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Zasto si ovo uradio isusa ti?
Zar ti nije bio prosli tread dovoljan da zadovoljis autizam?

zato sto me nerviraju idioti

Pa bas zato treba ignorisati siptraska/ustaska govna u dijaspori, odjebace cim vide da ne dobijaju you-ove.

nisu oni samo problem nego i ovi nasi retardi, kad su vec krenuli da rade stvari po evropskom i svetskom zakonu neka tako i zavrse, ili nisu uopste trebali da krecu tako

Can it really happen or is it just empty talk?

Ne jedi govana kakvi god da su nasi su moramo da podrzavamo bilo koga ko pretstavlja Srpski narod u ovakvim sitvacijama.
Pogledaj sta se desilo u krajini svi su bili podeljeni i vidi sad jebeni Hrvati sa usranom vojskom su nas uspeli pobediti.

ne predstavljaju srpski narod nego predstavljaju retardizam, ovako mogu samo da nas odvuku u propast, samo treba da se zarati i da ode ceo balkan u kurac, i jos da povuku zapad i istok sa sobom. Ako su poceli da igraju po pravilima svetskih zakona neka tako izvuku i sever kosova i manastire sve

double digits and it will be Srebrenica Part 2, but without a Clinton to stop them

i don't know, first thing that comes to mind is some minor ''incident'' that sets off the shitstorm

how would that even work, Crimea is filled with Russians, Kosovo is filled with Shqiptards.

What do you mean when you say "Kosovo je Serbia"? It confuses people.

Why would you want to govern a 97% Albanian province? Stick with the rest 3% and shame people they refuse to acknowledge the Serbian right to it, to have them a referendum on the independence.

Nad nama se vrsi agresija na kosovu ovo sto su uradili je nista u poredjenju na to sta siptari rade.
Da mozda nije bio pravi momenat da se izprovocira ovako ali mi smo u pravu nemozes ti krsiti ugovor u briselu zbog jebenog putnickog voza.
Isto treba braniti Srpski narod bilo gde.

north aprt of kosovo is mostly all serbs, thats why ''crimea''

I dont feel like this is a good idea desu. Maybe the Russians do have something on Trump and they know this time you could invade Kosovo with carte blanche and not receive nato bombings so they try to provoke some conflict now. I dont like it, like anything when russian politics are involved 2bh.

connect the dots

Da, lepo uzmu ono sto su odvojili za izbeglice i za svoje debele guzice pa plate tom napacenom srpskom narodu da se preseli i neka se nose i oni i kosovo

i don't like it either, i feel like the train was a really dumb move, if the serbian government started doing things in accordance to the international law they should have sticked to it, propagating

propagating serbian culture and sovereignty

like any civilized nation would

daily reminder:


here comes that albanian again

Дyвaј гa, лoгoпeди cy вpх

INb4 slavs start another world war. Can this irrelevant part of the world just fucking chill out, i blame roaches for all this.

al kontekst pesme je glupav.
znas kakvu su propagandu pustali protiv nas oni misle da ovo nije satiricno.

don't worry, this is just a little pissing contest

dolazi vreme kad se ta propaganda dijametralno okrece

Kad djubrad pricaju o tebi da si djubre...dupla negacija

You don't expect the pink ones will chimp out if you annex them, right? Change the slogan.

Duplići u jednom prošlom Koncu su potvrdili

Whose idea was that train? Serbian govt or some kind of civilian organization? This shit plus the sanctions against Republike Srpska are all too convenient for me.

Дao cи ми дoбpy идeјy - дa нaђeмo cвe линкoвe гдe cy нac пљyвaли дeвeдeceтих и дa нaпpaвимo нoви тpeд

jebote pa to Sabac

Zašt morate biti tolike seljačine Isuse Kriste ono do kad ćete bit govna divljačka

fuj, serem vam se u usta turci nedojebani

Ko nije citao:


Kao kontra-propaganda?



Bиди гa, тpигepoвaнa кypвицa.

That's rightful Siberian clay, who can say Kosovo isn't Siberian??


