Even Salon has now caught on to the kike stuff's charade. This is embarrassing for the movement...

Even Salon has now caught on to the kike stuff's charade. This is embarrassing for the movement, we should have known earlier. The leftists are laughing at us, we have to make sure that this never happens again.


Other urls found in this thread:



Fuck off, CrippleChan dunces at it again.

No enemies on the right you fucking morons.

How is it an enemy to the right when he's literally a lying kike? His adopted brother is a nigger for fuck's sake.

You're falling for 8/pol/'s attempts to D&C the movement. Think!

He has openly talked about how faggot far left his family is, the adopted brother doesn't surprise me very much.
His wife being Jewish is obviously unexpected, but considering the work he's putting forth into TRS it can be forgiven.
Look at the front page of TRS right now and tell me that this is subverting the movement somehow.
The fact his info was given to far left sites to leak should tell you who is actually behind this.

this dude literally plays guitar for a jewish band out of tel aviv and creates his (((white nationalist))) content from a cuckshed apartment in NYC with his activist jewish wife

its indefensible. sorry your bitcoin shekels are going away i guess

Alllow me to quote the article.
>(eight)channers and anti-fascist activists worked together to dox the rest of the “Daily Shoah” crew.
Remember this when the alt right falls apart from the inside and there is no one to pressure Trump from straying ever leftward.

even if the alt right was a leftist creation, the net product was helping get trump elected. so they're only laughing if they are that deeply retarded.

>As the doxxing unfolded this weekend, Peinovich said nothing on Twitter or on his own site. Contacted via email by Salon, he denied being Mike Enoch but admitted to having been involved with TRS

>I was involved with that site years ago, writing a few libertarian articles for them and using my PayPal for the exactly zero donations that the site ever got when it was still a libertarian blog,” he wrote.

>Peinovich then claimed he had disassociated himself from TRS after it became overtly pro-Nazi: “I cut off ties when they went the direction they are going now, and that was 4 years ago. Honestly I have not thought much about them. As you can see from all public writings I am libertarian. My wife is Jewish. Do you really believe that I am this person?”

>The TRS creator then asked Salon to help him deny that he was Enoch: “If you give any fucks at all then you could print that this is all bullshit. We are now being harassed not only by communists but by actual neo nazis.”

>When asked if he would be willing to conduct a telephone interview, Peinovich replied, “Let me talk to my wife.” He never answered back.


there is no alt-right

what youre talking about is nothing more than a loosely connected group of mostly jewish shekel grabbers, name fags, and media whores

>w-what w-will trump ever do without these (((activists)))

no sale.

thats disgusting.


There's "wife is jewish" and "wife is b'nai brith diversity officer jewish activist".
Enoch made good content, but the level of double life he was leading is off the fucking scale. I think he was in most ways serious about his political views, but this indictates that he may have been compromised from the very beginning. This DOES NOT mean I think he was a cynical shill. In the intelligence world, many agents continue to produce good work and believe in their stated cause even after being compromised, but the nature of being compromised means that someone outside has leverage over them. The real fallout from this fracas isn't the lost of some podcast that had, frankly, been declining in quality. It's the personal information from donors and forum posters that now belong to a man with uncertain loyalties. It's the collapse of trust that is sure to follow, the same thing that has happened to countless far-right organizations since 1939. It's a bizarre, confusing, real fucking shame. It makes me sad.

this has nothing to do with Sup Forums newfag

I don't doubt the sincerity of his message.
He has just failed to live up to his own standards.
People always fall short of the standards they set for themselves.
The worst people are those that have no standards at all.

He can still live what he preaches eventually, his heart is in the right place.
I've enjoyed his work and I'll miss his insight and the way he communicated it.


Is he bantzing them?

> Is he bantzing them.

I am quite certain that Mike would be forthright and honest to the well-intentioned journalists as Salon.

You're right. It just seems so crazy, I feel so much of the good that actually came out of TRS was the "pool parties' and forming of an actual community. Which might be completely reversed.
Fuck, I'm going to end up drinking quite a bit tonight.
I need to do a lot of my own research into the information on his wife. I honestly still don't believe this isn't the left trying to fuck us.

