POLL - Did Michael Enoch's doxxing change your political views at all?


Did Michael Enoch's (Peinovich's) doxxing change your political views at all? Wikipedia claims many people left the alt right because it was revealed that Enoch is married to a Jewess, citing a salon article.

> The breakup of the website caused widespread disillusionment among members of the alt-right, with many leaving the movement. [7]

I don't buy it. I didn't suddenly stop hating jews and niggers.

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Nope. I don't care about the drama, I just listen to the TDS for the bantz. I wouldn't even care if Mike was a 100% self-hating kike, him and Sven were the closest thing to O&A in years. I hope they get over it and keep making podcasts.

>I hope they get over it and keep making podcasts.

I'd wager that with Mike being unhireable we'll get much more content now. Ironically 8fags freed him to commit fully to the TRS.


That sucks for him, LARPing aside Mike is pretty good at commenting on current events and articulating his opinions.

I was really kind of shocked at first, like I don't really identify as "alt-right" but I'm somewhat sympathetic to some aspects and have paying to close attention to it's growth online for a while now and all of the sudden I felt like I didn't know what I was looking at anymore. If one of the most well known figures in this movement could be exposed to be married to exact type of person claims to hate, was any of this this real? I'm not a conspiracy minded person at all, but I was legitimately wondering if it could be some sort of government honeypot. But now that the dust is starting to settle, it's starting to seem like not such a big deal. The other major figures in the alt right seem to be standing behind him, even guys like Anglin and David Duke are telling people not purity spiral. I'm listening to the podcast sven just put out and so it paints a much more understandable picture in that they are saying the wife is only partially ethnically jewish and doesn't really identify strongly as jewish and sven said he under was under the impression she was "like a republican or something" and "was shocked" by the youtube page. Apparently Mike and his wife are separating and Mike so going to give a full response which should be interesting. It seems like most people in the alt-right will be willing to look past except for the conspiracy theorist types like renegade, who already hated TRS anyway.

Why the fuck would some drama between the autists over at TRS change anyone's political views?

wtf, I love antifa now

When they started doxxing all the TRS guys this was my thought as well. The whole secret jewish wife kind threw things though.

Nah, it just shows that they are people too, not someone spawned from an ideologically pure tank

Obvious propaganda

Why would it? He's said several times he's more 14 and less 88.

This drama wasn't really expected but I can't say it was surprising either.

They're just trying to make it seem like the movement disbanded so their people feel like they scored a victory.

This will be "proven" by the fact that Sup Forums and others say they're not the fucking alt right. The fact that Sup Forums was saying this the moment the term was coined will be conveniently ignored.

It made me my firm in my beliefs. I will always hate antifachan so much for bringing this to our enemies' attention. The information should have been given to certain people in his circle to deal with and create propaganda for his sudden disappearance. All the faggots saying, "We'll dox everyone just to watch it burn.", while in the same post calling people kikes/shills/kike lovers, really need to fucking die. They are not really NatSoc or WN. They are either divide and conquer infiltrators or un- chieving faggots larping harder than Enoch ever could.

>wikipedia claims
>salon article

It's already in the trash.

Come on asshole, where's the option for "literally who?"

>"altright" drama

literally kill your self, buddy

>le funny meme man is married to a kike
>this means everything I believed before I started listening to trs is wrong
wtf I love white genocide now?

It was an obvious antifa sting. 8pol were too stupid to realize it, or they're just filled with antifa shills.

I have no idea the specifics of TRS's beliefs but their fans are fucking annoying and should shut up
>hurr durr muh JQ

>a guy nobody gave a fuck about got doxxed
>suddenly everyone becomes DEMOCRATIC socialist
>also we understand the struggle of pedosexuals and donate to Bernie

>leaving a fake movement because a literally who married a jew
Wtf are you talking about? What does this have to do with my political views?

How about a new poll?

Did this post prove once and for all that OP is a faggot? Furthermore should all e-celeb threads be saged?

Respond here at www.strawpoll.fuckoff/op

fuck off antifachan stormfag shill


I can't believe how many people even care about this doxx, and what's worse the shitstorm it created over a literal who.

didn't change my beliefs it just reaffirmed them

white nationalism is really goy nationalism. it will inevitably be co-opted by white ashkenazi jews and faggots.

It made me a 100% nazi criminal. Now i scam tons of lefties.

My instincts told me Enoch was a fraud & a liar -
but I was surprised to see his jew wife involved
in nyc fag/trans scene.

Seeing a video of the Alex McNabb guy with
stretched ear lobes outside a marijuana shop
was also surprising given his contempt for Africa.

From the start I suspected that TRS were civic
nationalists posing as WN's - now there's no doubt.

These men are unprincipled - why they direct so
much energy into a show about ideology is the

my instincts always told me they were secret progressives larping as neo-nazis
I still think that's correct.

>Listening to anything other than Radio Aryan
>The current year

No, I've been natsoc sympathizer for nearly 15 years. And if you change your political views for some jew trick like this, you're a moron and should kys. I don't read TRS or know much about that stuff anyway.

I also find it interesting that ramz(ionist)paul have been accusing TRS to be jew agents, which makes me think jews have infiltrated both the Alt lite cucks and TRS "1488"ers all along to play them against each other, creating this bs drama and division.

Just educate yourself, stay decentralized and continue to wage guerrilla cyber warfare.

Sup Forums is being consumed by alt-right eceleb threads. Trump is okay since he's actually a politician, but getting caught up in drama between these political nobodies is laughable. Let's not be Sup Forums 1.1

wtf, I love Salon and buzzfeed now

You're fake news

Wikipedia has an article on this?
Anyway the always joked about Enoch being a jew and/or non-white, so i was actually surprised he wasn't a jew himself.