With the Chinese govt struggling with impending economic catastrophe a tremendous opportunity arises for poo land...

With the Chinese govt struggling with impending economic catastrophe a tremendous opportunity arises for poo land. Everyone knows the fastest way to become a superpower is to win a land war against a world power. If Indians are serious about the superpower by 2020 meme, they need to get off their asses and invade China. It's time for Chinese streets to run with poo. #Poo-In-China

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I'd rather poos be a dominant power in the region than the chinks. Also fuck Pakistan.

Bump. Good plan, OP.




Bump. This would be great for American economy backing the poos... Bad part is of course more pollution in China... Swimming in shit.

china has the biggest army in the world fuck off kek.

the only reason they don't invade you obese monkeys is because there's no practical way to get their soldier across the ocean.

This country turned into shit, but it's far from Indian next level shit, no matter how many billionaires or trillionaires live in India. You seriously can't call that a success story, even if they nr.1 country by GDP. China with economic crisis is still better overall.

Fuck China, we should cannibalize them for resources and cheap labor. It's already being done, all we need to do is send the poos to shit in their streets and lower their flag.

>Bad part
Its called chemical/biological warfare

>invasion theme

And the fact that they know they'd lose. Let's be real. China is only a world power because of their population and work ethic. Their military capabilities are... Lackluster to say the least.

China knows what happens if they start acting up militarily

The sun begins to rise

Have fun with the US Navy, they'd probably lose more troops on the way in than they would on land.

that's what i meant by no practical way. the us superior navy would annihilate them in a matter of months.

but the us couldn't invade china practically either, it would be a terrible and bloody war, which would result in massive losses for both sides.

op claimed that fucking india could invade china which is ridiculous.

Well, if the entire nation was conscripted and given foreign aid...

>India runs out of bullets
>Launches poo instead

Literally a bunch of monkeys throwing feces at China

Nice try burger. But sorry we don't want to die for your shits and giggles

All they need is some plague type event and a good leader to lemming ratio can be restored.

Think of what the Bubonic Plague did for Europe.

I'd much rather deal with pajeets than chinamen




China is already pissed at India for improving their military even when there is such a divide between the two. What will happen when india inevitably gets on the same level as China?

Make no mistake, one of the key reasons the US chose to work with India after decades of frosty relations and economic sanctions, is because they know India will keep China in check.