This is literally made up. Hello Shlomo

Nobody on pol besides OP cares about him. So let them laugh at nothing

Could you imagine how funny it would be if the guy in all these pictures was just some randomer and all this destroyed his life, and it wasn't even Enoch in the end.

muhhh movement
fuck off

which part?

[spoiler]its all true[/spoiler]

From where in this did you gather that Mike plays for this band?

TRS and NPI are feds who want to keep the alt-right in Joe Dirt/Nazi larp aesthetics and purity spiral shit so it doesn't grow plus maybe catch some extreme 1488ers plotting shit

They would ban people for admitting they had non-white partners or friends even though they're fucking jewish. That's not just hypocrisy that means they were running some kind of front operation where they only wanted to net people who could be radicalized.

I've been on Sup Forums and 8ch for a long ass time and I'm nearly 100% this whole charade is Jewish subversion. I know the admin and a few moderators at 8 /pol are leftist fags and have been for a while, and it seems like some Jewish organisation like the SPLC has gone all out trying to sow discord in our movement by launching a hoax dox crusade and hoping we'll take the bait and start fighting one another.

I've never seen chan Sup Forumsacks punch at fellow hard lined right wingers like this before. Never.

Why are dox threads allowed if it's not a liberal?

Delete this shit

If the chans weren't compromised every one of these dox threads would have been purged and their Jewish OPs perma banned (on both boards). Unfortunately we have ANTIFA ownership now and need to accept that as reality until we make something better.

Mike Enoch was a dishonest scumbag but 8pol literally worked with Antifa. Fuck both TRS and Antifachan

oh wait sorry, hes only a "group member" I guess maybe he just plays the skin flute instead or something

but to seriously answer your question, the weaponized autism of otherchan has this shit all sorted out. its stickied if you want to go take a look

Fuck 8gag and their useful idiots for antifa

I'll take a look.

This is blatantly untrue, TRS spoke out heavily against purity spiraling. Nice try Muhammad.

>People try to blame us when we didn't even dox Mike and we're completely correct that TRS was controlled opposition.
It's always the leafs too.

>be white nationalist who spends free time blogging about it
>be married to a jew who also works as a diversity officer who promotes everything you supposedly are for

Why? What even are the sides?

If they were controlled opposition, why did liberals and liberal websites gang up to publish the info?

Your narrative doesn't make sense, and it speaks to a very undeveloped understanding of the world. People don't risk their reputations and devote significant portions of their life into something like this for subversion.

Given Mikes work and contributions to the alt right I dont give a shit about things he did in the past. I give less of a shit about anything his wife has done.

Tearing down a brother for past behaviour or things his family did that he has no control over is fucking nuts. No wonder its hard to make white nationalism go public because you will be torn down by your own side before the left even gets a chance. Everyone has made mistakes and people are inherently flawed .

It has been completely reversed. The death of TDS and FTN on the same day, the end of enoch who was one of the major players and had built up a massive network irl of like minded friends, half of whom now disavow because "omg he sleeps with a qtr jew!"

Its one thing to he redpilled on jews but the idea that each and every single jew is out to genocide the white race is ridiculous. A lot of useful idiots have have their irrational fears exploited by the left. And it seems like it was pretty fucking easy. They won big league. Imagine if hillary won! This would have been even worse

>he wasn't redpilled from birth and didn't murder his family when he was therefore he's a shill!

Reminder 8/pol/ was subverted by antifa/JIDF. TRS was targeted because they were successful and rapidly becoming more popular. If you hopped on the anti-TRS wagon, you're just another useful idiot.

Enoch could've handled everything better, but consider his position for more than 2 seconds- he married someone 10 years prior to getting redpilled. Do any of you permavirigins have any idea what a divorce entails, especially in NY? It would be one thing if he allowed her to influence his views, but if you listen to any episode of TDS you know that isn't true.

