Can someone explain the difference between the "White Man's Burden" and the leftist ideals of white privilege?

Can someone explain the difference between the "White Man's Burden" and the leftist ideals of white privilege?

I got kicked out of a class at university today because I made the comparison (I think I'm still in the class, the professor just had a shitfit and threw me out), and all the girls in the class were freaking out and looking disgusted, and all the guys were doing that "bro... bro..." thing

But how the fuck are they any different? Everyone keeps going on and on about refugees and how we're obligated to help them because of our white privilege, isn't that basically a burden? It seems racist as hell to me

They're the same. You experienced cognitive dissonance


Understand that it's your 'privilege' to be better than women and minorities. Act like it's an article of faith for you. Succeed. Accomplish. Prevail. Start believing the SJW nonsense and act accordingly. Be better than them and then you'll get to act like it.

The white man's burden was about civilizing the savages in other areas of the world. That's why you had British and Dutch going into Africa.

Modern day white privilege argument is too hazy and confusing to really pin down. On one hand, people complain that whites have it made, but the only reason we have it made is because our ancestors sacrificed a lot, while others didn't as much. On the other hand, admitting whites have an advantage sort of implies that white man's burden is real. I don't know. Either way you slice it, your professor is a pussy for not allowing an adult conversation in the classroom.

I will say this though...the immigrant crisis or whatever seems more like an American burden. I think the original white man's burden just wanted to control other countries while leaving Europe mostly white.

This. Welcome to reality

White privilege is basically the idea that the system favors white people. It's a percent game though, which is why you still have white people struggling. Saying a group has a 55% chance of success instead of a 50% doesn't mean no one in group 1 fails.

Because of that advantage white people are also uniquely positioned to champion many causes, because their advantage applies across the board. There's a better chance a white guy yelling about something will be listened to, so it's on us to yell about the right things.

That's basically what people mean when they're saying things like what you heard in class.

Their entire ideology is based on a numbers game which they are applying to a (formerly) majority white culture, and stacking the deck against themselves. they would never pull this numbers game against China for not having enough blacks, or any other nation

"White Man's Burden" is NOT real, and white privilege actually exists.

found the nigger.

>Goes to college, an institute of learning and the free exchange of different ideas
>Gets kicked out for different idea

We're fucked

I think it's pretty telling that 'cannibalism' was a stone that had yet to be overcome in this illustration. really makes you think?

Same thing different name. You just used the "Racist" name, which to them they think of the Native American re-education classes that worked as a genocide on there culture that lead to them being oppressed and unable to proceed.

Refute that, you filthy baboon.

This is the world we live in

no, you just exposed something you weren't supposed to. They both work the same way. If anything the difference could be that white man's burden is something you're supposed to be proud of, while you're supposed to be ashamed of white privilege.

But this is also false because white people who self-flagellate over privilege also feel pride for doing so, it's just a twisted form of pride mixed with shame that doesn't work to produce any actual results. At least the colonists successfully brought civilization and medicine and stuff to the people they tried to.

What comparison, what class, of SJ class why did you sign up to take it?

How is it not a burden to have to pay for niggers and spics in my country? My ancestors fought for this freedom not theirs. Why do they get to enjoy it?

Why do you pay good money to support bullshit brainwashing? Make your stance known with your wallet the only place you can make a difference there.

It really is the worst part of this. College is supposed to be a place where you challenge your world view, sometimes with unpleasant ideas. The fact that this mentality has not only been demolished, but happily and violently opposed just further demonstrates why "college educated" means very little. I graduated last year and was drunk by noon half the time, it's not that hard because no real critical thinking is required outside of regurgitating past research and paraphrasing what others have said. What a massive clusterfuck of a waste of time and self importance.


blame the white women.. nag.. nag about equality but complain about it when its equal... let me in the fire department, let me in the navy seals.. but the tests are too hard, lower the FUCKING STANDARDS for us..... thats not EQUAL... fuck off bitches

Stupid cunts don't even talk about how men are more likely to die in war, not reproduce, suicide, get cheated and divorced on, and have shittier dangerous jobs. They don't give a fuck about equality. They just want all the comfy high paying jobs and all the privilege of being a male without the responsibilities and hardships. Women's rights was a mistake.

