Why was he so hard to corner?

Why was he so hard to corner?

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bc the dorner is challenging to corner. cmon new faggot.

>tfw first happening

tfw Sup Forums wasn't racist

Because he knew he was right. LAPD is corrupt as fuck, he had enough.

When you know you are fighting for a just cause you can do some incredible things.

dorner + corner = ERR:UNDEFINED


I don't remember any unkind words spoken of this man. He wasn't like the cop killers of today.

before Sup Forums were police loving cuckservingtons

Big bear, class of 14 reporting in.

We're contrarians for the most part. Dorner took on the entire establishment, he was one of us. We hate race baiting assholes because they have an undue influence on society. That a bunch of edgy contrarians essentially have the same beliefs as 1950s Christian men says a lot about our society.

He had a dream and he followed it. Another dead hero


Really hard to find in the dark.

He fought against the corrupted system, that's admirable irregardless of who is doing it.

>This guy hates whites and conservatives
>Sup Forums loves him

Never understood that

Reminder that they never found his body
Reminder that they lied about the ID
Reminder that he escaped the cabin on horseback

cornerables will deny this
Dorner is still out there somewhere, waiting for us.

>A manifesto reportedly posted by Dorner on Facebook declared "unconventional and asymmetric warfare" upon the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), their families, and their associates, unless the LAPD admitted publicly he was fired in retaliation for reporting excessive force.

>excessive force

>"In two separate incidents during the manhunt, police shot at three civilians unrelated to Dorner, mistaking their pickup trucks for the vehicle being driven by Dorner. One of the civilians was hit by the police gunfire, another was wounded by shattered glass, and a third individual was injured when police rammed his vehicle and opened fire"


The cars they shot up weren't even similar to his either

Dorner lives on, brother

I do remember listening to police scanner when they were launching the siege on the cabin he was held up i on the final day. I can confirm from the chatter that the fires were intentionally started by police forces in an attempt to flush him out, contrary to the official story.

>thinking it's that black and white

Here is a good song about Chris Dorner

I still believe ;__;

Cornerables lol

because his last name was dorner

kek always works like this, why are you surprised?

>never found his body
>you cant coroner the dorner

Overrated. Killed what 4 people? Big fucking whoop

Well how many have you killed in your life so far? Lil fatso!

He had too many wallets, a scuba tank, a hostage, and a horse

LAPD officers kid, not a bunch of toddlers in an elementary school.

Requesting Animorphs meme where Dorner turns into a wallet


Because you can't corner the dorner

cause you can't Flim Flam the Zim Zam?