message was don't use excessive violence when defending your family, home, and property from niggers or you'll go to jail for a short amount of time.

>the main character makes logical and to the point arguments based on facts at many occasions
Yeah, but he's a hateful bigot so it doesn't count

I'm not sure he was being sarcastic.

Why do you want to see a message in a film ?


The director's vision was changed halfway through, all the positive aspects of the film are a leftover of his original idea. They changed many aspects (especially the ending, where Danny shaves his head) and the director demanded his name be removed from the film.

Kek and Thoth confirm

I'm not sure what message they tried to pass, but the one I got is that racial tension is there forever. A single racist action causes several retaliations, and the web of grief and revenge is infinitely huge and complex. So much you can't opt out of it.

You can't be like "woaah there I'm not a racist, black people are our equals", and expect to be shielded from being a victim of the race war, it won't stop your your wife from being raped by immigrants, or yourself killed for sport just because you're a white imperialist racist colonialist that's killing Africa.

Your individual actions don't matter, the world is far too big for everyone to care about you and know which side you're on. You can't pick any other side than the one you're born on.

People not defending their race, or supporting another above their own, just put themselves in a crossfire: in the end, they lose everything.


Read about the director. Hes a jew and refused to promote the movie bc he didnt like the way it turned out

>I'm not sure what message they tried to pass, but the one I got is that racial tension is there forever

It's not racial tension, because it presents American whites as victims and with no serious prospect of changing the dangers in their society. This is the surprisingly realistic part about American History X, it actually shows who it is who initiates the "cycle of violence"... and who it is who has responsibility to make his life better.

We learned that americunts love getting rammed in the ass by fellow Nazi larpers


>be Irish
>wake up at noon
>fight your mum
>eat potato soup

You missed an intermediate step. Pic related


Thoth agrees vehemently!


so the point of the movie is nigs gon nig so it's best to just avoid them since they're stupid as fuck and will never learn even if you curbstomp em?

Better to save yourself from going to prison for murdering a nigger since a niggers life ain't even worth shit so you just murdered a fucking nobody and got life in prison for it


I think what it comes down to is hate begets hate, and intolerance begets hate, and it does a good job of not making the latter a blue pilling eye roll. what I mean by that is shown pretty well in the dinner scene, normies will probably agree they felt very uncomfortable with how reasonable Derek sounded in this scene, he didn't get unreasonable until his sister or mother (can't remember) start berating him for starting a discussion, trying to shut him down, even the Jewish boyfriend/step-dad (whatever) tries to hear Derek out but is guilty of a holier than thou mindset just like the women in how he conflates justification for black violence in response to so called "oppression" with the plight of the Jews. The most beautiful part about this scene is how even with Derek's jovial dismissal of the Jew's appeal to emotion, the audience has followed his train of thought, and unless they themselves are intolerant, will have found some sense in Derek's logical conclusion.

Many people on here say it's blue pilled in the way it portrays Neo-Nazism, but I think it draws some well needed parallels between ethnically defined gangs, and makes a very elucidating comparison with what draws whites to the skinheads and what draws blacks to their ghetto gangs. We see the futility of the individual groups struggles in the prison, we have no indication Derek does not believe alot of what he preached before, he has simply accepted that his motivation was not one of righteousness but of fear and frustration with the disparity with how whites, blacks, Jews and Mexicans are treated, and wants to save his brother from wasting his life perusing the same gang mentality. The conclusion is a brutal punctuation on the consequences of the social divide not a justification of intolerance.

The movie is about showing how other people think, how they come to their conclusions and understanding people's frustration with what many normies would think was just naturally good.

>not a forced meme

be aware that the publicly released movie doesnt feature the directors intended message

>leafs still not genocided

If youre gonna kill a nigga, kill his whole family too.

By the wrath of Thoth

if palins get you will get hemorrhoids

You white bois all deserve to rot. We was kangs before the white man took us from our landz, to do your dirty works. You'd be nothing if if wern't for the black man. You owe everything to us. Gibs now.

This one scene sums up the 2016 US presidential election perfectly:





go eat a dick ostrich