Sorry, this just got me angry

I've seen this before, is there a story?

>white privilege actually exists

but wait there's more fucked up shit... child support, child visitation rights, fucking alimony .. that shit is ONE SIDED by a FUCKING MILE.. wheres the EQUALITY?

"White Man's Burden" specifically was apologetics for England's colonization of the Philippines. In other words, the white man has a duty to bring civilization to the savages (by moving in, taking over, and throwing them off their land).

Your professor probably is too uneducated to know from where that idiom even came. University education is a fucking waste of money.

Basically like Colored People and People of Color, right?

>i will defend my white privilege to the death...that's my birthright.


desu they are literally the same holy shit I'm gonna pretty up this case and use it

tell them you're a transracial transgender black butch lesbian and now that you're highest on the victimhood totem pole they must bow in deference to you and surrender their privilege.

Older women understand if you sit down and talk to them.

>England's colonization of the Philippines

>Your professor probably is too uneducated

really shakes the gravy....

>check your privilege

Bare your burden, whiteboi!

Google it, buddy.
England came in after Spain and "White Man's Burden" was a poem by Rudyard Kipling about it.

it was america
kipling wrote the poem in an american journal for americans
we got the philippines after the spanish-american war
besides that spot on, england is our spiritual forefather anyway

You're absolutely right.

Also the angry blacks whining about white privilege ironically (at least I think so) also want whites to fix their problem for them.

Pic related.

Reminder that white women went for Trump
>white women suck
is a liberal meme to stop you from procreating

I've got a 4 part post to share further drives my point.




White privilege does exist, in the same way a Chinese man will have Chinese privilege in a Chinese country, its Nepotism

To me white mans burden is white guilt in the sense that white men did some pretty fucked up shit in the past (yes everyone in history did but whites are the ones who dominated the world in the last 150 years pretty much) so some people (wrongly) feel that because some whites did some fucked up shit that we are all responsible and they try to "redeem" themselves

claiming whites have privilege is saying other races can't compete.. that's racist.


Shaturn devouring his own son.jpg

"White Man's Burden" means that white people are burdened to bring "civilization" to people who were just fine living off the land for thousands of years and for free and not owning taxes to some fictitious entity. "White Man's Burden" is truly a political correct term for genocide, perversion, and an enslavement of gods children and their way of life.

the leftist ideals of white privilege means that a certain melanin or phenotype considered to be socially valuable can move up without much effort and anyone different stays in the same low caste.

>"White Man's Burden" is a politically correct term for globalism and is not real.
>white privilege means that whites get an easier life than others and is very real.

Daily reminder that allowing women and minorities to vote was a mistake

>double quote after semicolon

Being a white male is an advantage. Here is what I mean:

I read an article a couple of weeks ago, written by a woman. Essentially the woman wrote a story about one kind of fish asking another fish what the water is like, and the fish goes, "what water?" The second fish is so oblivious to their surroundings that they don't even think about what it is like for the other fish. Essentially she was trying to make white men feel badly about not having to worry about racism, salaries, idk some bullshit like that.

The key here is this - a white man would never waste time writing a story like that because he is probably to busy out in the real world winning at life.

We have history books that show us we can become president if we want to. We can land on the moon, invent the internet, found civilizations, create great monuments. White men have historically been contributors of epic proportions.

The fact of the matter is, some people will always be jealous. It just so happens that most jealous people are not those who have the confidence that they can do anything if they set their mind to it.