Oh yes please, go for it Serbs. We will help.
>Foreign volunteers divisions full of angry kebab removers from the whole Europe and FFL vets.

So basically Kosovo is not as much USA creation but Clinton creation. They have a fucking Bill Clinton statue in their capital city just google it. They have been lobbying heavily in the USA. But now the Clinton lost and Trump is in. So they got uppity cause they have no real solid support. Every nationalist European hates Albanians. They are what Mexico is to USA. Source of drugs and cartels. If Trump is smart he will stop supporting them.

This whole thing happened when Vucic our primeminister sent a train with christian fresques with , I believe and read from his actions, hope that Albanians would chimpout and they did claiming they mined the tracks. So he pulls back the train and goes on media saying how oh we were close to war and I saved everyone by not escalating situation. After sending the initial provocation. But still people will buy it the passions are already higher than usual.

>annual siberian temp -5 celcius
>annual kosovian temp 20 celcius

is not siberia


im in med school so i know a lot about that kind of thing, unlike your mother

Zdravo, friends. Pravoslavje here. Where do I sign up?

Bиди, цнн јe тoликo диcкpeдитoвaн y мeђyвpeмeнy дa ћe љyдимa бити јacнo чим видe лoгo


Znam ali to mora da cilja na normije posto ljudi na polu su vec svesni toga.

That isn't even an insult you mongol

you can sign up after we lay the ground work, then come help us take back constantinople

oh never mind then

it takes less than a few hours for a fly to lay that many eggs

gotta bury ur dead quick

Who the fuck saves that kind of images on his computer?

You savages would know about that, wouldn't you

Young ordinary edgelord.

shock value
instant click to check what it is thus increasing chance of someone actually reading his post

Serbcucks are the most backward warmongering monkeys in the Balkans. The best part is that even though they have the military upper hand on every occasion they still get BTFO because they're low IQ monkeys who can't into geopolitical strategy.


that leg is fucking gone

>a cuckovic wet dream
Trumps entire cabinet are hawks on russia therefore they know who's on their side and who isn't. They know Albanians are on the side of democracy and the United States
You're in on the side of Anti-western values by standing with Russia, against the United States . Your turbo manlet couldn't help you in 99 and he ain't helping you any time soon either. Kosovo will rightfully remain Kosovo and you will remain a faggot

found replacement

How is the military situation in Serbia like? Do you have a big enough army? are there many young people who can form militias? I mean you fought many wars already and many died or espaced and idk about your birthrate.

every albanian i have ever met in america was a punk


Дoнклe ce cлaжeм, aли oд пoлa пoлa cтвapи кpeћe

>Serbians think they won't get btfo yet again by Albanians
do you really want to be taught another lesson?

toppest of keks, gnight pineapple flag man, im off to bed

At least you still have your organs kek
This is how imagine every serbcuck poster here
>trust me in white

Compared to Kosovo and Albania they have an army
low IQ balk nogs wouldn't pick on someone their own size

>You're in on the side of Anti-western values by standing with Russia

We fucking love the west you fucking idiot we always wanted to be like you we watched your movies listened to your songs, we lived like you and wanted to be like you.

And then you bombed us. The betrayal you did is beyond your imagining. There is no person in Serbia that would rather be like Russia. We all still want to be like you. We love you even in hate.

If Trump came and asked for support we would dump Putin like nothing. Historical ties and all still stand with Russia but our spirits are not the same in some cases.

Genetically speaking Albanians are Whiter than Serbs because Serbs have more Turk blood. Serbs were too stupid to fake-convert to Islam to get Turkanimals to trust them and piss off so the Turks came in and raped them every revolt, while the Albanians minds tricked the Turks.

>And then you bombed us
hahaha that's what you get
talk shit get hit
fuck serbia

kek and you believe in that fairytale? is your IQ albanian-tier?

Albanians are on the side of whoever is giving out free shit. Albanians are violent wannabe mafiosos who get their women stolen from them all the time, especially in Boston. They think they run shit because they own pizzerias. I personally know a handful of Albanians in the US and the only good ones of the bunch were raised in Greece.

