Saw this image floating around my bookface. People were sharing it unironically

Saw this image floating around my bookface. People were sharing it unironically.

My thoughts after reading this were:
>Bitches are getting $5k from the gubment because these sheboons have kids they can't support
>They are going to band together and have a lump sum of $20k... with which they will probably do nothing productive despite their best efforts
>People wonder why conservatives want to eliminate the welfare state

Discuss. Is this a nigger problem, or a government problem? Both?

Other urls found in this thread:

Blaming people for taking advantage of government stupidity is fruitless.

If the government are stupid enough to make gibs available to people then people will take it.

If nigs were capable of a joint business venture they wouldn't need gibs in the first place.

What is a screenshot?

Gypsies do something similar. They have a ton of fucking children to get as much welfare as possible and they just keep producing more and more and more and more, there are stories on the news about 40+ of them living in 2 rooms all not working shit lmao.

>ratchet fucks think can get approved for a mortgage loan

At least they are talking about investing in something

The rest of them are just like HOO BOY 5K IMMA GET BUTT IMPLANTS

So, in your eyes, this is completely acceptable? That sounds very Randian of you.

What should be done about this govt. stupidity? I wonder if it is even possible to cut back the welfare state in this day and age.

>don't clothe your kids and be a responsible parent
>BMW's cost $5000
>a downpayment is the final payment you'll need to make

What the fuck, Shanelle?

Top kek

I've really come to despise the conservative view that 'cutting spending' will somehow ease national debt.

The entire system is built on debt, there is literally no way to fix an economy based on fractional reserve banking because it is entirely built on money created on thin air then sold to the government with interest.

Conservatives and liberals are both wrong. Ending fiat currency is the only way to stop our economies from running off a cliff.

I mean its not a bad idea, outside of the fact that if they were smart enough to manage a property they wouldnt be in this position to begin with.

So the only reason you dont rape and murder is because the government is stopping you?

Yeah, a friend sent me some links to an old story about Jews in New York. They would all abuse the welfare system and work together as a single unit.

>Ending fiat currency is the only way to stop our economies from running off a cliff.
We should use gold coins?

Not to mention divorcing the husbands and taking half + alimony

Pussy pass

Pizzagate is real digits confirm

Dude, cutting spending while simplying taxes across the board (having no deductions, credits or exemptions) would do a lot to pay down debt.

This assumes they already pay taxes and it's still a tax refund of 5,000 per person.

The gibs ends up in business and productive hands anyway. Giving money to poor people isn;t throwing the money away, think of it like maintaining roads or the like, it's ensuring the hoards of poorfags don't resort to crime due to extreme poverty.

Maybe instead of gold coins we could use a currency that is directly redeemable for gold... maybe a 'gold backed currency'? A currency resistant to inflation because it could not be created simply out of thin air, whose value was based on something more than simply how much of it was in circulation at the time?

Oh that's right, we did have that, before privately owned central banks took over.

You cannot fix debt when the entire currency is based around debt.

Yeah, , I'm in agreement with . The system is based off of debt, yes, but I think there are a lot of other measures that can be taken to lessen the debt to GDP *ratio*.

we have encrypted currency, while it is not perfect yet already big companies such as IBM are researching it. Centralized banking will be old fashioned in fifty years.

ayo da bank will give us a mortgage if we jus pool our welfare monies even tho we high risk

btw i dont remember what caused the 2008 housing collapse btw white devils are to blame for that cuz they be giving loans they know we melanoides cant pay back

Honestly, its pretty smart for them to work together to buy property and stop paying rent. You can save a shitload of money that way, so long as they stay on top of the maintenance and take care of it. 20k isn't much, but its close to a DP on a house in parts of the country, or a 4plex on a FHA, or at the very least is a good head start to a savings fund for one. They're likely to underestimate the hard work necessary, but giving it their best is better than half the fucking country, and I can appreciate the "can do" attitude rather than "i's a nigga n whyt man b keepin' me down n shiet".

