Why are you against immigrants?


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Im against illegal immigrants no matter what they are.
As for refugees, some of them are alright sure, but if that means i have to accept others that just cannot wait to organise some rape squads and go around and rape minors then id rather have them all stay in their own countries where they can rape each other freely for an eternity.
Canada accepted refugees not too long ago and you can already see on the news that people are being raped, they literally pass the border, and start raping.

Most refugees aren't looking forward to go around committing crime.


They're not us. Our countries should be for our own people, not the perpetuation of debt slavery and money worship.


Get the fuck out nigger

Solid answer

>middle class young men leave for the West
>High IQ come to the west with special visas like H1B
>3rd world is robbed of all the smart and physically fit people
>all the men that would push innovation, reform, modernization, etc are all gone
>3rd world countries remain shitty forever

>The German Federal Office of Criminal Investigation (BKA) announced that crimes committed by refugees stood at the same level as those committed by native Germans.

Germany and Denmark must get entirely different refugees then

Look at it per capita

Are you actually claiming that because of immigration no intellectuals are left in other countries?

I am.

Per 100 Danish person, there is 1.8 crime committed.
Per 100 Moroccan person, there is 98.1 crime comitted

Why can we never see these kind of stats from Germany or Sweden?

Because North Africans commit higher crimes than Syrians

But twice as much as Danes


lowering of wages
effect on environment
negative social effects
eventual displacement of native populations


Think I was fairly clear. The nation-state should serve the interests of the native citizens of that country, not put the interests of foreigners before that of its own people.

The reason why white birth rates are declining is because of the debt slavery of private banks forcing both sexes to work their entire lives to pay off usury. Declining birth rates means either;

Government subsidizes native birth rates
Government subsidizes mass immigration

One goes against the native populatin, the other helps them.

What diseases do immigrants bring? Displacement isn't a problem if the native population keeps their birth rate under control.

Because everyone should stay in their own fucking countries.

Because otherwise there is no point in having any countries to begin with.

>t. triggered sperglord

They lower job opportunities for the poor class

If that is the case then immigrants should have the same birth rates as the native population.

Immigration from people factories will merely turn prosperous nations to shit as they are overrun with savages.

What's your point?

Immigrants =/= native population

Socially, culturally, economically, etc.
Muslim families could have one husband for 4 wives, you can't assume everything will be equal.

But like I said, my main point here is: nations should serve their people, not the interests of foreigners.


>nations should serve their people, not the interests of foreigners.
You're literally Hitler, my man.


Bringing in immigrants does help the native people

TB mostly and a shit ton of pests.

>Displacement isn't a problem if the native population keeps their birth rate under control.
True, but it'll turn every western country into india or china, congested to shit, dirt poor, unjust and unsafe.

Birth rate has gone down in most countries due to psychological warfare(through education, media and environmentalism) and economical problems(tons of young immigrants = no jobs/apartments/women(in our case) for native youths and social problems(more stress, more violence, more instability = lower birth rates couple with the other things).

Lowered trust in areas with high diversity is also associated with:

Lower confidence in local government, local leaders and the local news media.
Lower political efficacy – that is, confidence in one's own influence.
Lower frequency of registering to vote, but more interest and knowledge about politics and more participation in protest marches and social reform groups.
Higher political advocacy, but lower expectations that it will bring about a desirable result.
Less expectation that others will cooperate to solve dilemmas of collective action (e.g., voluntary conservation to ease a water or energy shortage).
Less likelihood of working on a community project.
Less likelihood of giving to charity or volunteering.
Fewer close friends and confidants.
Less happiness and lower perceived quality of life.
More time spent watching television and more agreement that "television is my most important form of entertainment".


>they drive down wages
>most of them don't respect the host country
>get ludicrous amounts of welfare
>send money to their home country
>outbreed the native population
>get special treatment by government and companies
>commit a disproportionate amount of crime
>causing a brain drain in their home countries

the list goes on

I want them to suffer for inflicting their retardation on the world

Because no more niggers.

