Christianity and Europe

I want to practice the faith of my ancestors, but
>christianity isn't native to europe
>modern paganism doesn't resemble ancient paganism
What do I do?
I feel more drawn to Christianity, but I can't get over the fact that Jesus wasn't European.

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Don't let a Mongolian underwater parcheesi forum decide your religious beliefs.

Religion is dumb, make your own beliefs because people just use religion to explain what science can't. And no I'm not some edgy neckbeard, just someone who understands why the west is embracing science over religion, it's just the natural progression.

I like this place though
Making my own beliefs feels insincere.

Tonight might not be the most religious night.

It doesn't matter what is native to Europe.
God is for the world. (Psalm 47:7, 1 Timothy 2:4)
God wants all to be saved. (2 Peter 3:9)

God's peace with you, brother.

I'd be much more willing to embrace Christianity as a world religion if it originated in Europe.
It'd be like Europeans colonizing the world and making it a better place.
As it is, I feel like I'm the one getting colonized by Christianity.

All religions map over each other.

>not European
Are you sure about that? I'm not a historian, but it is clear that the Roman Empire stretched all the way to Turkey and down to Israel. Hellenistic Greece controlled the same area, which also included Egypt. the whole area was European at the time. Jesus knew how to speak Greek. St. Paul's teaachings rely on Greek philosophical argumentation to get his point across and all of his teachings are divine in any case and therefore transcend space, time and geopgraphy.

The Europeans are the ones who most quickly accepted Christianity, and have kept it for the longest time.

You are feeling drawn towards Christianity for a reason. Do not shy away from it.

(1 Corinthians 1:26, Luke 12:32)

But Europe doesn't just end wherever the Romans stopped expanding. How many people under Rome's authority were not white?
I'm just not comfortable embracing a religion that could be based on people who weren't white.

Why not stop being a complete faggot?

You don't "choose" a religion because "muh ancestors"

You either genuinely believe in it's own merits or you convert for economic/social status

The average peasant in 400AD didn't convert because "MUH ancestors"

They converted because the king converted

And the king converted because rich southerners converted

Well I feel drawn to believe Christianity for religious reasons, but I'm apprehensive to join for political reasons.
Isn't an argument

Religion isn't about ethnicity, it is about God.

Galatians 3:26-29

26 You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.

The promise referenced in 3:29 is, Genesis Genesis 12:7 & 13:15.

You seem to have a very childish view of spirituality and the greater world beyond the physical. I don't think Paganism or Christianity can help you

You have the spiritual development level of a toddler

If you actually believed you'd devote yourself to Jesus Christ of Nazareth

The entire argument of this is that Science and Religion can't coexist.
It is illogical to assume that the two can't coexist. The Church and its people are responsible for most scientific discoveries.
Furthermore, another argument in this people is that "religion impoverishes culture." This could not be more false, as the greatest cultural works are either religious in nature (Icons), created for the religious (Notre Dame), or created by the religious (Most things you can think of).

There is no merit in atheism.

Everything is about ethnicity.
I might.

I wasn't raised in a church and I've only recently come to even bother with religion.
I'm crippled spiritually.

Not everything is a question of ethnicity.
That thought, in itself, is ridiculous. (while I am not surprised to find it on this board. :( )

Humans create beautiful things because it's our nature

Religion is an attempt to explain the world

>the faith of my ancestors
Your ancestors were Christians for over a thousand years and it's impossible to know which pagan gods your ancestors revered anyway. For example, among the pre-Christian slavs even neighboring settlements would have had different customs and not worshiped the same deities.

Dude, paganism is for edgelord emo faggots. Jesus was white as hell anyeay and Christainity is completely European.

Which explains my conflict.
Though my ancestors were Christian, I don't think they knew how foreign it truly was.
Would they still have become Christian had they known Jesus was brown?

Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus.

Which ancestors, anyway? Like most Americans you're probably a mishmash of different European cultures.

My English ancestors.
I'm far more English than anything else and I prefer to identify with those ancestors.

There was an English author and apologist named C.S. Lewis (Very famous guy, you've probably heard of him. He wrote the Chronicles of Narnia.).
I would recommend reading his work, "Mere Christianity" is a good one.
However, he was an Anglican. I would highly suggest reading the Catholic Church's teachings, for it is the true church.
Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus.

>but I can't get over the fact that Jesus wasn't European.
He wasn't anything. God has no religion nor ethnicity. Avatara ain't no big thang.

Christianity is mostly ripped off from Zoroastrianism and Mithraic Mysteries.

Saoshyant = Jesus as Savior, light = goodness and darkness = evil is of Zoroastrian influence, Frashokereti = Day of Judgment, angels = Zoroastrian influence, struggle between good and evil = Zoroastrian influence.