Its a government problem to redistribute wealth, yes. But if my money is going to be jewed away, I'd much rather it go to a thrifty wimminz like OP who'll use it to get out of the hole rather than buying BMWs like she said or booze and weed. That attitude is much more constructive than most of the white middle and upper middle class who constantly are in debt from keeping up with the Jones's and buying fancy cars and way too big houses for their budgets.

'Cutting spending' is a meme. Conservative governments always promise cuts to spending yet they always manage to increase the national debt somehow.

>20k for a apartment building down payment
> not 200k

But honestly it's sound advise. Buy asserts that will appreciate in value. That's how people gain wealth.


Don't go to the gym barbell accident a coming Debt Dollar reigns supreme summit to overloads

That's ensuring growth never ends (find a source of income on asteroids for example). Maintaining a 1-2 percent interest growth indefinably MIGHT be possible as it effectively nullifies debt. The debt represents a future promise of growth, as long as that promise exists, the debt never needs to be paid off.

niggers won't band together shit

they will spend it on the first new pair jordans they see, and some new rims.

>Conservative governments always promise cuts to spending yet they always manage to increase the national debt somehow.
You are aware it's possible to cut spending and increase the debt, correct and that many governments have done precisely that?

>Call 4 of your friends who will also get a 5,000 refund
>4 of your friends
>Plus the person the post is directed to equals 5
>5*5,000 = $25,000

>Put a 20,000 dollar down payment on a building

Where does the other $5,000 go Sup Forums?

It really isn't hard. Get one person with no credit or debt to open a secured card, only charge 5-10% of its max, and pay it down for a year. You now have enough credit to borrow a million at 4%, provided you have sufficient income cover 3x the mortgage payment monthly, which for a 100k place really isn't all that much, and being a grocery store clerk for a year would qualify. Borrowing money is piss easy these days.

>Perpetual market growth

Absolutely. What does this perpetual market growth require? Perpetual population growth. What happens when the native population isn't breeding enough to meet this population growth demand? Why, increased immigration quotas of course!
Yes I realize this... so what exactly is the point? The debt continues to grow... until...??

and how are they going to pay property taxes

I didn't take the picture. This image was being shared on facebook -- as in I just downloaded the image. Someone else used their phone instead of Greenshot. Kek.

the start up for a basement hair and nail salon

Shanelle keeps it for masterminding the op.

>I mean its not a bad idea, outside of the fact that if they were smart enough to manage a property they wouldnt be in this position to begin with.
That's how I look at it. They buy that building, they're now responsible for it. Do we really think a troop of Basketball-Americans are going to fucking maintain a building?

Obviously, it's grows at a smaller, or manageable rate, compared to what it might be before. Is this the famous Australian shitposting I've heard of? This is more like Canadian shitposting.

What about the other $5k. If you have $5k and so do four of your friends that's $25k. Also, it's not a terrible idea. Except, these 5 welfare bitches would not be able to pay the taxes or maintenance. Plus, if they owned property theymwouldn't be entitled to Gibbs the same so won't happen.

Own 3 houses. Can confirm banks won't lend no matter how big your deposit if you have no income.


Didn't notice that lol. Good one.

Maybe she's in Detroit and they're going to buy a whole block for 20k?

Have you seen how fucking money niggers spend on bullshit expensive clothes? Buying jordans and lidz instead of thrift store tier shit really fucks their budgets. Its like spinning rims. And $5k is plenty enough to start a lease on a BMW.

Closing costs.

Is all of your property in the UK, or are you an international merchant?

Shanelle gettin a new Weave n nails n shit

vicodin, alcohol, and weed

maybe some cocaine if they feel like celebrating

>make down payment with tax refund
>can't make monthly payments
>lose your property as well as all of your money
LOL niggers

This. I see countless nigs driving cars that are worth literally less than the 25" rims they threw on their rusting 90s shitbox.

