Hey whitey, feel guilty for what you did to MLK you fucker

Hey whitey, feel guilty for what you did to MLK you fucker

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This is so ridiculous

>Whites killed MLK

No. A white killed him.

Hollier than thou attitude of non aggression trying to look like MF ghandi.

Fuck that nigger.

CIA killed mlk it was proven in civil court well that and James Earl Ray

>mfw it's real


He was killed in Memphis, and in return niggers took over the city. Seems like a fair trade.

>pol when a black guy kills white person: all blacks are to blame since they are inferior. See they commit crime more on average!
>pol when a white guy kills a black guy: why are people racist against whitey! We are superior, that was only one case!

Maybe if you racist bastards actually focused on the crime itself rather than the race, you wouldn't have to worry about people blaming whitey. Now don't get me wrong, the black community is fucked and needs to take self responsibility, but it is difficult to see any change if you are exscusing your own actions just because they aren't as bad im your view. Think about it in a religious perspective. We are no better than any other race if we don't hold our standards to ourselves.

>Implying today is not James Earl Ray Day

JER Day is a lot more fun than MLK day. I celebrate winners, not losers.

USA today has a 5th grade reading level. I can't take them seriously.

>actually focused on the crime itself

Or, maybe if you just look at it from the perspective of:

Shit happens, life goes on, move on with it.

Placing blame for anything does not solve the issue.

Being reactive with gun laws, and civil rights laws makes the situation worse since they're not even subtle.

Declaring one day a year, and a month out of the year to "celebrate" the history of a race only fuels the fire.

And the fire rises.

Literal race bating
MLK rolling in his grave

I wish we'd kill four more of the niggers so we'd get this whole week off.

they used to just give the basic news. i don't need this shit

nice to see those replies.

Seriously do the cunts who write these racial tension fueling headlines and articles just do it for controversy and clickbait, are they forced to conform to some agenda from higher up or are they really just that fucked in the head?

It's fucking shocking that this is a headline of a national newspaper.

I agree with everything you said.
I think we are on the same page. Racism was no where part of that equation, but a lot of pol doesn't understand that. In becoming racist, you yourself turn savage with irrational hate. Like you said, shit happens and you just need to move on.

I didn't go up to MLK and shoot him, some other guy did. You are literally telling me to feel guilty about something I didn't do.

>hate and racial tensions are on the rise in america

the irony of it all

Reminder that a literal communist Jew was responsible for writing MLK's "I have a dream" speech.


>(((Stanley David Levison))) (May 2, 1912 - September 12, 1979) was an American businessman who studied at the University of Michigan and who had also attained a law degree from St. John's University. He was a lifelong activist in progressive causes. He is best known as an advisor to, and close friend of Martin Luther King Jr., for whom he helped write speeches and organize events.

>Levison was in the leadership of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) in the 1950s. The FBI had him under the surveillance of Jack and Morris Childs, two former CPUSA members who became FBI informants. According to the FBI, Levison's CPUSA activities ended in 1957.

>Levison was instrumental in all the activities of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), the organization established by King and other Southern black preachers to further the cause of civil rights. He professionalized the fund raising of the organization and took on many of the publicity tasks, in addition to serving as King's literary agent. He was also a close adviser to King and a ghostwriter for him.

>He was also a close adviser to King and a ghostwriter for him.

Jews also killed Malcom X because of this.

You're obviously guilty by association. You share traits with the mlk assassin.

>whites killed

not whites
an individual

Nice race bait.
I'm sorry that all that you worked for has been ruined by these people, MLK.

>Hey whitey, feel guilty for what you did to MLK you fucker

Yeah, I'd do it again.


seriously do you poltards have 0 self awareness?

Adolf's dream must come true for the entire world.

Kick the Jews out of every country... Especially out of the banks, governments, news and entertainment media.

Please help make this happen. Together, we are extremely powerful!

never fucking reply to me again unless you're contributing to the thread you cunt

Bring up the statistic of white on black murders vs black on white.

> fake news

The US Government killed MLK. Now liberals and our publication worship it.




you fucks that blame all jew and blacks are saying this now? hahahahahahahhahahahahahaa

ow fuck my lungs

Malcolm X was the more redpilled nigger, he knew what was up with the jews pulling the strings to create a race war between whites and Islam

Yeah whatever, 2 bit petty criminal decides to incite full societal paradigm shift. Wacks prominent negro. White assasin found in Britain with, allegedly, 10,000 shekels in his pockets. Riots ensue, great American cities reduced to smoldering rubble, whites pack up for suburbs, negroes inherit the wind. Courtesy of liquor store hold up specialist. Yeah okay, whatevs.

at least the comment section for that tweet is filled with people from all walks of life, telling USA today that its this devisive rhetoric that MLK stood against.

still makes me upset "news" outlets are this shit

I really, really like this image.

I'm close to going full Moon Man.

Don't tell me what to do sweety


F*CK OFFF!!!!!!!!

