Luke Kuhn advocated for teenage sex

A pair of usenet posts made on June 12, 1998 to dc.general (Part 1) and alt.anarchism (Part 2) made several days before the above post by Mr. Kuhn names him in a discussion of "Adult-Child Sex Advocates."

Your boy Luke has been prowling the chickie-hawk/kid-porn scene on the internet and advertising your group's name in the process. Why is this?
Have you and your pals no shame? I mean this is pretty firm evidence of the predilecition towards pedophilia by the UAP.
Can you now deny the child-porn/pedophilia connection of the UAP without asking Luke? Or is it your ludicrous claim that Lukie Boy-Predator was just doing UAP missionary work?

It has been demonstrated in the last several days that there is a documented connection between the UAP and a link to international child porn and sexploitation.

Other urls found in this thread:

usenet? how old is he?

all leftists are pedophiles, why do you think they are trying to normalise it?

scroll to cknott post 69

This is what these people do when given a little power.

>Here, too, the distinctions become blurred. How should we react when Cohn-Bendit writes, in his memoirs, about "little, five-year-old girls who had already learned to proposition me?"

>It wasn't the only time the Green politician raved about his experiences with children. In a largely unnoticed appearance on French television on April 23, 1982, Cohn-Bendit, a member of the European Parliament today, said the following:

>"At nine in the morning, I join my eight little toddlers between the ages of 16 months and 2 years. I wash their butts, I tickle them, they tickle me and we cuddle. You know, a child's sexuality is a fantastic thing. You have to be honest and sincere. With the very young kids, it isn't the same as it is with the four-to-six-year-olds. When a little, five-year-old girl starts undressing, it's great, because it's a game. It's an incredibly erotic game."

how do they keep getting away with it?

Just look at his mannerisms. If you can look at that face and not immediately notice a defective and pathological personality resides behind it, you probably have degenerate issues yourself.



They run our governments.

Another quote from that degenerate kike.
>You know, a child's sexuality is a fantastic thing. You have to be honest and sincere. With the very young kids, it isn't the same as it is with the four-to-six-year-olds. When a little, five-year-old girl starts undressing, it's great, because it's a game. It's an incredibly erotic game.

And for anyone who doubts pedo normalization.

>The pedophiles' core issue was to bring down Section 176 of the German Criminal Code, which criminalizes sexual acts with children. With the Greens they found for the first time a political force that was willing to entertain this debate. Indeed, in March 1980, the Greens held their second national convention in the southwestern city of Saarbrücken, where they approved a program that opposed "discrimination against sexual outsiders." The convention established a "pedo-commission" to specifically address the interests of pedophiles.

He definitely had a creepy vibe to him in that video.

He certainly looks the part.

Looks like a pedo

Sounds like a pedo

This fuck is obviously a pedo

Leftist organizations are filled with pedos


>And for anyone who doubts pedo normalization.

it's pretty much non existant. nobody is pushing for normalization or legalization in germany. as far as i know the laws got even tougher in 2015.

We gonna mention this meeting was at comet pizza?

This. Read Wilhem Reich's "The Mass Psychology of Fascism". It boils down to:
>If you sexualise and rape children (i.e unrepress and sexually liberate them), they won't grow up to support fascism

The concept of "sexual liberation" of children is at the key of all modern Leftist movements. They beleive that "sexual repression" of children results in them growing up to support fascism and patriarchy. So they believe that to prevent that you need to involve children in sexual activity (i.e. sex "education," adult Leftists rape them) to "sexually liberate" them abd prevent them growing up to be Rightists.

what point are you trying to make? the book got banned.

That people are still pushing pedo normalization. The book onyl got banned after people got pissed. That means it made it through an approval process to begin with. I wasn't suggesting that pedoshit has gained widespread acceptance or will in the future. That doesn't mean that there isn't an effort to try.

>anyone can find something you posted, even if it's stupid shit you don't remember posting

I always kind of knew there was something like this but it makes me really sick that someone can find something retarded I said ten-twenty years ago and now that's just tattooed on my honor.

His voice creeps me the fuck out.