Death and Resurrection = Mithraist influence.

Mithraism and Zoroastrianism were actually created by this group of people called "Indo-Iranian". Racially, they resembled Ukrainians or Poles with high R1a haplogroups.

They migrated and mixed with the indigenous people of Zagros Mountains, thereby giving rise to Persians, and they transmitted Avestan views from which Mithraism and Zoroastrianism were developed. Technically, it was not the Persians that created Zoroastrianism/Mithraism but the Proto-Indo-European / Indo-Iranians; however, the Persians did develop and expand it in numerous ways based off Assyrian influences.

In general, I recommend just reading the Gathas from the Avesta. It's much better than the Bible.

In order to be clearer, the Alans, Scythians, and other Sarmatians were described as being fair and blonde. They were the descendents of the Indo-Iranians of Sintashta culture. NOTE, I FORGOT TO MENTION SINTASHTA CULTURE in op for evidence.

Persians were distinct from these groups but heavily indebted to them.

Christianity is mostly ripped off from Zoroastrianism and Mithraic Mysteries.

Saoshyant = Jesus as Savior, light = goodness and darkness = evil is of Zoroastrian influence, Frashokereti = Day of Judgment, angels = Zoroastrian influence, struggle between good and evil = Zoroastrian influence.

Death and Resurrection = Mithraist influence.

Mithraism and Zoroastrianism were actually created by this group of people called "Indo-Iranian". Racially, they resembled Ukrainians or Poles with high R1a haplogroups. The Alans, Scythians, and other Sarmatians were described as being fair and blonde. They were the descendents of the Indo-Iranians of Sintashta culture.

They migrated and mixed with the indigenous people of Zagros Mountains, thereby giving rise to Persians, and they transmitted Avestan views beliefs from whence Mithraism and Zoroastrianism developed. Technically, it was not the Persians that created Zoroastrianism/Mithraism but the Proto-Indo-European / Indo-Iranians; however, the Persians did develop and expand it in numerous ways based off Assyrian influences and more.

In general, I recommend just reading the Gathas from the Avesta. It's much better than the Bible. Zarathustra was most likely Indo-Iranian or Sogdian (a more complex topic).

The imagery in that picture is very Zoroastrian, as an example.

Yeah it sucks that Christianity originated from some desert shithole, but it has to be accepted because it's not going anywhere. It's too widespread, and i think the reason it spread to Europe so easily is because it's belief system works well will large organized civilizations. Paganism was good for small ancient tribes. The good news is that the Christianity that is practiced in the west today is heavily Europeanized, it barely resembles it's origins, and we need to encourage that. Be aware that many traditions like Christmas (yule) are old norse traditions. Maybe we can bring the old Norse/Celtic traditions into modern Christianity as well? That would accomplish a lot more than trying to reject Christianity.

Note, I forgot to mention Indo-Iranians came from "an area of the Eurasian steppe that borders the Ural River on the west, the Tian Shan on the east".

Point being European culture was already present in the Holy Land and it's presence may very well have been the catalyst for the coming of the the Christ.

Agreed. It is just as stupid to say that race is a social construct.

Strictly speaking, your ancestors were probably Christian before they were English. There was a huge Christian presence on the British Isles centuries before the Angles set foot there.

>christianity isn't native to europe

Catholicism is

>but I can't get over the fact that Jesus wasn't European.
Jesus was the son of God, in the end he doesn't have any ethnicity

There may be a possibility he may have Alans, Scythians, or Sarmatians mix too. Those guys were followers of old Avestan beliefs, the precursors of Zoroastrianism.

I know for sure Eastern Europeans like Croats, Poles, Ukrainians, and Hungarians do.

Europe was choose by age of double fish to create new age - the modern world
everything in christianity was designed for europe
the dead and resurrection of jesus is perfect match for europe's winter. the dead of everything in winter from snow and the resurrection of life in summer

but age of double fish will not live forever

Thank you, I'll look into Mere Christianity. I hope it helps me accept the faith.
That's all shockingly appealing, but I'm skeptical about the Indo-Iranians being a fair, blonde people.
Yeah, the complexity of Christianity's history as either European or not makes me feel very conflicted.

>I'm skeptical about the Indo-Iranians being a fair, blonde people.
Look up Alans people.

"The fourth-century Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus wrote that the Alans were tall, and blond:

Nearly all the Alani are men of great stature and beauty; their hair is somewhat yellow, their eyes are terribly fierce.[53]"

I can believe that the Holy Land had been Westernized to some degree, but I doubt it was white.
His ethnicity sure seems Israeli.
Then why should Jesus have not been born in Rome? It'd be so much easier for me to worship Emperor Christ

Also, the Scythians were described as being fair haired and blue eyed:

Both Alans and Scythian people were described as being fair.