So congrats to the useful idiots who are now antifa lapdogs- you threw one of your own under the bus so hard you made yourselves a laughing stock. Great job.


The alt right, the right stuff, millennial woes or any of that shit is faux right wing bullshit and belongs on cripple chan




Ok, so how do you expect to trasmit your ideas to the masses? With your funny pepes?

Your movement had just grown sprouts above the surface, and you instantly crushed them

>muh movements
Nobody gives a shit except you

My worst fear is that this is just the start, the left has seemed so incompetent up to this point. Maybe they were just waiting for an opportunity to start actual subversion operations against us.

What happens when the ground you've gained via anonymous attacks needs to be backed up by boots on the ground?

Oh right, you don't want the goys getting together IRL and taking back their countries because you're a jew.

So if you don't give a shit, why are you here?

I agree. I can't believe Autism-chan fell for the D&C bait. That's the oldest JIDF trick in the book lmao

>stay on the chans
>stay anonymous forever
>dont try and make your views mainstream
>dont try and be a public voice
>surely meme magic will save the white race as opposed to real world activism

The doxxing of everyone trying to make things more public just shows the kikes want us to stay here.

How does Sup Forums reach the 45yr old guy with wife and 2 teenage daughters who works 9-5 each day and barely spends time on the internet?

>stop giving a shit about saving western civilization or white people

Go back to Sup Forums

Attract an army of naive teenagers who love epin memes and call for Jews to be gassed while being one myself

Well, figuratively

>be cancerous shits that spend half their time spamming fucking frogs talking about meme magic and shitposting and happenings
>oh actually i have serious views pls and i need ur imageboard for reasins

Gas yourself kike

Kek, have fun with that. I'll be laffin all the way to the bank while you neonazi retards tear youselves apart.

Yeah, I guess that's the way it will remain

Kinda sad. This movement fell to infighting just like the Ron Paul movement did
I'll be around for the next one, I whatever it is. Hopefully the cycle doesn't repeat

He's not Jewish, but his wife is a little Jewish genetically.

I wouldn't be surprised if I was a little Jewish genetically, desu. We must overcome it.

Do you guys remember before the election how we had thread after thread of shills shitting up the board with their stupid anti Trump garbage? Those people didn't go away, maybe some of them did but the ones that are left have made Mike Enoch a target. They are trying to get their revenge for what we did. The left is so extremely butthurt now they are going after anyone they think had something to do with their loss. If some of you guys are on the right or in the WN movement and have been countersignalling TRS think about who's work your actually doing. There is a reason the this forum has a shit on Mike Enoch thread 24/7. They are going to keep up this relentless attack until TRS is kill or we show them once again that we are better than they are because we have loyalty to people who are on our side. How do we know who is on our side? The ones on our side are people who are advancing our cause and not attacking other WN people. Mike Enoch hasn't attacked us. He's not above criticism but stop being stupid and doing the work of the kikes.

Enoch is reportedly Serbian/Croatian and Norwegian. He is not Jewish.

Alright, the man was wrong to LARP this far. He should formally address concerns, step aside, and focus on his wife and repairing what will likely be a rocky employment situation. With that said...

Faggot Antifa and other assorted degenerates went way, way too far publishing personal information including his mother's address.

The mistakes TDS made were 1) taking money 2) Mike not admitting the situation 3) going over the top with the NIG this KIKE that GAS OVENS 1488 DEGREES.

Still, Mike does not deserve to have his life ruined. Enoch if you read this, embrace the one true Church, drop the 'will to power' nonsense, convalidate your marriage, and forget about appeasing forum dwellers. We should continue in real life meetups.

tldr Lesson for all of us is to focus on self improvement and not biting off more than we can chew. Ave Victoria. Ave Maria.

You say this like any of those fucking pages and "informative groups" actually attracted anyone else besides 15 year olds that used 8pol or Facebook meme pages anyway.

