When liberals tell you that race is a social construct, what do you say?

When liberals tell you that race is a social construct, what do you say?

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Are the primary colors a social construct as well?

Are my digits a social construct as well?

Yeah, gender is a social construct too.
But that doesn't males and females women aren't biologically different.

Srs though, I want a good argument because liberal fags always tell me that race is a social construct.

It is a social construct. Culture is what makes things different. My moms best friend is an Asian that grew up with adopted southern white patents.

She talks with a southern accent. She decorates and dresses like a southerner, and her favorite food is biscuits.

Race isn't the issue: culture is.

I tell them I identify as black and demand 40 acres and a mule.

>Scientology is actually an offshoot of Bogdanism

So this is the redpill..

>You can't point to a map and say "this is where people stop being white!
>You can't point to a shade of purple and say this is where red turns to blue

race influences culture because of differences in brain size and cognitive ability

there's a reason certain races have shitty cultures no matter where you place them

no its not, its genomic haplotype groups.

>iif you believe in evolution then race exist


You say society is a genetic construct

Look to the animal kingdom.

First, its folly to think humans are somehow an exception to the forces of nature that animalsnare subject to. Life adapts to its environment or dies out. That said, there are countless animal species with sub-species that are very closely related except for minor differences (coloration for example). Often these differences, especially behavioural, are explained by environment (this includes social behaviours of that species).

Why would groups of humans NOT have developed different characteristics after existing in relative geographic isolation for thousands of years? Of course race is real, to deny that is to ignore everything we know about evolution and the natural environment.

Race is not a social construct. It is biological. Culture is a social construct. People confuse the culture of races with the biological differences.

who are these guys and what did they talk about on that phone call? nobody ever tells me

Do you need a quick rundown?

sure. how did they save europe?

just ask fags why there are often different medicines for black people

Got you covered senpai,
>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
>In contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control france with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land

>My moms best friend is an Asian
Asian. That is a race.
Race is not a social constuct. It is a biological fact.

The endless struggle to remove innate racism inside the human being is getting people sick and tired.

Fuck them all

Gravity is a social construct.

math, science, cars, biology, nuclear missiles they are all just social constructs, they hold no real power.

race is a social construct
picture proves it

Yes it is a social construct, just one based off of objective biological qualities. You could use the woman's genetic makeup to define her as 'Eastasian', 'Asian', 'Chinese' or 'Han'. The precise category of her race is defined by the society around her.

Liberals just reach the irrational, faith-based next step of conclude that biological qualities that races are derived from therefore do not exist.

Race is biologically real, and the Asian example is pretty illogical as Asians are smarter than whites. Of course they would adapt to our culture easily, whites might have a harder time being Asian though.

I invite them to go to 'straya and interact (or at least watch some videos) with some abos.

Try getting a bone marrow transplant without stating your race.

And where does culture come from? Why do whites have superior culture while niggers have none? Could it be that culture comes from race, therefore race isn't a social construct as proven by evolution, genetics, and history?

"intelligence" is a cultural construct as well and a cultural category - if you're born into a culture where athletic intelligence or musical intelligence is the only means of bettering yourself, then you apply yourself to those avenues of self-betterment.

Jazz is one of the most complex and intellectual musical forms and derives from African-American culture because music was one of the only cultural spaces open for African-Americans to achieve in. John Coltrane was a genius. Miles Davis was a genius.

Or look at Motown - it became a commercial empire and hub of songwriting and performance genius. All of the songs coming out of Motown were perfectly balanced, brilliant compositions and they ended up lifting a generation of artists out of poverty.

Muhammad Ali was a boxing genius at a time when there were few discrimination free socio-economic opportunities available to black men.

Society is a racial construct. Tibetans have a gene that allows them to breath as high as 4000 mts. You would die. They are biologically adapted to create a society there you are not.

