Science VS Feels

Prove me wrong
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Thanks for keeping a look out, Leaf bro. You da man.

>source: my ass


There are cases where people are born with the chromosomes XXY, in some cases it makes them have both a penis and a vagina, but are steril, what's their gender OP?

You confused gender and sex OP

Go back to school


There is no such thing as gender only biological sex which of course there is only two of and mixes if these two with birth defects

bro that epic feel when australia of all countries post the best post

That hurts man, even if it comes from a country by cucks for cucks

all i heard from you was nothing goodbye


yuck no french disgusting kisses, thats probably code for encrichment anyway

>Synonyms: sex


dude, gross, its called intercourse faggot

Birth Defect

A freak. Just like somebody born with an extra arm or something. A mistake of nature

I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news but a lot of science is feels.

Psychology is not a science.

The foolishness of the term gender is that it attempts to separate the physiological with the psychological despite the fact that the brain itself is a physiological entity.

For example, an individual might claim they have a girls brain but by cutting their head open and observing the size of their amygdala you could tell they are male.

Gender = Sex = One of two ways you could have developed in the uterus

Both. A mixture of the two genders.

dude calm down you are not a siens ok ?

It is possible for a fetus to be exposed to too much/ not enough testosterone and estrogen thereby causing a person to be trans/gay/Q+!?

Upbringing also plays a big role, but yeah some people don't exactly come out perfect unfortunately

This has been observed in rats (like if a male rat developed in the womb between two female rats) and it basically caused gay rats


finally you're talkin sense doc

Having an attraction to the same sex/gender (Still only 2 genders)

Feeling like and wanting to be the other sex/gender (Still only 2 genders)

>hurr durr sex jokes are funny
>look at me I'm being a swedish cuck
>haha being a tripfag 'me' without having le trip ECKS DEE
t. sven

another american trying to fit in, yet failing miserably

from reddit i presume

No, there's over 500.

Abimegender– A gender which is profound, deep, and infinite.
Absorgender– A gender that changes to conform to the genders of those around you. As you are around more people, even if some leave, they continue to add to the genders you feel. You remain as the genders that you have taken in until you hit a max of some sort. At that point you become like a blank slate, being only one gender (it doesn’t have to be agender or neutral, it can be any gender and the base gender can be different each time).

If you absorb one gender more easily than other genders, you can replace gender in the term with the gender you absorb best. Like absorgirl, absornonbinary, absordemiboy, etc.
Adamasgender- A gender which refuses to be categorized.
Adeptogender– When your gender identity was obtained through your realization of your kinself. as in your kin realization spurred your gender realization. (note: the gender and kin type do not necessarily have to correlate with each other)
Aerogender– See evaisgender.
Aesthetgender– A gender derived from an aesthetic, also known as videgender.
Aethergender– A gender that feels very wide, commanding, breathtaking and powerful.
Affectugender– A gender affected by mood swings.
Agender– Having no gender or a lack of gender identity

Agenderfluid– See cancegender.

Agenderflux– See librafluid.

Alexigender– Gender identity which is fluid between more than one gender, but the individual cannot tell what those genders are.

Aliusgender– A gender which is removed from common gender descriptors and guidelines.

Ambigender– A feeling of two genders simultaneously, but without fluidity/shifting. May be used synonymously in some cases with bigender.
Amaregender- A gender that changes depending on who you’re in love with.
Ambonec– Identifying as both man and woman, yet neither at the same time.


Amogender– See flirtgender.
Amorgender– When your gender changes whilst in the presence of an individual to whom you have developed a deep connection for. This could be a romantic attraction, platonic connection, a spiritual affinity or anything similar.
Androgyne– Feeling in between, or a combination of, man and woman (or boy and girl).
Anesigender– Physically feeling like a certain gender but feeling more comfortable identifying as another.
Angeligender– A gender found only among angels, that is hard to describe to non-angels. For godkin and angelkin only.

Angenital– A desire to be without primary sexual characteristics, without necessarily being genderless.

Anogender– A gender which fades in and out, but always comes back feeling the same.

Anongender– A gender that is unknown to both yourself and others.
Antegender– A protean gender which has the potential to be anything, but is formless and motionless, and, therefore, does not manifest as any particular gender.
Antigender– A gender which can only be described as the opposite of another gender, eg. an antiboy being the opposite of a boy. Also known as ungender.
Anxiegender– A gender affected by anxiety.
Anvisgender– See apagender.