How can it be that there were white people coming from lands inhabited almost exclusively by nonwhite people today?
Where did the nonwhites come from?

His Human part yes, but his Divine part is above ethnicity.

I gave the source. They came from Andronovo, which is above Central Asia.

Your problem with Christianity is simple:
You don't really want to worship God, you want to worship your race and yourself. Get over yourself, God is greater than your ethnicity

I find myself obsessing over his human part.
It's a wedge that's keeping me from his divine part.

Here is a reconstruction of a woman from Sintashta culture.

don't bother. Christianity is basically Judaism for dummies and Judaism is a crock of shit. Don't be a prick and the world will treat you alright for the most part.

Christianity is the only Sup Forumsitically relevant religion of today. Paganism is LARPing,

Do you want to help or be a cunt?

soccer mom/10

I want to be spiritually fulfilled

Europe has been Christiam for over 1,000 years. Why do you think Europe was always pagan? Man is 300,000 years old. You have no idea what the native religion of Europe is.

Become an atheist, vote for liberal policies, and go on Sup Forums and complain about how tons of atheists are red-pilled and christcucks are all blue-pilled.

Well christianity has no place for you if you place ethnicity above salvation.

Your ethnicity is a subclass of dust. You're a lighter shade of dust. If you want a religion that celebrates that, good luck.

God is not found with a prideful heart. He reveals himself to the humble, because (somewhat paradoxically) he is humble, as evidenced throughout Jesus's life, death, and resurrection. Christ reveales the heart of God to man. Brotherhood in Christ is not a birthright, it is not even earned. If you want to know who God is, Christ is the answer.

If you want a whites-only circle jerk, keep looking. I'm sure you can find it somewhere.

But know that the day will come where every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. It doesn't matter your race; God the creator of all that is has crowned him king because he is worthy.

Rome is part of old era
it's relic from macro Aries zodiac
jesus must break up those powers to create new things. age of passion must create from struggle
the connection between 2 eras always complex

Exactly. Well said.

In the end, all appeal to God. The flesh is but temporary.

10Am I now seeking the approval of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ. 11For I certify to you, brothers, that the gospel I preached is not devised by man. 12I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.

13For you have heard of my former way of life in Judaism, how severely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it. 14I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers.

15But when God, who set me apart from my mother’s womb and called me by His grace, was pleased 16to reveal His Son in me so that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not rush to consult with flesh and blood, 17nor did I go up to Jerusalem to the apostles who came before me, but I went into Arabia and later returned to Damascus.

18Only after three years did I go up to Jerusalem to confer with Cephas,a and I stayed with him fifteen days. 19But I saw none of the other apostles except James, the Lord’s brother. 20I assure you before God that what I am writing to you is no lie.

21Later I went to the regions of Syria and Cilicia. 22I was personally unknown, however, to the churches of Judea that are in Christ. 23They only heard the account: “The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.” 24And they glorified God because of me.

That is the latter half of Galatians 1, by the way.

Ignore the Semitic-cucks and just become either a Zoroastrian or Germanic Neo-Pagan with Zoroastrian influence. Stephen E. Flowers actually focuses on Germanic Neopaganism with an added Zoroastrian flair.

Actually, Vikings traveled down the Volgo river and had extensive relationship with Persians in Tabaristan. They liked Zoroastrian mythos a lot, so they embroidered images of Huma birds and more on their customs and armor. Maybe deep down they know the common origin between Indo-Iranians and themselves (Persians only transmitted it).

Please explain this.
I'm not really grasping the "Age of Double Fish" concept.

Your post is so ridiculous I could rewrite it with the religions swapped with stuff from a Gordon Ramsey show.

>Stephen E. Flowers actually focuses on Homemade Rizotto with an added Citrus flair.

The whole resurrection thing came from Mithraic Mysteries.

I have significant experience in religious practices. I am pretty much like a right-wing druid, magi, Buddha, and/or saint on here, son.

Get on my level and know your place, or I shall summon demons upon your wretched nigger soul. Your soul is so black like the BBC of the nigger that cucked you.

So yeah, keep giving those shekels to the kikes and sucking the broken dick of that dirty Jew on the cross.

I would have gladly crucified Jesus with the Romans. It is what being Aryan is all about.

How could the resurrection be copied from the Mithraic Mysteries when the earliest archaeological find was dated to 98-99 AD. (~30 years after the death and resurrection of Christ.

"Vermaseren and Gordon believe that this Livianus is a certain Livianus who was commander of the Praetorian guard in 101 CE, which would give an earliest date of 98–99 CE.[116]"

That sounds gay as hell m8.