Long winters, made us have patiente and collaborate with our mates. Which gave us the hability of create civilizations. This happens with every human that has neanthertal genes in his DNA. Niggers weren't mixed with neanthertals, ergo, they have other capabillities. They have much less skin cancer so they don't have to wear sunscreen. That allows them to live in áfrica, and be OK there. (Melanoma occurs in black people, but is much more rare)

I tell them about the call that saved Europe


Another Bogandism thread eh?

Purge the thread Igor...

Actually I do have a go-to phrase when someone unironically says that to me.

I sigh, try my best to look despondent, and reply with "It's so unfair how a phrase with such inclusive intentions causes unintended harm exclusively to African-Americans..."

Of course they immediately ask what I mean by that, and I explain that I work in medicine, and how there are a number of health issues for which they are at much higher risk.. and it's becoming more and more frequent we catch them too late because it's so much harder to raise awareness of racial risk factors now.

The funny thing is though, that's actually true. I just word it in such a way that I sound like a saddened bleeding heart; you can see the mindfuck on their face when it starts to sink in that their virtue signaling is hurting the very people they want to feel like they're protecting.

Those are different species fuckwit
Use dog breeds as an example, even without going into the fact that breeds have different qualities

i know what you are doing op. who are they?

First I would agree with them, then I would go on a rant about how every breed of dog is exactly the same and that we define superficial aspects of their outer appearances therefor providing prejudice amongst our canine allies. I would describe the disgust that I have for dog shows and how they categorize them by breed further normalizing breed division, I would ask them if they would be interested in joining me in protesting a dog show sometime.
>The hate needs to stop, but if we can't change people's minds about race overnight then maybe we could open them up to the idea by correcting the record on dog breeds first.

I say "fuck off niga"

Social construction is definitely in the mix. Look at at all the acquired stupidity about race that you're going to see in this thread.
There's also no doubt that race exists.
The real questions are how does it matter, how much does it matter, and how immutable are its manifestations?

I just say why are black people faster runners? They often don't fight back cause its true and a compliment.

It's self evident that it's not though. Liberals perceive the world in a way that fits into their ideology and as such say idiotic shit like everything is a social construct.

>When liberals tell you that race is a social construct, what do you say?
"Fuck off retard"

Rape laws are a social construct.

*grabs dick*


egalitarianism is a social construct

>the guy on the right looks exactly like one of my HS friends

This picture is a perfect example of the correct and incorrect way to do plastic surgery.

race being a social construct doesn't in any way make it less meaningful or make it less valuable as a distinction between different human beings.

whats the next step in their master plan?

you give them this

Is evolution a social construct?

this is my favorite meme of 2017

i say "so is the concept of rape" and then i watch them flip their shit

Underrated post

Well you're not wrong.

>The new research supports the theory that viewing race and ethnicity as social constructs on one hand, and genetic ancestry as a biological construct on the other hand, is way too simple a framework.

Move your naive white ass to Chicago or Atlanta for a few years and we'll see how much you believe race doesn't actually exist.

>People confuse the culture of races with the biological differences
people, including racists, and racialists

Well in that case, we should really get rid of black history month.

Culture comes from race, place, happenstance

Is mayonnaise an instrument?

"You're wrong."

"No it's not."


Some races is a social construct, like Aryans, some race is a anthropological classification like Pygmy.

I show them this picture and tell them, yeah nah.

That they're full of shit and that you need to stop making these threads.

>he summons thoth

But outside people can have influence on culture

For example, gangsta rap is pushed hard by the Jew execs because of it's appeal to white suburban teens


>In the early-mid 1980s, there was no hip hop industry as it was today. Politicians and businessman maligned and ignored the hip hop movement. However, in the late 1980s, music industry executives realized that they could capitalize on the success of "gangsta rap." They made a formula that created "a titillating buffet of hypermasculinity and glorified violence." This type of rap was marketed to the new fanbase: white males. They ignored the depictions of a harsh reality to focus on the sex and violence involved

IF race is a culture construct why did you refur to your moms friend as asian?

dumb bogposter


BIDF shill

It's not funny.
Delete this thread immediately.

Shilling intensifies


i agree. there's no reason why we can't send all the niggers to the moon just like we did with a few white guys.