Is Hillary going to jail?

When will we learn what was said by Comey in this briefing that triggered the democrats so much?

Other urls found in this thread:

she fucking better be


Comey is window dressing and holds no clout, senior agents with morals are in charge and running the agency, and thats what comey told them. Times up day of the tribunals is upon them.

The Clintons have been ruining his life for his entire career. I think he hates them more than most of us.

Dems probably just mad that Comey refused to arrest Donald Trump based on a Sup Forums shitpost

Better question. Is James Comey keeping his job?

Because that cunt was working for Russia

>those comments
I wonder how concerned they were about muh Russia in October? We're dealing with very stupid, very dangerous people here.

That's not true at all. Comey's career was made when he cleared Bill Clinton of wrongdoing in an obvious case of pay for play involving Mark Rich.

Mark was a billionaire fugitive on the FBIs Top Ten list for decades, Mark donated a million dollars to the Clinton Library and next thing you know Clinton pardons him on his last day.

Comey's term isn't over for another two years.

Working for Russia won't lose him his job, especially not when the new president is also working for Putin.

The Repulicans ALL beat around the bush today about it on the Sunday shows. Yes, yes, yes. She is fucked. 5 days left for Obama to pardon her.

How would you like to live under a dirty shoe your entire life?

>Florida man accused of repeatedly sexually...



Damn I wasn't even watching. Exciting days, my friend.

only reason i voted for Trump was to see her jailed

How can she be pardoned for something she hasn't been charged with, let alone convicted of?
Also, couldn't Trump just remove the pardon if It were possible for Obama to do?


>Florida Man
hes at it again I see

Archive your shit op



memes locked and loaded and ready for shitposting

The President can give pre-emptive pardons. Obama can pardon all wrong doings for anything she did in the past. This is why Trump has been quiet about it.

>How can she be pardoned for something she hasn't been charged with, let alone convicted of?

I never understood how people don't realize this. Same with Trump being impeached for something that happened before he is President.

Worst superhero ever

>Also, couldn't Trump just remove the pardon if It were possible for Obama to do?
No. Presidential pardons are final and irrevocable.

Even if that were true, accepting a pardon means admitting guilt of a crime.

Unless we pick up some more seats in 2018 and amend the Constitution. I couldn't imagine the liberal tears if we did that.

It's an implicit admission of guilt, there's no legal consequences for it.

Sorry my clipboard is being even more of a Faggot

rudy giuliani opened that case and comey has 30 years of documentation. Fuck, rich even wrote a book about how to fuck the government and make money from doing illegal deals through NGOs. I like comey but he must be fucked between a rock and a hard place

It would still be ex post facto, and I don't think we'd want to revoke that protection because then the law.akers can retroactively make browsing Sup Forums illegal and arrest us all

If we amend the Constitution, all bets are off. We could write a Constitutional amendment declaring her guilty.

No, but it would make people start looking for violations of various state laws. Presidential pardons only apply to violations of federal law

>We could write a Constitutional amendment declaring her guilty.
I'm ok with this

This but wouldn't be surprised if nothing fucking happens. They've been doomsaying more than Alex Jones, at this point. I'm getting fucking tired of the clickbait news titles with non-stories and opinion articles posed as fact-checkers. Fuck mainstream media is about as obnoxious as a pre-teen Trump and Hillary arguing over what flavor of ice cream is best while the other kids watch as it melts in their hands.



>Voted for trump

Either he is a US citizen and did an absentee vote, or was on holiday in Cali and did his civic duty to shitpost in person because they don't have voter ID laws there.

Well I hope Obama pardons her so we can conclude several things:

1. Only the most guilty people need a presidential pardon.

2. Obama's legacy will be tarnished with more Clinton scandals