Help Facebook make their 'Fake News' filter a success in Germany

Facebook is working hard to keep fake news off their site to ensure its users get the news that they deserve. People want news that's been cleaned, scrubbed, checked and corrected by Facebook and its partners.

Today, Zuckerberg is kicking things off in Germany with a cool "fake news" filter he and Merkel started talking about in 2015. Meanwhile, back in the USA, Facebook has unveiled its new "Reporting" mechanism.

In this thread we develop memes showcasing these Facebook enhancements so Facebook users in Germany and America can successfully report fake news and help Facebook keep their news feeds clean, safe and filtered.

>muh fake news filter

>muh hot mic from September 2015



Other urls found in this thread:

One task is to decide on some hashtags. Here's one list in pic related to kick off the conversation.

We need translations for "Fake" in all the major European languages, but especially German, Dutch, and French.

Also any insight into national hashtag standards would be helpful.

This meme was borrowed from the legendary anons who worked on #DraftOurDaughters.

Germans, the Breitbart story in the OP linked to a German company called "Correctiv" that will do the actual vetting and scrubbing and whatnot

What does Sup Forums know about Correctiv?


the cuck versions

Another variation on a theme

germany is lost

Uncuck yourselves, Germany! All is not lost. Pay no attention to the defeatist.

Seriously, if we can get a little momentum going in this thread and make some new memes, anything is possible.

a good idea would be to use the poll numbers and footage prior to the election when they thought Hillary won. "fake news hurt once before, never again"



using actual articles with links would probably work better than stock photos because there's no denying they were deceived by their own

Good suggestion. On it!

Are Germans ready to start seeing old symbol of the DDR re-introduced into mainstream memes?

Either way, I approve of your hashtag.


this image is a must. "fake news created real pain"

The logo for the "Correctiv" firm is worrying. I think it should be modified it slightly...

Saved and upvoted. This has been added to my TODO list. What about a logo for the Facebook Freedom Foundation? Does it need one?

they are cucked by shame
they need pride again, but not german pride or white pride

I got a lot of good images from dailymail the day after the election.

We need to get HuffPo on this filter, for everyone's sake.

I agree. 70 years of institutionalized shame.

National pride is the key as well. Not fascism but just pride in a nation's offerings, even if those offerings include comedy.

a bunch of leftwingers

biggest funder

Area served
abuse of power, corruption, environment, education, health, social justice, right-wing extremism, religious extremism

no left-wing extremism

This is good: it's diverse and empowering.


German media already talks about "fake news", no translation is needed.

>people willingly applying censorship on the news they receive

If someone told this to you ten years ago, would you believed it?

probably not, they'll report it as fake because the foundation is not real. we have to tell them that they were lied to by their side using only their own words and truth. minimalistic text and a hashtag.

OK, so we're going in the wrong direction with "Falschung"?

Even if we snap to "Fake" in some countries, what about branding the shirt with a national flag?

use some quotes about traitors and liars from here

this is a good wedge issue (male news producers vs women who trusted them) "men's vows are women's traitors"

then a stat about the media being male dominated

yea start with cultural things that only they get

Yeah, in this batch I was trying to convey that the typical female soldier accomplishes more by 10am than most suburban moms who hang out on FB all day.

>If someone told this to you ten years ago, would you believed it?

yes, the difference to what happened ten years ago and now is the fact many people actually do read and inform themselves from non-mainstream media, that's why censorship is now combined with open threats

"Something smells fishy"? Well it's probably her STD infested vagina if she's a western woman

Wasn't it also technically "fake news" when German media kept repeating that all of the 'refugees' were Doctors and Engineers?

Little did Germany know that the refugees also included physical therapists and truck drivers.

How do we effectively abuse this to disrupt its intended purpose?


Kekspeed, user.Your subversion skills are commendable.

>How do we effectively abuse this to disrupt its intended purpose?
Well, if I were testing this as a piece of software I would try to get as many people reporting on each other as possible as a stress test for the system.

So, the idea is to make users think that they are doing FB a service by over-reporting stuff.

>FB need you to reporting ANYTHING that may be fake news
>Report first, ask questions later
>Report it first, then FB will take care of the details

Another idea to to have memes that look so mainstream that even hard-core left wingers will be triggered by FB's attempt to censor their news.

Whait, what. What is our endgame with these memes? Normies go reporting everything that is not reported by MSM and soon only CNN/BuzzFeed etc is allowed in FB. Why would we want this?

keep the hastags to only one per image (I think the #fightthefakes is really catchy and the best

"fake news" solely refers to info the ruling caste doesn't want to hear, regardless whether they are true or not - just like the anti-discrimination laws never ended the discrimination of Europeans in their own countries.
I e.g. just checked the site of Correctiv, they rant about RT Germany and how Putin fund's right-wingers, funny since RT is absolutely leftist and just didn't refuse to make interviews with AfD politicians, that's all.



Well, that's the purpose of this thread. Basically, to discuss our options and then fine-tune a meme factory.

>Why would we want this?
Because doing nothing is waving the white flag of surrender.

Leftists in Germany love English mottoes and hashtags because they hate the fact that they are German.
I would use something like:
Large: Fight Fake News
Smaller below: Hilf Facebook Falschmeldungen und Gerüchte zu entfernen.
#ffn #fightfakenews

Excellent advice, German bro. Thanks for weighing in.

Can you give your best translation of:

"Hilf Facebook Falschmeldungen und Gerüchte zu entfernen."

Help FB with removing fake news and rumours

this is the site that had Merkel calling for immigrant truckers. It's in German so it would be great to propose the question "is fake news safer than real news" in German , then link it to the terrorist attack with the muslim trucker this December

This one is a work in progress. It's still missing something. Also needs a logo.