Apagender– A feeling of apathy toward one’s gender that causes one to have no desire to look further into it. Also known as lethargender, inersgender and anvisgender.

Apconsugender– A gender in which you know what it isn’t, but not what it is, sort of like the gender is hiding itself from you.

Apogender– A subset of agender in which you feel not only genderless, but entirely removed from the concept of gender.

Apollogender– When you have around 9 (can be anywhere from 6 to 10) different distinct feelings of gender that have combined into one big gender identity.

Aporagender– A gender separate from man/boy, woman/girl, and anything in between while still having a gendered feeling.

Aptugender– A gender which feels fitted and secured.
Aquarigender– A gender which is fluid between infinite feelings. Sometimes, these feelings may be close to an existing term, and sometimes they are indescribable or abstract. Also known as genderflow.
Archaigender– A gender that is ancient/old and big, and can either only be described with those words, or is correlated to them.
Arifluid– See arigender.
Arigender– Switching between nonbinary genders while feeling particularly associated with one feeling. Also known as arifluid.
Arithmagender– A numerical gender. it can range from any number/s, positive, negative, decimals, fractions, etc.
Argogender– A subset of genderfluid wherein the changes between one’s separate genders or the parts of one’s gender happen gradually, or a gender that is defined by its slowness.
Astergender– A gender that feels bright and celestial.
Astralgender– A gender that feels connected to space.
Atmosgender– Having a gender which is present, but unable to be grasped or firmly defined.
Autigender- A gender which can only be understood in the context of being autistic.
Autogender– A gender experience that feels deeply personal to one’s self.
Axigender– When a person experiences two genders that sit on opposite ends of an axis, one being agender and the other being any other gender; these genders are experienced one at a time with no overlapping and with very short transition time.
Batgender– See nocturnalgender.
Bigender– Identifying as two genders; may be static or fluid.

as a white man i will do my best to shut up and let POC talk

Bigenderfluid– Being bigender, with your gender fluctuating between the two.
Biogender– A gender that is connected to nature in some way.
Blizzgender– A gender that feels cold, snowy, and harsh. When it’s paired to another gender, it’s known as wintegender.
Boggender– A gender that feels like a bog, swamp, marsh or similar ecosystem. Also known as swampgender.
Bordergender/Borderfluid– A fluctuating gender experienced exclusively by people with BPD. A gender identity lacking a firm grasp on one’s identity, while still experiencing gender, to varying degrees, but having trouble pinning it down to just one label or identity. Having the sense of grasping at labels as much as possible to describe a gender, one keeps questioning because one keeps second guessing one’s sense of self and consequently, one’s sense of gender.

Can be combined with relevant genders.
Boyflux– When one feels mostly or all male most of the time but experiences fluctuating intensities of male identity. This can be fluid with any other identity.
Brevigender– A subset of genderfluid in which you feel your gender is never stable for long periods of time, but is constantly changing.
Burstgender– See spikegender.
Cadensgender– A gender that’s easily influenced by music.
Cadogender– A subcategory of polygender identities (genderfluid, bigender, trigender, etc.) to have a gender to fall back on, or one that you always go back to.
Caedogender– A gender which has been “cut away” by a traumatic event.
Caelgender– A gender which shares qualities with outer space or has aesthetic similarities to space, stars, nebulas, etc.

Cancegender– Agender as “base” gender but experiences fluid/fluxing gender feelings in tandem with their emotions. These gender feelings may confuse or upset the individual and cause their emotional state to go haywire, which causes more gender changes. Also known as agenderfluid.
Canisgender– A small, doglike gender.
Caprigender– A capricious, rapidly changing/untrackable gender.
Carmigender– A gender which is poetic and rhythmic in nature.
Cassflux– When your level of indifference towards your gender fluctuates.
Cassgender– Feeling as if the very concept of gender is unimportant to you.
Caveagender– Having a “trapped” or “imprisoned” gender.
Cavusgender– For people with depression. You feel one gender when not depressed and another when depressed. The gender felt whilst depressed can be attached as a suffix (eg cavusboy, cavusgirl, cavusnonbinary, cavusace).
Cendgender– When your gender changes between one gender and its polar opposite, OR a gender that can be summed up as an unidentifiable thing which manifests as hundreds of different genders or none at all at any given time, at the same time and/or separately, fluid, and ever changing.
Cennedgender– A gender identity heavily influenced by one’s parents.
Ceterofluid– When you are ceterogender, and your feelings fluctuate between masculine, feminine, and/or neutral.
Ceterogender– A nonbinary gender with specific masculine, or feminine, or neutral feelings. (Can be used as ceterogirl, ceteroboy, etc.)
Chaosgender– When your gender does a lot of things that have no identifiable pattern or logic.
Cheiragender– A fluid gender that is always or often in opposition to its owner’s desires, or is manipulative towards its owner.

