Should war be glorified?

Should war be glorified Sup Forums ?

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All wars are bankers wars so no

No. I suggest you read:

>All Quite on the Western Front
>War is a Racket

Not really, no. WW2 was pointless, WW1 was also pointless. Those "heroes" died for nothing in the end.

The wars themselves, no.
But the soldiers who fought those wars, absolutely and with the utmost respect.

no, but veterans should

What about a war on bankers?

>Should war be glorified Sup Forums ?
War is life.
Death is peace.

no; but warriors should

uhhh. last I saw war is glorified even in scifi. EGI jew wars since theyr'e a bunch of rats in a war called STAR (rats spelled in reverse) WARS.

btw. defense in spanglish stands for OFfense. it's just a game of footie

There was only one, I think they called it WWII

No. There's a reason war veterans don't like talking about it & don't wish it on anyone.

Just brutal savagery & unnecessary loss of life, for things could have been solved peacefully.

Watched all of Generation War last night.

Pretty Good.

Didn't heavy-hand the jew shit like most WW2 does.

Wife thinks I'm a Nazi now.

war shouldnt be glorified
honorable battles however...

Not wars in general. Fighting for your country and people however should be one of the highest honors a man can achieve.

It's equivalent to monks taking a vow of celibacy back in the day.

It kills off mentally/physically strong men from he genepool.

fighting for humanity and freedom. Not for countries


oh yeah that show is awesome. not overridden with nazi guilt, and portrays a decent view of normal germans fighting for their country

also Friedhelm is the best character

>Being a globecuck
You are now aware that humans are biologically tribal beings. This means that we will never unite under the banner of plain humanity. Humanity in itself is meaningless. Family, tribe (volk) however can and will unite people. cosmopolitanism (globalism) is an anti-natural utopia.

Men secretly love war, what greater test of manhood is there?

of course a germ would say this

He's by far the only character with a meaningful arc. I'm not gonna Sup Forums up the place but the others didn't really go through near as much change as he did. Charly maybe 2nd w/ Wilhelm 3rd. Vicktor seemed like he was stuffed in to be "the token jew" and greta's could be a great German Lifetime movie but I didn't care about her at all.

Are there other great german shows/movies out there? I'm really curious now.

ww1 yeah sure

but how was ww2 pointless?


Only when done with actual lives being lost as it gives honor to those who fall and gives their life some sort of meaning. Unmanned warfare should not as it only ends with increased tragedies and no understanding between the two sides and differences that will never be conveyed

>kill fellow normal people like you
>not to kill the VIPs who ruins the world

oh yes so glorious

Depends on the war. There is nothing so glorious as the Reconquista.


"we will glorify WAR, the world's only hygiene, militarism, patriotism, the destructive acts of freedom fighters, and scorn for woman; we will destroy the museums, libraries, academies of every kind, and fight moralism, feminism--every opportunistic and utilitarian cowardice"

so yes

yeah i agree with that ranking, viktor should've been gassed though

das boot is the only one i can think of

am deutschen wesen soll die welt genesen

All wars are ventures of the rich.
And it's just a way of wasting your resources.

But you have to respect to those who risen to the occasion. From a private to a general, you should glorify them by at least not disrespecting them


Our bullets and tank treads and jet engines , bombs, etc. Do have expiration dates.

It would simply be wasteful to not use them all up once in a while.

But you know, I'm ok with it.

t. America

Not anymore because nuclear deterrence ruined it.

Yes, war is the way forward, through war we evolve. After war you have a moment to rejuvinate before moving on and solving the next conflict.

look at Bollywood, all soft and mushy love stories.
No motivation to get angry about anything i.e. fix your retarded caste system or make your environment healthier so children stop dying let alone stop shitting in the streets.

Live the right way, the white way.

Seriously the only good scene in the entire movie.

Wars are a very necessary thing to humans. We just cant spend a century without fighting a big war.
Then again there are too many people here on earth so why not thin out the herd a bit?

I do respect true soldiers who worked their way up, saw some action and acted to the best of their ability to follow orders.

Not "do what was right" because in military operations, that's meaningless.

To actually prove yourself a useful tool in the shed often does take hard work and should be rewarded and looked upon with honor.

