Why are the smartest people always leftists? You have to admit that dumb people are more likely to be Trump supporters

Why are the smartest people always leftists? You have to admit that dumb people are more likely to be Trump supporters

t. city person that never left their Matrix bubble to ever actually meet a white male.

how is he smart when he got btfo by some eastern bloc nobody

the educated tend to be left leaning, that's true for anywhere in the world

noam chomsky isn't particularly intelligent at anything except as a linguist. every other field he spouts his unqualified opinions within the maze of a word salad and liberals just eat that shit up.


two reasons:

-they live inside their mind, sheltered from reality, where they are unable to test their "perfect utopias"

-since they see themselves as above the rest, they think they "figured out mankind" and have THE BEST POLITICAL SYSTEM GUYZ WHY AREN'T YOU PAYING ATTENTION TO ME, which leads to obsessive control, which leads to planned societies devoid of freedom

>-they live inside their mind, sheltered from reality, where they are unable to test their "perfect utopias"

Are you new to Sup Forums? This sums up this board perfectly.

You have some kind of link to that. Love to see it.

Meanwhile the right drones on and on and on about how great the past was like the fucking "member" berries.

This is a myth.

'Hurr durr Hillary voters/Remain voters are more educated'

'Educated' includes Gender Studies and other useless shit

>-they live inside their mind, sheltered from reality, where they are unable to test their "perfect utopias"
except liberals tend to live in cities among diversity, just come to toronto, place is better than anywhere in canada and is actually relevant

it's just rural trash who are uneducated and unsophisticated

>inb4 some butthurt prairie nigger gets mad

Why are physically weak people always leftists?

Werner von Braun was an nazi

>thinks Jew who doesn't acknowledge 9/11 was an inside job is smart.

Or he is smart enough not to!

They're not always.

zizek is a leftist too

Correctly. Because people were happier before the disintegration of society.

kek. Urbanites are literally retarded. The human brain isn't capable of modeling more than about 150 people, so in urban areas people stop modeling human beings as individuals mentally and start modeling them as archtypes.

City-dwellers are literally all sociopaths. Rural people are smarter, healthier, more moral, more empathetic and less violent.

Yeah, add a boner for power and strength and you get Sup Forums, remove it and leave it as whiny faggots and you get the left

I'm an anarchist btw. I hope we'll evolve enough as people to not be so shit, but if we don't, hey there's a trillion years left for the universe to try again somewhere else, so yeah

"Smartest" people.

You mean the ones who sit in their leftist university bubble and get told over and over again that they're brilliant and are more useful than let's say, some "dumb" rural hick who knows how to farm and repair their own hardware?

What about all the dumb minorities who are liberals? Look at all the stupid ghetto niggers and tell me that they are intelligent

>Rural people are smarter
no, statistics show they're uneducated trash, leech off welfare more than any other group and are more prone to criminal behavior

people in the STEM fields with high earning blue collar and white collar jobs are almost always liberal and smart

Why are the smartest blacks conservative?

Yeah dude :^) no need to change stances on things that make you uncomfortable. Status quo is the only way to live my dude.

Yea, no, most of the votes democrats get are from borderline retarded ghetto rats and mexicunts. Then there's a much smaller number of self-hating academics and 1%ers.

The idea that liberals are smarter is false on its face. A smaller percentage of people who voted for clinton had degrees than trump. It's a small percentage of lol "studies" majors at the top and then a bunch of leeches who at best get pity high school diplomas that make up the bulk of their voters.

weed lmao
sex lmao
and gibesmedat

also monkey-tier collectivist tribalist mentality

>use nepotism to attain control of universities
>shut out all opposing opinions
>then claim to be ,le educated elite
>doesn't realize what happens to said elite when they abuse their position and ill gotten gains.
Left or Right, you intellectuals will be purged, if not by Facists, the communists will eventually see to it that intellectualism/liberalism dies once it's outlived it's usefulness.
Have fun.