>hurr durr, can't argue with biology, it's science.
>just because there's overwhelming evidence that human pollution is responsible for climate change doesn't mean it's actually happening. Now bend over for the oil companies, faggots.

this board is too retarded to claim to be pro-science

Circgender– A gender that feels so magical and grand as to be indescribable.
Cloudgender– A gender which can’t be fully realized or seen clearly due to depersonalization/derealization disorder(s).
Cocoongender– A gender that has not come out yet, or has yet to emerge in its full form.
Cogitofluid– A gender that is fluid only when one thinks about it.
Cogitogender– A gender that only exists when you think about it, is quiet until called to attention, or is characterized as feeling genderless until a gender is consciously chosen.
Coigender– A gender that feels like it “is on mute”.
Collgender– Having too many simultaneous genders to describe each one.
Colorgender– A gender associated with one or more colors and the feelings, hues, emotions, and/or objects associated with that color. Can be categorized by the specific color(s), such as pinkgender, violetgender, etc.
Comgender– To experience gender, polar opposite of agender.
Commogender- When you know you aren’t cisgender, but you settle for your assigned gender for the time being, e.g. commoboy or commogirl.
Condigender- A gender only felt under certain circumstances.
Contigender– A gender that flows through space and time and constantly changes and is always moving, OR a gender of, or related to, space and time.
Corugender– A gender affected by flashbacks.
Cosmicgender- A gender so vast and/or complicated that it can only be processed a bit at a time; a gender you cannot experience all at once. Infinite in its possibility, it may contain relevant subgenders that define a part of the vast whole.
Cryptogender– Gender identity that one can’t discern, describe or define in words and confuses or puzzles the owne


Fuck it, I give up. Let's just agree that we need to round up all the liberals, drop them off in California, build a wall around it, and then nuke the entire place.

>he didn't even get around to posting my gender


surprise, surprise

let me guess, fatgender is it?

Wow over 500 fictional genders?

Good thing those gender studies and English degrees are coming in handy

>Astergender– A gender that feels bright and celestial.
>Astralgender– A gender that feels connected to space.

What the fuck do these even mean?

>Autigender- A gender which can only be understood in the context of being autistic.

finally a snowflake label for me

preferred pronouns are aut/auti

It means you have a mental disorder

The disorder known as liberalism.


A few more:

Faegender– A gender that changes with the seasons, equinoxes, and moon phases.
Fascigender– A gender experience largely related to a special interest; for autistic people.
Faunagender– A gender influenced by animals.
Fawngender– A gender that is explored through timidity and caution, but blossoms into something natural and cute.
Felisgender– A small, catlike gender.
Femfluid– Having fluctuating or fluid gender feelings that are limited to feminine genders. Subset of endogender, also known as venufluid.
Femgender– A non-binary gender which is primarily feminine in nature. Do not use femmegender unless you are a lesbian, as otherwise it is appropriative of lesbian culture.
Firegender– A fluid gender in a constant state of change that never truly extinguishes. Aesthetically linked to fire as a visual metaphor or symbol.
Fissgender– A gender experience that is in some way split, similar to bigender or demigenders.
Flirtgender– A gender where your primary interaction with gender feelings is that of flirtateousness – either with gender, or people/the outside world. Also known as amogender or genderamas.
Flowergender– A gender that is more strongly felt during the daytime than at night. Also known as diurnalgender.
Fluidflux– A combination of genderfluid and genderflux, where gender moves between two or more genders and also fluctuates in intensity.
Foggender– A gender which is close to a certain gender, but cannot be directly pinpointed due to brainfog (a lack of concentration or wakefulness associated with ADHD, fibromyalgia, depression, etc.)
Frostgender– A gender that feels cold and snowy. If it has similarities with other genders, it’s known as freezegender.
Fuzzgender– When you know that you’re a certain gender, but can’t explain why you are that gender.

that's a kiwi

>No male of female

The only gender that doesn't exist on Tumblr.

Attack helicopter.

