Maggie Deblock

>Maggie Deblock
>Minister of health
>Prob most famous minister in Belgium
>Claims she's fat because of a disease

Please educate me Sup Forums. What kind of disease can cause this? I've been looking in the news for the name of that disease but seems it's never mentioned

Other urls found in this thread:

compulsive lying


Thyroid issue?

>I think I'm too smart for the room but can't do my own homework general

the disease is called growing up in a postmodernist "tolerant" society where you are physically incapable of being personally responsible for anything unless it's perceived bigotry in which case you are a personally responsible monster

Shes just a corrupt fuck like the rest of them except she is fat as well.

why does her hair change color from reddish to black/blondish towards the ends?


Don't think she has thyroid issues. Source or didn't happen.
Btw obesity is a recognized disease so she's actually right when she says she's sick. But she also said to the media "I can't do anything about it"

No disease negates the fundamental laws of physics and chemistry.
You can't gain weight without having larger intake than daily consumption.
It's that simple.
Everyone and anyone claiming some "disease" or "metabolism issue" is a delusional fucktard.

Winter is about to hit hard so shes shedding her thin hair, then she can grow her thick red fur wintercoat.

She barely looks human.

The disease is a complete lack of deferred gratification.
Really, fatties are usually horrible people, fucking themselves over only to turn around and blame everyone else.

I did find the fact that this was your Health Minister to be quite funny for a while. Now, meh. She is a fucking doctor though right?

The disease is trolling and everyone is doing it. This is the health minister of Alberta, Alberta is an oil producer so can afford to troll but not sure how Belgium can get away with it.

>t. medical serb

"Consumption" hinges on metabolism, hormone imbalances can retard metabolism. But, living a fat lifestyle exacerbates the problem, too. If you're skeptical on the role of hormones I invite you to go to local serb book depository and start learning about endocrinology.

she's a good minister of health. Eating all the unhealthy stuff so her citizens can't.

Hand-to-mouth disease

I wish she could help me right now, I just ate a sausage and peameal bacon sandwich and been having ebola shits for the past hour.

Why did someone throw a pie at her, anyway?

>be me
>be /RacistSlightlyHomoSexualWhiteBoy/
>be political science
>be in library, preparing for my politics midterm
>bunch of womyn near me start going on about how they are stressed out by uni, how they couldn't get enough sleep on the weekend
>mfw they both do Electrical Engineering and Pre-Med Nursing double majors

If you are not in an political science or the sociology field you are human garbage. You are literally nigger tier trash because any other subjects in college are not real subjects


She's just fat, but she does mostly good work with the funds she has.


see, theyre actually studying something real and youre just a fag

DE BLOCK looks and sounds like she should be in the WWE

You faggots need to lurk more and quit falling for retarded bait

The only way she could improve the health of Belgium is by eating muslims.

What are you on about, cunt?

kekked and checked

extreme case of BED.

She has likestoeatitis

Who would win in a fight between Maggie De Block and the Bogdanoffs? Could she be the saviour we've been looking for?

Fuck off with your hormones. There is no excuse to be that big.

Jillian Michaels, the No. 1 female fitness instructor, has PCOS. Fuck off with your hormones.

Foodsexual, sexual pleasure of eating high carb,fat,sugar food, usually called junk food.

Foodphobia is say Foodsexual don't exist.


lel mate, that's her coat (i hope)

LOL gorging on sugary snacks is now a disease...


I bet if you opened her fridge you'd find nothing but cakes, pies, soda, ice creams...

this, my gf also has PCOS and she's like 50 kilos. fat women, like most addicts, will use any sort of lame excuse to justify being lazy slobs

Hyper- or Hypo- thyroidism. I forget which.

This is a known condition. It's called 'fork in mouth' disease.

Might I have some bogan oats, brother?

Here. is real. Seen a documentary on it once but i doubt she has it. Basically food is Crack to these people. It's some shit to watch



Compulsive Eating Disorder

Which makes her a forklift

Yep, it checks out



>What kind of disease can cause this?
Eating too much causes this. But in terms of real diseases that are proven?

Medications can cause (Olanzapine/Zyprexa)
Hyperthyroidism or some thyroid disorders
Being a bint that can't stop fucking eating
Prader willi syndrome (other endocrine disorders)

Belgium waffles strike again


i think you have to have a parliament to have a minister. and for a parliament you have to have A COUNTRY!

>mfw her name is literally The Blob

Thank you. Can't believe it took this many replies to be posted.