They're shit, duh.
They work for next to nothing so all the value of their labor is transferred to porky's pockets, and we have to live next to them while they're fucking indigent and desperate.

In some ways *very* selective immigration could improve standard of living for natives, but again, all immigration explicitly adds another "other" into the system. It's entirely possible that they could receive the aid another native should have.

Economics is irrelevant here, this is about loving your own people.


I wouldn't say none left but brain drain is a real phenomenon user.

Immigrants start businesses.
Immigrant-owned businesses create jobs for American workers.
Immigrants are also more likely to create their own jobs.
Immigrants develop cutting-edge technologies and companies.
Immigrants are our engineers, scientists, and innovators.
Immigration boosts earnings for American workers.
Immigrants boost demand for local consumer goods.
Immigration reform legislation like the DREAM Act reduces the deficit.
Comprehensive immigration reform would create jobs.
Comprehensive immigration reform would increase America’s GDP.

Will lose the freedom to feel safe in my country.

I'm opposed to immigrants that won't integrate.

Cultural homogeneity is absolutely necessary to maintain social order.

immigrants are fine if they assimilate. Problem is, they're unlikely to assimilate too many of them come at the same time, since they will form parallel societies with culture and language from their home-country.

If the immigrant does not show sign of assimilation, beyond just learning the language and some completely pointless historical facts (which is standard for citizenship tests), they will not become good citizens.

What we're seeing in Europe is mass immigration, but very little effort to actually assimilate them. Why? Because the virtue signaling sociopaths of politics and media have no concept of cultural incompatibility, it's all a sick competition to fill your lifeboat with people until the entire boat sinks, just so you can feel better about yourself. It hurts the immigrants just as much as it hurts the host nation, since the actual population will learn to distrust and dislike them for being different and not assimilating.

It's actually a very big problem.

Immigrants in general? If they are useful and not parasites or enemies of he culture and actually intergrate or at least teach their kids to intergrate fine.

Having 2nd generation kids who don't learn English and learn Polish/whatever; not fine.

Being useless and sending money to another country? Not fine.

Bringing your country's problems here? Not fine.

Also disrespecting the law should be deportation. Illegal immigration is illegal and immediately shows disrespect for the law. If they broke the law to get in why wouldn't they keep breaking it?

Without racial homogeneity you won't have cultural homogeneity...culture is a racial construct.

Biology is the root, culture is the flower.

Japan let in like 5 and they still went on a raping spree

M8, you get clever Indians and chinks, we get fucking inbred backwards mudslimes

Sorry, I'd rather lose 20% of GDP if that meant getting rid of all subhumans

Do "immigrants" do these things? Or do a select portion of immigrants do these things after being heavily vetted?

There is clearly a difference between Dr Pajeet Chang Phd and a Somalian goat farmer.

Oh what,faggot,did you catch an not story about the epic who made good or something? You know dann well that immigrant owned businesses consist primarily of one shitskin buying a gas station and then enslaving his family for free labor after they overstay their visas.

idk man, even the races have different cultures here

sure, we all watch sports, eat chicken wings and the like, but living in a black neighborhood is a lot different than living in a white neighborhood. and i'm not even talking about crime differences or monetary differences, i'm talking cultural differences.

doesn't matter if most aren't, you will always have the cohort that are and that's simply unacceptable

Why should I pop out 5+ kids to maintain my countries pop? Maybe it wouldn't be bad if shitskins would stop breeding and cause the cost of living to go up.

*npr story

>at the same level

They need to go back

honestly, if we have to have diversity, can't we at least bring back freedom of association and get rid of public accommodation laws?

at least this way whites can still have parts of the US, as could blacks, and everyone could preserve their culture rather than smashing it all together and making every state like new york.


Remember how Britain was invaded by the vikings for a long time, then the moment they managed to persuade the vikings to convert to Christianity the Viking era practically came to an end.