Condi was an angel as Secretary of Stare compared to Hillary

>defends anarcho-communism, an ideology so stupid any child can see through its bullshit

don't think so

I was told communism is an intellectual movement by prof Wolowitz

If you Cityshits are so perfect, I guess we "rural retards" can stop selling you food, minerals, and raw materials.

Have fun.

Chomsky is dumb as fuck. He doesn't even know basic economics.


because they have their idea of how the world and people should be, but they don't take into account how the world and people actually are

yeah but he knows a pretty good form for parsing formal languages and grammars

Because smart right wingers are ostracized from universities. They usually go into business and politics, or withdraw from society, like Ted Kaczinski.

Being smart doesn't mean a paid for education. Why do you think every person with a college degree works at McDonalds or Starbucks, especially those with a liberal arts degree.

Being smart should be have earned/created market success.

Once you realize this is the true meaning of being "smart" that most smart people are right-wing.

Also Sage because sage acts as a downvote

Maybe, but they eventually get rid of all competition and dissent. Can't have smart goyim asking too many questions.

Raw brainpower does not make someone smart. There must be wisdom there as well.

>dumb people are more likely to be Trump supporters
Have you ever met a nigger, user?

you mean flower language to trick normies into state control

>talks about smart people
>posts Noam Chomsky

Wew lad

It depends on what you define as smart. Being traditionally educated does not necessarily makes one smarter than anyone else. Academia became a marxist meme decades ago. Now it is the home of bitter, miserable and unfulfilled people with an inflated sense of self importance.

The "smart city people" who voted Remain/Clinton are not fully equiped to survive in adverse conditions. They can't hunt and harvest their own food and are not able to protect their property by force. They produce absolutely nothing and would starve to death if it wasn't for all these "dumb and illiterate" people who voted Trump.

The Left tend to never leave university and get multiple degrees without actually contributing to mankind. They come to believe that all 'degrees' are status and order their lives to that end.

A 40+ I know has six post-graduate degrees and lectures at different colleges as a 'career', working Starbucks during his off time. If he vanished tomorrow, no one would miss him. I would have another barista make my hot chocolate.

Left Wing: a compilation of theories.
Right Wing: compilation of practices.
Smart people like the left because the fundamental aspects of thinking are wider and more maleable. Ever notice how there's a shitload of different ideologies centering communism? Anarchists, Maoists, Marxist-Leninists, Marxists, Stalinists, Syndicalists, Trotskyists; so fucking many, but on the opposite end, there are only three or four types of nazism. This is because left wing politics are theoretical, and thinkers like their theories to expand smaller ideas into greater ones. Now look at the right, the right is socially Darwinist or conservative further down the line, less social justice focused closer to the center, religious, and practical. The right wing does shit more than it thinks. The right will preserve gun rights, the right will instill only a free or mixed market, the right will try to do what it believes. It isn't to say the right is incapable of deep thought, but many right movements already have hardlined and static fundamentals. So take the idiot: a person who thinks little. The right suits them because they don't have to ponder too hard or be conscious because it is written for them. Whether or not more of one or the other is best however, is up for a debate that cannot be covered in this thread alone.

>Now it is the home of bitter, miserable and unfulfilled people with an inflated sense of self importance.
Seems like most of us would fit right in.

They're not smart. They've just been selectively exposed to a very insular and one sided view of the world. Often with a guided interpretation of what they should be seeing. Ultimately, reading fancy analysis of inner-city poverty and crime while sitting back in your comfy house located in a safe white gentrified neighborhood grants an entirely different perspective than actually living in a crime and poverty-ridden inner city neighborhood.

This is why some red pills happen when liberal numales ingratiate themselves with BLM protesters thinking that they'll be unconditionally welcomed, only to be savagely beaten and robbed at the first opportunity. Or when bleeding heart SJW womyn travel to shitholes like Haiti and 99% of Africa to "help the poor starving children", only to get raped and murdered by the people they are trying to help.