Actually not a bad idea.

>buy a decent sized house with 3 or 4 other single mom's
>they can start working and can have one stay home to take care of the kids while the others work
>pooling money means they can buy bulk foods and cook easier
>returning to the way society used to function (it takes a village)

They'll probably just buy a house, not work and bitch when they can't pay taxes etc on it. Seriously blacks need fascism to function. Malcolm X was right

> sufficient income

nuff said

Crack and wattamellon drink.

So debt continues to grow and grow and grow.

Then what? What's the end point of national debt growth? Every economic collapse that happens will get worse and worse. The last one liquidated over a million jobs in the US alone.

If I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt on knowing how this shit works, lending fees, but I don't.

SPBP also checked

Where in America can you buy a house for 20k that is not completly shit?

The country :^)
Plus rehab isn't that expensive if you do the work yourself.


Yes until some mega genius comes up with an alternative. Like democracy this is the best we got so far.

I'd build a few AR15s for cheap and sell them for a profit.

>Maybe she's in Detroit and they're going to buy a whole block for 20k?

You actually can't. The Democrats in charge refuse to let any of that property be bought up, because liberals must keep niggers in poverty and dependent entirely upon Dems. It's a straight gibs-for-votes exchange.

If the Demokikes weren't deliberately encouraging niggers to forever nig, they'd have allowed developers to buy the city up decades ago.

If you want to buy one of those $500 homes in Detroit, you also need to pay the $50,000+ in back taxes and unpaid utility bills. That's why no one has done so.

Fun fact: did you know the kikes that control the drinking water won't let you cancel service? Ever. It's always tied to the property, generating $35+/mo in "service fees" even after the property was abandoned. Forever. As a lien on the deed. Before you can get the title you have to pay it all. :^)

That's the problem. The more I read about this shit the more I realize that there isn't really a way back from all this other than an enormous collapse.

JFK called out these cunts in public and they got rid of him easy as fuck.

Sven, it's for a 'down payment' on a home. Usually the bank will ask for a 10% down payment on the property you wish to buy. So, a $200k house is going to require a $20k down payment.

So it grows at a more manageable rate. What is your problem that you can't understand this? There are plenty of counties that are in very good financial state, but still have national debts, but very manageable ones.

I support ending central banks on principle, but you "End the Fed" fucks are such faggots, I swear.

>one woman gets 5000 dollars
>she calls 4 other women
>together they have 20.000 dollars

Wait. Shouldn't it be 25.000? Are niggers too dumb to do simple math?

Granted, but I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that she has some McJob or something. All those TSA and government office employees come from somewhere.

Can you actually make money doing this or is this more of a "cash on the side" thing.

Wait this says for a bunch of folks to get together and combine their tax returns to purchase property. The whole 5k thing isn't the point, the fact is they are getting this out of their tax returns. If they invest in and improve the peroperty, it is much nicer than if they blew it on TVs and booze.

I am not quite seeing the problem as anyone can band together their tax returns and do this, and it is wise to do so.

Not true

Detroit here

I bought 5 houses for 50 bucks. I demolished tbem and sold tbem to some firm that wanted to do urban farming

Its pretty solidly 20% since the housing crisis, unless you get an FHA in which case, it can be as low as 3-5% iirc, if you get PMI but since I'm not a nigger, I've only ever conventionally financed and am a lot less versed in FHA lending, other than knowing the standards and dp requirements are absurdly low.

Whoa, that is some serious kikery

Wtf I hate racist RepubliKKKans for keeping the poor POC down.

Fuck drumpf and fuck white people

Lmfao ikr they're trying to do something atleast they aren't trailerpark hoes talking about buying Cadillacs or "slabs" lmao don't make me get screen shots. In b4 trs stormcucks spamming gtfo nigger.

>So it grows at a more manageable rate

What happens when the fed calls in the debt? Mass sell offs by investors who don't actually have the money to pay the debt. Mass market collapse. Mass economic turmoil.