I'll start using fewer hashtags in subsequent versions once we settled on a few good candidates.

the #FFN is brilliant great job

Can we get a German bro to translate the following (using whatever poetic license you think is necessary):

>is fake news safer than real news?

#FFN even sounds like some kind of organization. I like this one, too.


I was thinking to throw in FFS (for fuck sake) in somehow... #FFN report fake news FFS, for the younger demographic of fb users

you should probably use better looking more professional guys. the women are more likely to report than others.

Great idea.

I think there should also be another alternate hashtag (or secondary hashtag) that includes the word "report".

Sind "Fake News" vielleicht sicherere Informationsquellen als "normale" Nachrichtenanbieter?

What's the metric equivalent of:

>She can smell fake news from a mile away

Is it
>a kilometer
>100 meters

maybe an acronym for r.e.p.o.r.t
I'm not very good at those though.
alternative hash #RFN (report fake news)

Kilometer, but you can say Meile

>Sind "Fake News" vielleicht sicherere Informationsquellen als "normale" Nachrichtenanbieter?

No way to make that any shorter, bro?

Sind die "Fake News" wirklich so falsch?

that's the shortest possible way to phrase it, I fear

Ahh, that's better.

what type of font would work best, Times NR. I'm making a quick mock up

Here's the last of my #DraftOurDaughters inspired fake news memes. I'm starting to run out of original content, guys. Sorry I didn't have a bigger stash. We just started working on these yesterday.

"News that's fake?
I think we've had enough of that..."

Usual hashtags, URLs, etc.

I'm kind of confused about the objective of this thread. We're trying to label msm content fake news according to facebook's filters or something?

t. double digit iq

The font I'm using came via /cfg/ when I was working on anti-Clinton Foundation memes. Pic related has the the location of this font, but unfortunately the stupid American designers of this font did not make proper European accented letters (accents, umlauts, etc). So either someone needs to modify this with a font editing tool (preferred) or you need to patch up the meme at the last minute with fake umlauts.

There are many goals here:
>try to get normies to start using FB's new reporting mechanism to report what they think is "Fake News". If we can make them think everything is fake, then they start reporting everything.
>What they don't realize is that if they report news from a friend as fake, they are in effect reporting their friend.
>Anyone inclined to start reporting stuff is (for the time being) a lost cause anyway so nothing of value has been lost if this campaign convinces them to start reporting stuff like mad

>meanwhile, other users will see through the ruse but realize that Facebook is in fact using its new reporting and filtering mechanism to censor their news

Win-win scenario.

This seems like all it will do is just silence conservative news stations

yeah I'm kind of worried about this too.

Work in progress, I'm taking comments and ideas.

So do you guys have a better suggestion? Remember, FB is already censoring the news. And they're planning to censor it even more in the coming months.

What is Plan B?

Wait! "Sind die "Fake News" wirklich so falsch?" means "Are Fake News realy that fake?" I don't know what he's doing.

Nice job, French bro. Happy to see someone from France dusting off their memeing skills. You guys will need to start turning things up for the elections. This is a good start.

OK, we may have to go back to the drawing board on this one. But, for Germans memes, it's important to think:

"Keep it short, Fritz!"

here's my quick ps

Hey manes, I need to log off for about an hour. Hope some of you anons can keep the thread going!

This will not be the last of #FightFakeNews


I think keeping the text in a single line looks more professional


they have enough security and infiltrators to deal with any problems

I'm drunk and never was an idea guy anyway, isn't there a dude from the Meme Psyops around to inspire me?

Thanks for the suggestion, will apply next time.

google image "truth quotes" there are a lot of really good phrases to use
"denying the truth doesn't change the facts"

try to find a picture of Hillary being smug or an article about how she can't lose and add that quote

keep the font the same size for the texts (enlarge only the #hashtag)

Sind Fake News sicherer als echte Nachrichten?

Sind Fake News vertrauenswürdiger als echte Nachrichten?


* my favorite version now:

Sind Fake News vertrauenswürdiger als die Nachrichten?

Are Fake News more trustworthy than the News?

I'm back. Thanks for keeping the thread alive and kicking.

should I do one with this image?
or something about Germany

So you guys would say it in the plural?

>Sind "Fake News"
>Ist "Fake News"

Yes, always "sind".
The word News is plural.

You could do something like:

Question at Top: "How do I spot fake news?"

Then explain how the picture below is a great example of what to look for. It smelled too good to be true, it looked too good to be true. Therefore, it was most likely fake news.

"If you see something like this, you're probably looking at fake news."

Or, you could say the above, and then have callouts where you show what was fake:

- (Arrow at 98%) : Obviously over-inflated certainty of win
- (Arrow at 1.7%) : Obviously deflated prediction of loss

Maybe even an arrow pointing at the HuffPo masthead.

I feel like this one might end up pretty nicely.

It might be my light for today, but if you have ideas or suggestions, I'm all ears for next time.

Don't use your individual judgement.

Just get the stuff you don't agree with banned for everyone forever.

that's really good layout (but change "hurted" to "hurt", that's the proper term)

Roger that.

Thanks for this. I'd appreciate one more bit of translation help.

So, I want to make a meme with the "Is Fake News more trustworthy than the News?" banner at the top using your translation.

Then, I need some quote from Merkel or the Presse stating that most of the refugees were Doctors and Engineers.

Can I also get translations for these migrant professions:
- Doctor
- Lawyer
- Engineer
- Economics Professor
- Gynecologist
- Physical Therapist
- Truck Driver

I'll re-use the trail of migrants photo for this.


Brace yourselves. The truth hurts
Fight fake news today