Actual intelligence means looking beyond the one-sided presentation and uncovering the underlying agendas, always reviewing the merits of opposing arguments, and ultimately not being afraid to form your own conclusions

>not simply more catastrophic degrees of wrong

long live the dumb people then!

how do we keep winning?!?!

This. He revolutionized linguistics. What is strange about him is that he is a staunch defender of nature over nurture in language unlike most Marxist.

Too much to peel apart but Thomas Sowell does a good job explaining it in "Intellectuals and Society"

>The right suits them because they don't have to ponder too hard or be conscious because it is written for them.

You can say exactly the same for the left

Supporting Hillary "Moloch witch pedophile treasonous criminal" Clinton is close to the dumbest thing a person could have done.

This guy is anti-war. He just doesn't want children bombed anymore. He's old school democrat. He doesn't give a fuck about transgenders or lgbtq bullshit.

I don't have a problem with someone pointing out that the CIA jews bomb children and lie about it. He is not a defender of Israel at all either.

chompsky is a fucking moron

>implying theres any room left in their tiny brains for intelligence

Yes, but this is a gross simplification of both sides to suit my suggestion as to why it may be.

only the noisy smart people are on the left. the right-leaning smart people have figured out that it is better to tend your own garden. we are fortunate in that a man like trump has chosen to leave his garden to come and help you tend yours.

Chomsky is retarded , he even supported the retarded chavist while everyone told it was a retarded economical system.
Today venezuelan minimum wage is like 7 dollars a month , while before leftism it was the fourth richest country in the world

Even if you're a good academic, it doesn't mean your opinion on everything is automatically valid.

Depends how you quantify 'smart' but gr8 b8

He's a anarcho syndicalist. Which is indistinguishable from corporatocracy except corporations (owned by shareholders) are syndicates (owned by workers)

>Chumpsky. Smart.

As an engineer, it seems the opposite has been true so far.

The engineers who I work with (in NYC) to give me information on buildings for structural analysis seem to have less of an understanding of the city codes and relevant information (blatantly leaving out important stuff).

The four engineers I had met in different rural areas all knew the associated town codes like the back of their hand and have yet to overlook the minutiae.

It seems that some intelligent people can desire to live in rural areas

That perpetual arrogance never stops, I suppose.

They're not.
Jews have high verbal IQ. They use it to give the impression that they are intelligent by overcomplicating simple matters.

You should read Mein Kampf (not the jew edited versions) to gain a full understanding of this.

Ted Kaczinski is hot as fuck. Also, weren't you the user who sent a letter to him but you were too young for him to respond?


IQ is actually the definition of intelligence, which is what "smart" means. Also, fuck you, I'll reply to obvious bait if I want to.

Pol Pot and other commie dictators intentionally killed smart people.

Pol Pot literally genocided people who wore glasses, because they believed the glasses = smart meme was real, and it implied that they knew how to read.



>Why are the smartest people always leftists?
>Why aren't philosophers better at physics?

cuz they have evil mixed in plus they're fags[homosexuals]. But the fact is real inventors and innovators are right wing, leftists come up with "edgy" theories that fall on their face and usually ending in catastrophes.

>Chomsky is perhaps the greatest linguist to ever live

>spouts word salad

Mate it's you that's retarded for not understanding the words he's saying.

Because Testosterone is less present in weaker males.

Testosterone levels correlate directly with political views.

This is why men need to be feminised. Because they literally think with their dick, instead of their brain.

It seems a common "argument" of the left to try to dismiss or discredit an entire group of people as "dumb". This is statistically impossible to prove and is the most basic ad hominem attack that can be made.

If anyone tries to use "your dum" as an argument, they themselves are in fact "dumb".

>Werner von Braun

You guys should post gore to make these shills go back to fb updates




Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. on PBS: "Africans sold other Africans to the Europeans." "There were African middlemen and they'd fight wars with other Africans to enslave them and to sell them to the white man." "Slavery was a huge business for different African kingdoms."Sep 4, 2010