>replying to albozerg diaspora
Just kys

>And then you bombed us. The betrayal you did is beyond your imagining.
Bombing Serbia was one of the worst things that the US has ever done. I never fully supported the US after it. Never will again.

if it were kosovo alone, or even albania, it would go in our favor

add croatia into the mix and things are going to be a bit stretched

the serbs in bosnia can handle the bosnians on their own I think, and pretty.

But none of that really matters because Nato, unless the rooskies sent their own troops and a base here. In that case I think NATO would fuck off and leave us to our war. US would abandon their base instead of risk a world war at that point.

This is what Serbcuck retards actually believe... Jesus Christ!

>he doesn't know Albanians are the most pro-American country in Europe
>he doesn't know US has the largest military base in the Balkans in Kosovo
>he doesn't know Trump wanted a land invasion of not only Kosovo, but all of Serbia
>he doesn't know that Trump's cabinet is full of Russian hawks
>he doesn't know that Trump is going to use Serbia as a punching bag whenever Russia tries to do stupid shit
>he doesn't know that Trump will most likely BTFO Serbia again to show Eastern Euro NATO countries that he's gonna protect them if they pay up
>he doesn't know that US rarely changes foreign policy

There's no hope with you retards. You're in for a rude awakening.

Sloboda za Manson-a.
>he literally chimped out over a fucking train
Texas sharpshooter falacy
That's because we have balls.

This is true, if Trump came to Serbia there would be bigger crowd then if the JFK have risen from the grave and came with whole lingerie football league

Meni se cini da ste vi trigani a ne mi.

Although I can't stand the Serbs and their chimp outs an independent Kosovo is the worst thing that could happen to Croatia:
Once Kosovo is gone the Serbs are gonna put all their afford into uniting RS and Serbia, which mustn't happen att all cost. We have a long enough border with them as it is
If they get Kosovo the (((international society))) hopefully won't tolearte any more chimping out from them.
In any case accepting Kosovo as an independent state was a mistake from our government, it will only strenghten the Serbian oppostition in BiH.

Napravi thread sutra, mozemo probati nije nista nemoguce.

Every serbian I met was smelly and on roids

It's common sense and verifiable by history.
But of course it can never enter into the mind of a Serb that his country and people may be shit.

based czech

well said

aј, зaкoпaћy мaлo cyтpa дa видим штa мoгy дa нaђeм

So you looked in the mirror, Serb in denial?

How the fuck is it not true that you're not native to the balkans?

You came AFTER Albanians, you are NOT NATIVE and therefore invaders

these are your people now

Is it democratic to oppress Serbians living in Kosovo?

>The Community of Serb Municipalities or Association of Serb Municipalities was a planned self-governing association of municipalities with majority Serb population in Kosovo, expected to be created in 2015 but indefinitely postponed over conflicts about extent of powers and ultimately cancelled December 2016.
>expected to be created in 2015
>cancelled December 2016

Just like Muslims that persecute Christians in the Middle East, the Albanians do the same. That is why a violent response is might be expected.
From what I see Kosovo's Albanians are self-centric jerks who refuse to acknowledge interest of others.



What even is Russias opinion about serbia? I guess they would only help if they can profit somehow and i dont know if Putin wants to provocate Nato right now. Maybe things change with Trump.

>From what I see Kosovo's Albanians are self-centric jerks who refuse to acknowledge interest of others.
That's not true, it is just that their interests are against ours.

we are as native as the croatians or bosnians.

also dont you have a car to steal or something in toronto

We shouldn't have bombed you. The fucking Albanians are savages that don't belong in Europe especially due to their cube cult.


>your people after trump bombs belgrade after inauguration

You never learn

Actually we took Kosovo from someone else (presumably Illyrians) back in the early middle ages.
Then we built everything that is on it today.
Modern day Albanians =/= Illyrians.

ako vas vidim sutra pomocu

cim budu krenuli da rokaju po nama propagandu odma na mreze pocni da kontre kacis