Let's do a few more:

Mutogender– A gender which is fluid and changes depending on one’s situation.
Mystigender– A mysterious, mystical and obscure non-binary gender.
Nanogender– Feeling a small part one gender, with the rest being something else, ex. nanoboy, nanogirl, etc. The “something else” may or may not be known. Also known as nan0gender.
Narkissigender– An egotistical gender, viewing itself in a high position and wanting and/or needing praise. To be used only by those with NPD.
Necrogender– A gender that used to exist but is now ‘dead’ or nonexistent.
Nesciogender– A gender one is not completely sure of due to one’s neurotype disallowing a clear understanding of the concept, but has a vague sense of what it could be; i.e. nescioboy, nescioagender, etc.
Neurogender– A term to describe when one’s gender is linked to someone’s neurodivergency. It can be both an identity and an umbrella term for genders that are limited to neurodivergent individuals. This term is exclusive to neurodivergent individuals.
Neutrois– A neutral gender.
Nobifluid– Having fluctuating or fluid gender feelings that are limited to genders either neutral and/or neither masculine or feminine. Subset of endogender.
Nocturnalgender– A gender that feels more intense during the night, but weak/nonexistent when it is light out. Also known as batgender, owlgender, moongender.
Non-binary– A gender that’s not one of the two binary genders.
Novigender– A gender experience too hard to read/process/understand or too complex to pin down to one word.
Nubilagender– A term to describe when part of one’s gender is unidentifiable. Also known as maringender.
Nullgender– Being without gender, but it is not agender or neutrois, a term for those to give a “tangibility” to the intangible thing that is their gender.
Nyctogender– A gender consisting of darkness or related to it.

>Nyctogender– A gender consisting of darkness or related to it.

A hermaphrodite, a genetic defect in humans

Can you source me on this topic, last time I checked there was atleast 2 gorillio genders.

le bread berail :DDDDD

I'd even be willing to acquiesce to a 3rd gender of "somewhere in between/ transexual" to describe person who are one gender who wish to be another, were born with both sex organs, or something like that, but that should be the end of it.

thank you leaf

The thing is that people while 14 decide that they will give up any hope of a normal life or children for life by fucking their natural hormones up

Have you ever spoken to an autistic little child, they have a tendency to beleive strongly they are something or someone else,

Well that's what's happening now with gender dysphoria, exept they permanently fuck themselves up it

I honestly don't give a fuck about trannies. I hate all the propaganda and attempted "normalization" of it though. I can respect a tranny that tries and looks half-way decent to some extent. If you look like a circus freak, I'll laugh at you. It's not my job to accept your mental illness as normal.

The problem is not dickgirls. The problem is these 500 fucking genders that Tumblr has made up even though there is no scientific evidence to suggest they exist. Then they demand that you memorize 100 new pronouns and get the government to throw you in jail if you can't memorize them. All these looney tunes are doing is defining personality traits as genders. Furries do the same thing, they identify personality traits with an animal. Otherkin do the same thing but with mythical creatures. The difference is the government doesn't want to protect furries and otherkin and make it a crime to mislabel them. They want to do that with these demifluid/libragender/genderqueer morons.

Roll for aborted

Abnormality. Not a new gender.

Birth defect
>I was born with autism, I'm a new species


I have a certain "special interest"

>for autistic people
It actually makes sense.

Official /ppl/ gender?

Sup Forums*

they either have masculine or feminine parts...... TITS = woman no tits and facial hair = man... you intentionally left out information in your hypothetical scenario specifically to try and pathetically prove your point. Even if you have a cock and pussy, you're a man or female. You have tits or you dont, your body produces testosterone or estrogen, there's not some third thing that retarded trans people have. It's a shame they were born with issues but it's not normal people's problem

I think you're right, we're all fascigender.

If we acknowledge that gender and sex are different items then there are really no genders at all, there's just social norms. In ancient times everyone wore dresses, now only females wear dresses. If you want to wear a dress anyways then just do your own thing and be considered eccentric.

The special snowflakism of trying to identify as some ever more narrowly defined 'gender' is idiotic even if we say there are more than 2 genders however.

There isn't really more than 2 viable human sexes though, the in-betweeners are all sterile as far as I know.

you cant tell me I'm not an apace attack helechopper.

>Abimegender– A gender which is profound, deep, and infinite.

How do you pronounce this, it's going to be my new gender.

Why am i laffin so hard at this bullshit, am i autistic?