I'm sure your mythology is interesting and everything, but it lacks the critical ingredient. Truth. if it's not the literal truth, or at least the spiritual truth (as in a parable or illustrative story) then it is worthless for anything other than a hobby or academic study.

Christianity remains relevant because the truth in it resonates in people's hearts.

I'm suddenly having second thoughts.

I was joking, but I gave the evidence.

Mithraism predates Mithraic Mysteries.

The only truth is that Jesus was a kike and his death was the greatest thing given unto this world. Get on my level, bitch. I am number one true Aryan.

I'd love to see some academic papers on that topic user. You Mithras shills crack me up.

Is this pasta? It tastes like pasta but the texture is wrong. 6/10 as is.

It's a complex topic, but the point, Christianity was ripped from the Avestan traditions. Please refer to my previous posts and stop sucking the phantom dick of a dead Jew.

You may be European externally but so long as you follow this disgusting Semitic religion, you are internally a kike and shall be treated as such.

Like I've said, know your place. Read each of my posts thoroughly here. I am trying to purify you of Semitic garbage and release your true Indo-European spirit.

I recommend you look into Orthodoxy.

Scythian Warrior

He is Zoroastrian and doesn't follow dirty kike religion

I'm sorry I didn't realize you previous posts were peer reviewed academic publications on the history of western religions. Thanks I'll try to know my place from now on when I post on this Macedonian cooking forum.


Europeans came from the northern kingdom. They weren't Jews(from the tribe of Judah), but they are both from the tribe of Israel.

The Mormons discuss this all the time

If you want, I can give peer reviewed sources.

Note, Indo-Iranians of Sintashta culture are different from Indians or Iranians. They come from Andronovo and resemble Eastern Europeans as explained. Scythians and Alans were fair people from Andronovo and many Eastern Europeans share ancestry with them:

Peer reviewed would be great of course. Interested in any suggestion that preponderance of evidence could lead scholars to conclude that Christianity is essentially repackaged mithrasicm. Or similar.

I am arguing the influences of Christianity can be traced predominantly back to Indo-Iranian religions.

For example, the idea of light as good or darkness as evil come from Indo-Iranian influences. Most scholars agree with that.

It was a very long time ago.

European Christianity assimilated traditions from paganism.

Interesting article. No mentions of Jesus or Christianity though, so effectively unrelated to my assertion that you have no scholarly backing to support claims that Christianity is ripped off of mithrasicm.

"Light is good, dark is evil" appears before Christianity, so Christianity must be a derivative religion? That's not remotely compelling. Virtually ever belief system contains similar symbology and concepts.

Thats really dumb my man. The world didn't start in Europe so why would Christianity be European in origin? You're just looking for something made up so you can proudly proclaim European heritage or some bullshit.

Are you even 18?

Honestly, most of this I got from Religions of Iran: From Prehistory to the Present by Richard Foltz.

Note, Indo-Iranians are not the same as modern Iranians. I have to say that again, but only the beginning deals with the Indo-Iranians thoroughly. Just read that. They gave a lot of contributions that were formative to Western ethos.

Technically they clustered closest to Eastern Europeans.

There isn't any genetic testing that proves this though.
If Europeans are related to the Tribes of Israel, certainly they would be closer related to the Middle Eastern ethnicities.

all ancient traditions/religions worship the sun aka saturn

jesus is the sun
the devil is the sun
the bible is an astrotheological allegory
his crussifixition and resurrection are metaphors for the sun going through the winter solstice, saturnalia, jupitor gets sacrificed too
the 4 horses of the apocalypse come bearing the 4 seasons.

you all live in a literal matrix, being harvested for your energy based on mental polarization and delusions given to you by jesuit saturn worshipping((((whatever is at the end of the rabbit hole))) benevolent rulers.
its tenants are good for the upholding of society, thats what keeps people meek and in line. which is good for its own purposes.
you are a literal slave though. There is no real social contract happening here.
no equal returns
only death and mediocrity

we will escape.
in whatever form that entails
Awaken your kundalini.
lets go brothers.

Peterson gives a great insight into the complexity and necessity of religion

Unironically really made me think

please tell me this makes you unironically think too.
you have to be able to see this

You're not crippled. Religion is crippling, it's hard to adhere to it because you're not yet conditioned. It's like everyone breaking their left leg. You grew up without doing that and you realize how dumb it would be to willing do that. A basic analogy.

Likely they would of been Roman pagan, gaulic pagan, a combination of the two or druidism.

Slavic nomads

Christianity "resonates" because the majority of people are indoctrinated at an early age. I have never been subject to this and therefore feel no spiritual effect. I couldn't even define the word for you it has no meaning.

Well Sun is not Saturn
>the bible is an astrotheological allegory
But I agree, everybody needs to awaken kundalini. It's fun.