I do not condone shaking the hands of every soldier you see nor thanking them (my wife does this) because you don't know them. Maybe they are the fucking bugler in army band or a fucking serial child rapist.

Don't do that unless you know them, served with them, or understand their stripes/medals/etc.


>everything is the banks fault

Just because you do dumb shit and the bank bets against you doesn't make it the banks fault.

all wars are born of whores. Should prostitution be glorified?

Zipp it hippie.

War better stay a racket to I plan to making money there!!

Get fucked, Butler was a fucking great man. Have some respect.

"You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery."

Shine your boots and clean your rifle, children. We're going to war.

Yeh only now there is the problem of not being able to fight because we fear total devestation through a nuclear holocaust.
If WW3 starts which I doubt then WW4 will surely be fought with sticks and stones.
So no, no more great wars, just small proxy wars and """"conflicts"""" at the other side of the world far, far away from the west most likely until some sensible people come into power who do not act solely out of fear.
In a way more right wing people being chosen i.e. Trump and others in Europe are the answer to the genocidal behaviour showed by the left which only acts on fear, being offended by anything and anyone.
We've reached our peak limit of civilization, our 250-300 years are up, we need to grow or decay and die, when the Roman, Byzantine and every other empire was about to die through a great war it showed signs of crumbling from the inside out, reflected in art even where the model man wasn't strong or masculine but rather a wet noodle, doesn't that remind you of something? The emo trend and now the beta nu male hipster transgender queer fag hype / trend that's going around within the west.
So in a way more sober thinking people here on Sup Forums of all places are an answer to this disease as we cannot fight or be a destroyed through a great war due to the fact that, that in and on itself would bring about a nuclear holocaust.
So our subconconscience / instict which is far more powerful then the 10% of the brain we use when awake tells us "HEY, DON'T DO IT, just find some other solution"

And that is appearantly right wing meme squads with a healthy dose of good ol' fashioned hate for all other religions and skintones until we grow and move on to colonize space.

The goy knows (((shut it down)))

Honestly I think the next war will be with superviruses or some shit like that.
Less damage on the infrastructure and you can just mop up and take over everything.

Its hard to say whos right anymore, its just power hungry elitists one way or the other.
Look at communists, they tend to be the exact same greedy fucks as the capitalists with the exception that nobody gets anything.

I dont know if I would trust a human as a supreme leader in anything, we seriously need to develop AI and let it do the hard decisions.

>dying while fighting someone who had the guts to tell the finanzjuden to fuck off

>Wants to be controlled by something a sperg-programmer have developed.
You fucking refrigerator-nigger, go pound snow.

Pretty unlikely since something like a disease can easily be isolated and cured, by now our system is immune to pretty much anything this world has to offer even if you combine stuff to make some deadly virus that somehow spreads.

Your body is an organism of almost 50 trillion cells, it can do quite a lot.
Repair cancer for instance once you've found new hope to live, the only thing which makes people die is because they want to die deep down inside, so the body says "fuck all" and destroys itself overtime.
Plenty of cases of people who had a life/death experience, found renewed hope to go on and saw the cancer dissapear within a few days.
Ofcourse modern medicine and doctors institutionalized into their own world like a religion are afraid of everything that doesn't fit into their narrow view so they reject it as well as the industry which resides within that world who ofcourse cannot profit off of healthy individuals.

One human like you say to change society can never be trusted completely, it must be a nation, a civilization or humanity as a whole that moves forward as a single unit.
Like the body your arms and legs are like,... well the police force, lower classes who pick up your garbage and sort out the mail, repair your car, etc, strings in the web to make it all work from the bottom level.
When we have automation the middle class would program said AI and the upper classes (the smartest in this case) would decide what subjects we need to focuss on, what issues need our most attention / resources allocated to them at a time.



>Should war be glorified Sup Forums ?
no because its no fun after the first 72 hours even when you are young and stupid.

>Isis could have been solved peacefully
That's just one example

But there's no difference between machines and organics, both are just clocks made out of different materials. There's no need for A.Is, well "ethical" needs at least. I'm sure in a century or so people(drones) would be born from synthethic wombs then chipped and watched 24/7 like cattle by "B1gBr0v2release2050"
A true golden age can be achieved when humanity is fragmented, and not focused on one purpose like evolution or progress .