Exploring our oceans: Don't you fucking do it

You know how scientists are always clamoring about how we know more about outer space then we do our own oceans?

Maybe there is a fucking reason for that
1. The ocean sucks
2. Who wants to be around some faggy fish
3. Fuck salt

Let me explain to you something Sup Forums
We never need to explore our fucking oceans because theres nothing cool down there
So dont you go looking because your going to waste your time my time and humanities time

I dont understand why anyone would wanna go check out that bullshit

If you wanna get the same experience just go to the deepend of the pool or a pond and its the same exact shit just deeper

I repeat there is nothing cool in our unexplored oceans and aint nobody got time to find it out

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fuck you Deep One, we will do it one day


You better fucking stay off my turf bitches!

Not even the vast emptiness of the universe scares me as much as the deep sea.


Ohhhh man, I haven't seen this pasta in ages.
Thank you for for bringing all these memories.

I like this one. I'm always curious to know the story behind it.

Dude probably got so thirsty he wanted the ocean for himself.

George Bush hates black people

26 ft long Long-Legged (Maginapinna) squid. Living fossil, most likely only one of its kind ever observed.. [And filmed]..


It's like the delegates meme for me


k, guna bcom marin biologist and study deep ocean gay as fish

Fuck off Cthulhu, fucking fish nigger

>You know how scientists are always clamoring about how we know more about outer space then we do our own oceans?
Once you realize that space is a hoax, these kind of statements turn out as great source of laugh. Scientists know shit really.


That image always gives me the creeps

>Who wants to be around some faggy fish

Fuck you OP I want muh sea monsters



You must be if you think that's an appropriate way to express mirth

>1. The ocean sucks



>nothing cool

>implying a race of merpeople who are as intelligent as us isnt internesting

Nice try Cthulhu.

NOAA here.

Okay, we'll drop everything and leave.

Just be nice, plz.

>stay out of the ocean goy, there's nothing good down there

Stale pasta


Deep sea is scary as fuck.

Gay, that thing shits where it eats

This thing gives me the willies

Prepare for your cultural enrichment, Cthulhu-chan!

I think it's more to do with the weight of the water at depth completely crushing even our most sophisticated submarines when they're down there to do research. Once.


The idea of humanity having time that could be wasted is a silly one- we have done more in around 10,000 years than any other animal on this planet. In the grand scheme of things, 10,000 Earth years are a drop in the ocean. Technology is only going to keep advancing, and in shorter time thanks to our modern societies. The ocean holds many worthwhile things to discover and add to humanity's collective repertoire of knowledge such as:

>More oil
>Water to purify
>New species to discover that could have medical and aquaculture benefits
>Tidal Energy
>Cool deep sea stuff

I miss eyebro