This semantic trick makes a huge difference in their childlike minds
>white man's burden
>whoa man burden makes it seem like we're actually contributing to improving a hardship and could be winners
>white man
>you mean like Satan himself?!
>whoa man I cant think that! Theys rayciss cartoons and shiet
>white privilege
>yeah MtV videos!
>that's it! Privilege is good but we gotta say its bad because everyone else has less privilege! This makes us seem like spoiled bad and brown people good. This makes it too large a task to actually get anywhere with. Checks out

When they see its the same they will reach that level of self awareness that will destroy their cucked way of life

>We can land on the moon
ive got some bad news for you

>found civilizations
very bad news

"white" or "black" are just colors. Jewish privilege in amurica or Israel makes more sense.
You wouldn't refer to "yellow privilege" if you were referring to Japan or China.

Your brain has some serious mailfunctions, but I will not point where exactly you're wrong, because there is no point to argue with an idiot .

>but I will not point where exactly you're wrong, because there is no point to argue

thats because you have no argument.

pretend i put in the effort to post a suitable reaction picture

>thats why you had british and dutch going into africa

user, listen to me, What exactly did you say? Did you sperg out?

First, whites have no privileges. All they have were done by their working hard ancestors. You have to work hard for people to trust and believe you. You have to be social responsible and behave well. Those blacks who understood it and doing their best have a good salaries and social respect. The other ones we call niggers. They are lazy, loud and uncivilized. And yet they shout about privileges nwhile getting money for nothing (sitting on welfare). So we can say that a true priveleged people are shitty niggers.
Second. If giving a healthcare, schools, law and civilisation is bad, then you can evolve back to a state of monkey and take all those niggers with you. So please, go back to your rural Africa where you are from and again take all those niggers with you.
Giving civilisation to a niggers was the worst mistake. Thats where youre right. The greatest mistake was a humility to non-human beings - niggers. You dont need a civilisation, all you deserve is slave collar and beating. But most effective solution was a genocide, because your whole history prooves that you are just a worthless monkeys qho have acheved nothing.

>never been to china as a white man
You go from "priviledged" white guy to "god"

>five (seven) suppression
>splinter cells five seven is suppressed

Why is everything a meme

>not knowing that Japs are extremly xenophobic, nationalistic and trully privileged comparing to other nations in Japan

>just fine living off the land for thousands of years and for free and not owning taxes

all of that is great really

White man's burden is because all other people of the world, at that time (even most today) are literally barbarians. The burden is optional, whites decided to bring them to civilization, and this is how they are treated. Being a slave in the US at that time was infinitely better in the living standards set by their countrymen back home.

Cognitive dissonance big time.

We all have it but especially leftists.

So. White people have white privilege right?

>> YES!

so what can we do as white people to not abuse this privilege and help minorities?

>> "You need to check your privilege and give massive handouts to niggers and let them become doctors even though they can't fucking read" (paraphrasing)

Oh I see. So would you say we are obligated to do this or is it just an opinion that some people have or?

>> are you a God damned Nazi? I told you to check your privilege cis scum!!! You have a fucking moral responsibility to make these apes your equal!!! (Paraphrasing)

Well the definition of burden is: duty, responsibility something oppressive or worrisome """

So are you saying white people. And in particular white men have a burden to carry and must do so in order to help these people?

>> Ugh. Uhm. Well.

I suppose you could call it "the white man's burden"?

>> *autistic screeching.
It's astonishing

WMB: Build others up.
WP: Tear ourselves down.

And these are the hands we're given

americans: 300,000
chinese: 5,000,000

why should the few carry the many?

why should u give priveldge to somebody who is inherently less capable? I don't go out and clean shif off of cows at the local farm and bring them flowers because they are under priveledged and slaughtered for food?

alright, so then how exactly are white's privileged in the west? What about our legal or economic systems favors people based on their white skin? Can you please provide specific examples?

I am 100% sincere. I used to be a lefty before I started doing more research. I don't want to be like this, but I can't deny the truth. I have sincerely not found any real evidence for "white privilege", and I would very much love to be proven wrong. Please, elaborate. If you can show me how it's true, I will join your fight and help bring a brighter future for all peoples. But from where I'm standing, you sound like you're just another useful idiot to the Elites. Please prove me wrong.

Fucking niggers. I can not work too see how you like it when the economy collapses