We killed him
WE killed MLK



no one cares about MLK

only state employees have the day off

>Blacks killed police officers. Now we honor them.

Let's see how that goes over.

>Blacks are literally murdering whites at a vastly disproportionate rate this very moment

Blacks rape children, now we take a moment of silence for memory of all the molested victims of black race

We killed MLK, otherwise known as Moloch.

The Muslims killed Milcom X

and that's equally arguable as JFK's

MLK was a retard who helped Jews ruin the United States, and is one of the reasons why nigger kill thousands of whites every year now. Because protecting yourself from them is now "discrimination" and illegal.

It's true. Not all whites killed him, or honor him now. He was a useful idiot for the Jews and Communists.

I thought we don't know who killed MLK.

come on guys, this user has a point. if you were in the cia during the late 60s you were damn well white

Someone remind them that his niece voted Trump

He was a sodomite communist and he got what he deserved.

So? It's not her granddaughter people remember on this day. Idiotic kraut.


I thought Jews made a special race for themselves....So whites had nothing to do with it.

Lmfao "Asian gangs" yeah the west really is kaput

ahahahahahahahahah a riverplatence trying to be cool with the white kids hahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha

>hurr durr you're all responsible for a single man's actions
Every time.


Nope not even remotely he was a commie faggot who had that bullet coming.

liberals are why we cannot put race aside

honestly, the good thing about republicans and trump being in charge is that hopefully we can get over race and see each other as americans

leaf is spot on, which is EXACTLY why he gets his own, special, useful idiot holiday, and why we perpuate his deeds over our founding fathers

he was actually a registered republican and his niece endorsed trump and has been in republican politics for a long time

He's the only kind of good nigger....a dead one.

Didn't he also block roads including ambulances?

Communists killed JFK

Going by the USA Today standard

he was a black republican

>Hollier than thou attitude of non aggression trying to look like MF ghandi.

Sounds like Trump


James Earl Ray was an intelligence asset. Look at his bio. I'll sum it up. Lives in this state, moves to another state, commits crime, goes to jail, breaks out of jail, goes to Mexico, goes to US, uses faulty names and has multiple passports, commits crime and goes to jail, goes to Canada, supposedly kills MLK, goes to London. Without any money. Sounds like a Hollywood movie. A bit too much to be real.

The FBI wanted MLK dead and spied on him because he was a communist pawn supported all the way through school, despite being poor at academics.

We used to have an anti-communist FBI, CIA, and military. Now the communists have subverted every single aspect of our government. They won

That's just Trump!

Jews killed JFK, more specifically. Jews like Trotsky and Lenin also killed millions of people in the Soviet Union, but we'll never hear them being blamed for it.

>le Sup Forums is one person meme

>using that as your headline

Its like they're sprinting towards the rope




you are full of it, MLk was a registered republican and supported small business

No, dude, that's not how it works.

A democrat shot him.


ah but when Sup Forums talks about jews or blacks is just one person

hypocrites hahhahahahahahahahahhahaha

>what is the southern strategy

well, at least you can read you ignorant git

treating blacks like they are one person makes you like a democrat

By your logic, do you agree with the headline that all whites honor MLK today?

White Christian Democrats killed MLK

sorry for driving down his street?

nigga was dead before i was born so that's about all i could have done

so this happened in my area today guys


demolished today
>The mansion’s most well-known -- or rumored -- historical connection was its involvement in the Underground Railroad

>"rumored" not even proven
didnt stop the local news from interviewing the 4 gayest sjw-looking characters crying about this "historic building that had """""""""""""""""so much involvement""""""""""""""""" in the underground railroad"

i feel good thank you for care

If white people have to feel guilty about killing MLK then us niggers have to feel guilty about enslaving our own people and selling them like cattle to white people.

>didnt stop the local news from interviewing the 4 gayest sjw-looking characters crying about this "historic building that had """""""""""""""""so much involvement""""""""""""""""" in the underground railroad"

Umm, so? I'm sure you can find plenty of autistic Sup Forums types too. 4 is all you can do? hahhahahahahahahaha

....he was killed by James Ray, a black guy.

The west really needs a legal basis to use to enforce media integrity, honesty and competence. This kinda shit is why less and less people trust the MSM. Until the media is held accountable for the lies they spread, it will be continually exploited to deceive and manipulate.

I really find the state of the world depressing desu.

so obvious hahahahahahahaha and reddit has you guys as heroes hahahahahah


Someone should post this to stormfront's news board -- The story's not up there. I've forgotten my login password.

poor retard can't argue anything else

James earl ray looks pretty white in the pictures.

theres nothing to argue you stupid shit

fuck that nigger

your reading comprehension needs work
but can't expect much from trash can you lmao

MLK the dumb nigger

The difference is whites don't kill at an absurdly disproportionate rate, you stupid fuck.

That's why niggers deserve and warrant the generalization.