I'm not trying to sound like some authority and I'm not shitposting, believe it or not. I'm genuinely trying to work out the end state here.

Figured, I bought my aparment for 1120 dollars, but I got a really good deal because the old gentleman who sold it just wanted to be rid of it.
If I sold it today I would get at least 28k dollars because for some odd reasons we now have more people than we have apartments and houses to house them in.

>down payment
>spending your life owing money to jewish banks

Justin, please don't tell me you seriously do this.

You'd have to do it a lot to make any real money but I know a guy that does it and donates his profits to an animal shelter. He makes bank at his real job but he just likes building guns. The real way to do it would be to start an online company like palmetto state armory or surplus and do it until you can bankroll an actual manufacturing operation. Next thing you know you're Daniel Defense.

Who should I believe, Sup Forums?

>5 x $5,000 = $20,000

I was just saying I capsule turn that $5k into $10k relatively easily with the current market and parts building being cheaper than complete rifles. If Hillary had won the election and I invested $5k into this I could easily turn it into $30k-$40k

LOL people do it all the time. But yeah, I agree, it is unfortunate that people live out of their means trying to be trendy, and they spend much of their life in debt because of it

>fed calls in the debt?
What the fuck is this supposed to mean? That's not how it works at all. Treasury bonds are owned by purchasers of debt and they are backed by the full credit of the United States.

Look if we ended central banking and returned to a gold standard you can kiss our living standards goodbye as the monetary supply would plummet. Income inequality would skyrocket in developed countries and instability would return. Who owned the gold would own the world. We would effectively return to pre-industry slavery. The housing industry is a way to perpetually prop up "infinite growth", house loans for ever growing population, immigrants taking student/housing loans etc. Same with military industry, buying ammo and vehicles non-stop and expending it. It's all to prop up the infinite growth. It HAS to be like this until we figure out a way to transition into an alternative without savrificing living standards too much or what will happen? Living standards in first worlds plummet/ resources become more important/ countries instability.... war over resources. The alternate to our system is devastating.


The user who bought properties just got some that didnt have a lien on them.

The house I bought (foreclosed on two years ago, vacant the entire time) had a past due water bill of just under 2000$ , such kike bullshit

Donald Trump is smart when he takes advantage of tax laws, but they're sheboons?

This. People try to avoid paying taxes every possible way they can except some people that actually believe not paying taxes is stealing. Making sure the government has as little money as possble to spend on trash is a good thing because when the money is short they have to spend the remains on actual important stuff if they wanna be voted for again.

Can 5 people work together consistantly, especially 5 sheboons, without fighting constantly & fucking each other over?

>Put $20,000 up front for a ... "building" because of disproportionate tax return
>Next month rolls around, time for $5,000 monthly payment
>Laquisha can't afford it, building gets repo'd, $20K stays with the bank
It's fine, they're just putting their tax return back into the economy.

>Black single moms with foresight and investment mentality

that's a paradox

>because when the money is short they have to spend the remains on actual important stuff if they wanna be voted for again.

Kalle, you know this isn't true. Our policforce is a joke, our army is almost gone, firemen are quitting because their wages are getting cut, the hospitals are overworked and understaffed, the roads are shit outside of major cities etc.
Still our politicians spend billions on rapefugees.

Donald Trump didn't have children he couldn't afford without charity, nigger.

> 5000 dollar tax refund

This means that they are individually $4,000 in the short-term poorer in liquid assets. A drop in property prices could wipe our their wealth.

Though, this is money that really should not be spent on investment or speculation.

Who is going to pay that insurance note each month? Goddamn. Nigs are dumb.

Fair assessment.

Arent your taxes high tho?

Investing over your head is smart now? Youre one of the 40% arent you...

Finally, a based swede.

Hold over for subsequent payments to the owner oc

>buying a building for $20k