Protip: he's a jew too probably Hungarian

Actually most of their listeners were older. Mid 30's and 40's

That's who listens to the radio mostly

it is honestly hilarious how unoriginal and dependent everyone in your movement is
that's probably why you keep acting like you have to use Sup Forums to advertise your podcasts and not just attract users yourselves

Citation needed

Maybe but I'll still stomp your Jew ass any day

The doxxing happened because you organise yourselves in retarded ways.

Use secret chat groups on Telegram or some shit

>barely spends time on the internet
well all those Internet based podcasts were never going to reach him

Indeed the left has surprised me with how effective they have crippled the alt right in a few weeks.

I guess their efforts were elsewhere prior to the election and now they have nothing else to do but try and go back to doxxing racists. And its worked.

No matter who it is or what they have done we need a united front and to be able to say we dont care what information you have dug up we have their back. Unless they are a literal jew or FBI plant which Mike is not.

No movement centered around a hardcore set of ideological principles or ideals, and one tied so hard to the internet will ever get far. Too many literal autists and too many who want to purity spiral when things go wrong. Everyone wants to pretend play night of the long knives and kill the inside traitors well before its time to do so.

When you have people trying to kill off TRS for not being hardcore enough and a "better safe than sorry" approach to anything in the world that you can drum up a conspiracy theory as to being a secret jewish plot then it will fail each time.

Those things didn't broadcast on the radio you dildo

My citation is that I was a member there. And most of their call in shows had people around that age calling in.

Not to mention, that's just what this type of content is geared for. Just like a bra advertisement is geared for women.

One of their most popular podcasts was for young fathers

So can som1 explain who did it? Was it 8pol, Antifa ir Cernovich?

thank god i'm not jewish, i'm not into other guys touching my ass

Probably some Jewish NP like AIPAC or SPLC or something.

Yeah, a podcast is something you download, and then listen to in your car, or at work. Modern world is crazy isn't it?

Pro-tip: you can mass report ANTIFA accounts publishing doxxing information on Twitter as targeted harassment.

The right-wing dox accounts were suspended because of that, but the right doesn't apparently have organized reportings.

Why is this faggot spammed every day all day?
I mean even if you're a TRS or FTN fan why keep bringing these stupid ass threads up.
I don't give a single shit if they got dox because that's the chance you take doing anything like this.
Plus all 8gagers need to fuck off back with their antifa faggot friends to their own website.
tl;dr fuck off with your spamming shit threads

Observe carefully anons, this is the D&C jew in action. Look how he attempts to disconnect Sup Forums from any real world activity or any outside groups. Remember- he wants you and your race dead.

Yeah right, you filthy hooknosed rat. We will remove your kind from the west one day soon, one way or another.

they're lost children without trs honeypot and kike leader to feed them faux pills. its embarrassing how cucked they are and willing to get him back for le funnay shows XD.

How to not be a group of fucktards that get doxxed

>don't call yourselves a term the left invented for you
>don't use any public website to organise yourselves
>don't use the same tactics anytime your group operates
>if you have any sort of figure head that speaks to the public, verify they aren't fucking losers first

TRS, TDS etc all asked for their downfall from their own retarded mismanagement


I don't care what any of you aspies say.
I'll still miss Mike and TDS.
They weren't perfect but neither am I. They were hypocrites and so am I.

I can only hope other shows like The War Room and Bongo Bongo book club continue in some way.

whatever steve

Antifa played upon 8pols schizophrenia to doxx an ally. They worked together essentially. Antifa wanted the racists gone. 8pol wanted the "annoying people advertising on their pure image board" gone and concern trolls said TRS is just a jewish FBI plot which strengthened their resolve.

Cernovich was obviously given info on mike a few weeks ago but I doubt he was behind the doxxing. He did hate Mike enoch though.

Twitter itself is a very leftist company. I wouldn't expect universal enforcement of their rules and I doubt even a single ANTIFA vermin will be banned over this.

It's not harassment if you're targeting subhuman nazis goy.

>they don't use the internet much
>but they listen to the radio
>no these podcasts are downloaded then they play them on the radio

get your shit together

>don't use any public website to organise yourselves
So basically, be edgy basement dwelling NEETs who never accomplish anything in the real world?

