So 20 trillion is coming soon

so 20 trillion is coming soon

can someone explain to me how this is okay?

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just a number breh

105,000,000,000,000 unfunded liabilities

these are diablo 3 numbers of debts do we just keep increasing what we're allowed to have forever?

we control the money supply, we can make as much money as we want

we could pay it all off with a few key strokes tomorrow

debt is not the problem, we need to grow the economy through spending then the debt to gdp ratio will fall and once we are growing the government should cut spending and focus on paying back the debt

also we pay a negative interest rate on all borrowed money after inflation, the money is literally free for the United States we would be fools to not take it

such a farce

this is the system holding everything together and look at it, they don't even give a single fuck anymore

we're screwed because this will crash eventually

lmao foolish chinks and anyone still lending us money. We used that money to buy guns lmao... what are you going to do if we don't pay? Fight us?


What if the economy never grows to the right debt to gdp ratio?

>Assets per citizen $391,377
>Debt per citizen $166,773

Really made me think


Government spending is part of GDP

when the government spends it automatically, by definition raises GDP

also when you spend on things like roads, trains, education, research and development and healthcare you spur private sector growth which becomes tax revenue, which pays back your debt

So the fed creates money and we have to pay the interest back while making money devalues the dollar

this doesn't seem sustainable

>borrow a million dollars
>spend million dollars
>gdp increases, causes inflation
>spending causes private sector growth
>pay back million dollars+interest which is now less than million dollars*inflation
>made a profit
That's the gist of it right? Now what happens if your private sector growth for some reason does not happen? It grows but it does not reach the amount needed to pay back the debt.

>>gdp increases, causes inflation
this is not correct, GDP growth does not cause inflation, printing money causes inflation

but other then that, yes you basically described the process

as far as GDP growing or not, theoretically the GDP does not HAVE to grow but throughout history it ALWAYS has, so pretty good chance it will continue

yes, printing all that money at once would be a problem with huge inflation, I was just pointing out that we could do that theoretically

over time however the inflation is much smaller and almost unnoticeable, but using inflation to our advantage means that all the money we borrow is paid back with less money

EX: china gives us a billion dollars we pay back 1.02 billion in ten years, but that money is worth less, we win

this is why Greece is in such dire straights, they owe all their money in Euros but they don't control the Euro, so they have to pay more money back then they borrowed

>it's a dimwits think a national budget is the same as your house budget episode

>cancel debt.
>print own debt free money
>hang bankers who bitch about it.

We're the sole reserve currency with the world's most powerful military. Anyone that tries to undermine us will be met with war.

I'm not bragging or saying this in a positive light, I'm just telling you the reality of the situation.

When we stop being the sole reserve currency then you will see shit start to really hit the fan. Some countries are already looking to add another reserve currency. The World Bank might oblige.

hmm maybe you can explain it for us then

Why doesn't the US just cancel the debt like all civilizations did throughout history when it got to high to pay.

Who's going to attack us?

Can you go fuck off with your Keynes bullshit?

Thanks burger.


National Debt is a scare tactic that is meaningless, the United States of America is in all meanings of the phrase LITERALLY TOO BIG TO FAIL.

>National Debt is a scare tactic
>all meanings of the phrase LITERALLY TOO BIG TO FAIL.

Wew lad. Slow down there.

>its nothing goyim dont worry about it

yes master

so why can't we audit the fed or the gold supply?

The assets seem rather high, I wonder how they are valuated with most people being in net debt (including mortgage)

If YOU are in control of the "money" you are able to just not care about the debt.


>tfw we'll never be as rich as Zimbabwe

No, it works for now due to high demand for dollars due to it being the petrodollar.

This is the core of the US-Saudi alliance - this is why Libya and Iraq were attacked.

When the dollar is no longer linked to oil, demand drops and it opens the world to other reserve currencies.

When that happens, interests goes up and the US debt becomes un affordable.

Alternatively, printing more and more money to keep the interest down will also drive demand for dollars down, as other countries will not want to hold as much of a currency that devalues so rapidly. The next effect that at some point it will switch and interest will increase.

It's a balancing act, right now the dollar stands primarily because of two reasons:
-Threat of violence protecting petrodollar
-Lack of alternative currency for countries to use as reserve

Both those reasons are constantly being challenged.

Your house budget isn't designed around productivity, but around sustainability. Thus you generally want to be debt-free because that's the most sustainable approach.

If you're a state and you're aiming to be debt-free, you're essentially undermining your potential. You're declining "free" money that could be used to increase your productivity and income in the future, crippiling yourself. And for what? Debt isn't bad as long as the money you borrowed increased productivity enough to make up for the interest and as long as you don't collapse under debt (i.e. your lenders actually demand all the money because they doubt you can pay them back in the future, see Greece), but that is virtually impossible in the case of the US

Wtf is debt anyway, isn't it just a deficiency of money? If so does it even matter because there are still products and services being offered.

Your own people

Except soon we will not be able to make the interest because our debt will be so great


It depends how the debt is used. Debt used for infrastructure can speed up growth, debt used for gibmedats to some niggers are only a waste.

Surely no risk with US national debt doubling every 7 years.


So close to getting checked.