Would you support a tax for childless adults?

Back in the days Mussolini used to tax non married people, would you support a similar law?

We should get rid of all the marriage tax incentives, deductions and benefits. The world is overpopulated.


Who is the gay little faggot in pic?

What would stop people from just setting up a sham marriage to dodge it?

Der Fuhrer

Honestly this. Marriage is a religious institution and ceremony that the govenment should not be a part of.
Thanks to govenment meddling, marriage has become little more than a contractual commitment in exchange for tax breaks, visitation rights, and power of attorney.

Literally nothing
>Set up bachelor tax
>Guys start "marrying" their bros
>Continue chasing tail while getting a lower tax rate



tax single white men

BIGGEST LIE EVER. Europe has a 1.5 birth rate. We are literally dying out, only third world shitholes are breeding like animals

There already is a tax on unmarried couples in the US. I almost married a lesbian to get said tax breaks.


I have no desire to ever be married, and if I did I would not need the benefits because I'm white. Stop forcing me to pay for trash families to raise their welfare children

did Adolf invent the JUST?

>Would I support more taxes for myself
Hmm let me think

We should have a Nigger Tax if they cant pay we deport them to niggercentral, africa


Why don't we just make degeneracy illegal?

Is overpopulated yes but by shitskin you stupid faggot

Dewey from Malcom in the Middle

So, if you have a kid, you're a drain on the system with the free education etc. in schools already crammed.

But if you don't have one, we punish you with a tax.

Hah. Of course I wouldn't want that. It's a tax for EXISTING without doing anything.

Do you think taking even more of their money is going to make it more or less likely to engage in the extremely expensive activity of having children?

This, also require taking a year-long extensive parenthood class before having any children, forcibly spade and neuter anyone who violates this. Creating a human consciousness is not a right.


Yeah. This is the kind of guy I want writing laws.

>not just adopting
>adding to the already bloated world population instead of decreasing it like you fucking should

block all incoming middle-eastern immigrants and nuke the middle east if the sandnigger problem gets too far. purge all federal funding to sports and the arts in order to prevent niggers from doing unproductive garbage as a career or going on welfare with multiple kids, while additionally cracking down on anyone who tries to stop this. problem solved.