>if you have any sort of figure head that speaks to the public, verify they aren't fucking losers first
When you're on a fringe political movement, you basically just take what you can get. You aren't exactly getting cream of the crop people.

This is like a Subway Sandwich trying to hire MIT grads

>implying TRS/TDS wasn't a leftist honeypot to come to this eventual point and discredit the (((alt-right)))
>implying this wasn't unbelievably easy to see for anyone with half a functioning brain
Have we learned our lesson yet?


I want to add that I never contributed to TDS or any TRS syndicates podcasts. Indeed, I'm name fagging for now so that people know where I am coming from and that I'm not just a TRS insider/fan doing damage control.

I criticized aspects of the approach, particularly the anti-Catholic elements Mike was into.

However, TRS was particularly effective in ways that the Right has never been in during the last 70 decades. This was catching and critically reaching young men. No funding, no structural support.

Antifa et al targeted TRS for this reason. Yeah, they hit a real gold seam with Mike's situation. But to take the facts and distort them is wrong. He's hardly an FBI/Mossad operative. Just a guy red pilled on things a little late in life.

I actually hope that he -does- come back on the air when things settle down and he can insulate his professional dealings sufficiently.

His wife wasn't just some "innocent" 1/4 kike. She was literal career SJW that actively pursued the extinction/marginalization of the white race. That is not some insignificant mistake. Enoch is literally sleeping with the enemy. It's fucking treason to the movement.

I loved TDS and Enoch's work, but he is fucking dead to me and TRS will always be suspect from now on.

>This is like a Subway Sandwich trying to hire MIT grads
Instead they got Jared Foggle who was a literal pedophile.
So what you're saying fuck if we get pedophiles and kikes we got to take what we can get.
FFS I hope we could do better then the bottom feeders we get.

yea you lap up that kike shit

go stand on a soapbox and yell you will reach a lot of the public that way

I hope younger people are paying attention to what's going on here, this is the most obvious divide and conquer jewish trick there is. Falling for it and attacking someone on your side is as bad as leftist virtue signaling.

Gee I guess they should have just stayed on Sup Forums posting pepes then. Really made me think

Right, what's been actually proved so far is that Enoch was a cuck and a liar. Pointless to argue that.

But what about the claims that TRS was a honeypot, and that everyone was fucking shit up? I see a bunch of people spreading this as certain, which nothing I have seen so far can actually prove.

For example, they keep saying he was one of the people who caused the whole scandal at NPI, and that he actually started the salutes?

What's this based on? We know now what he looks like, and I haven't seen him doing that in any of the videos of the conference.

But isn't it common knowledge that people surrounded by diversity are the ones attracted to alt-right ideas?

Why are you surprised that someone from diverse circumstances is on your side?

>miltary leaders organise their strike plans publically on Twitter

Taking what you can get is what led you all into this ditch.

You could have, I don't know, picked someone who was better than the rest of the fuckwits then fed him a script.
Being so stubborn and refusing you are operating in a method which will cause you to fail is why you keep on failing.

there was a video and a picture with tila tequila I think thats where it comes from

A better strategy is simply not to actively attack people who are helping spread your message, no matter WHO they are

Focus your efforts on the other side

>This is embarrassing for the movement,
>The movement

>don't call yourselves a term the left invented for you

The left didn't invent the term alt-right, moron. You're just a moron who never heard of it before Clinton uttered it.

>don't use public websites to organize

So basically, 'never accomplish anything'. Thanks for the advice, Shlomo!

>verify they aren't fucking losers

Mike wasn't a figurehead, Mike hosted a podcast. That's literally it. We live in a fucked up world where most of us were some form of fucked up before being redpilled. We can't sperg out at every little thing.

Hi Mike.

What's there to divide? I've never heard of these cunts and suddenly their shit is all over the catalog because of their own retarded actions and not expecting the worst outcome.

There are antifa niggers in this very thread who are laughing all the way to the synagogue.