The problem is that today's immigrants don't want to be part of their new country/make a name for themselves. Sure, back when people came to America, they held on to their culture and customs and we still see this today, (Chinatown, Little Italy etc.) BUT they became AMERICANS and learn to be PART of this country and WORK hard. All these refugees today just want benefits and are most likely not going to become part of their host countries let alone help support it. ALSO, we had strict control of how we let people in A.K.A.we need to bring Ellis Island or such back online.

Can't believe this post went unchecked

so you sound more like a conservative than a nationalist

They dont deserve special treatment.


good point, i don't know why so many people love spics on this board.

maybe it's just people in the southwest who know whites will be a minority so they hope to win them to the republican side.

look at all those blacks, that's why.

Because if they screw up my homeland they have the option to go home to theirs, while I have to sit in their shit.

Shooting them at the border should be preemtive self-defense.

Are they actually 16 ??

Is that fucking ET in the background?

Nigga, America was BUILT due to immigrants. I like my white people and shit but I'm real about how my country was made. Now if I was Russian, German, French or British, I would say kick all the immigrants out/stop letting them in.

because they come into my country, shit everything up and just take what is not their to take. if they want to live in a first world country they can build their own.

you sound about as white as trayvon martin


I mean, I am from California so the liberal in me sometimes seethes out.

True, but we should learn from the Native American's mistakes. Don't let the immigrants in because they'll just take over.

you tell em, leaf

Not against immigration just against the idea of using immigration as a tool for political purposes


Because my nation is not a nation formed on the concept of immigration. Sorry amerilard.

I believe cognitive and behavioral traits are heritable to a high degree, and a high degree of what is not genetically heritable is culturally inherited, making analyses aggregate traits of a group and estimations of how well groups will integrate into society valid.

Median, Average, and Per Capita birth rates, IQ, welfare usage, voting patterns, obesity rates, and affinity for violent religious practices are just some examples.

I am not against all immigrants, just the current immigration systems.

It's the 21st century. Immigrantion is an archaic social construct that needs to end.

It should never be my problem that a bunch of shitskin people are being retards and having to flee their homes. Sort your fucking lives out. Civilisation isn't a finite resource.

I have no problem with the concept of immigration.
I do have a problem with violent, sex crazed maniacs being let into the country en masse.

Because the first goal of a government should be to take care of the people living in it's jurisdiction first, and flooding the country with undesirables from the third world and giving them gibs is contradictory to this. My family immigrated here in the 19th century, and it was people like them who founded our country. Now the new immigrants mostly want to shit on what they created, like third world immigrants everywhere.

I'm not really against white immigration but we still have to keep our low population so on that front I still don't want mass numbers pouring in. This country was founded by and for the white man and it should stay that way.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

At this point it's evident OP is and was a troll with pre-written responses.

I am also a troll, with my own pre-written responses. People will keep bumping this thead, so I'll hijack it.

Before 1965, the United States was 85% white. Today, racial and ethnic minorities make up one-third of the population. Before 1965, the immigrant stream was largely European. Today, most new arrivals to this country come from Mexico, China and India.
The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, also known as the Hart–Celler Act, changed the way quotas were allocated by ending the National Origins Formula that had been in place in the United States since the Emergency Quota Act of 1921.
>Previous laws restricted immigration from Asia and Africa, and gave preference to northern and western Europeans over southern and eastern Europeans. In the 1960s, the United States faced both foreign and domestic pressures to change its nation-based formula. Abroad, former military allies and new independent nations aimed to delegitimize discriminatory immigration, naturalization and regulations through international organizations like the United Nations
Senator Ed Kennedy claimed:
>The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs." (U.S. Senate, Subcommittee on Immigration and Naturalization of the Committee on the Judiciary, Washington, D.C., Feb. 10, 1965. pp. 1-3.)
After Kennedy's assassination, President Lyndon Johnson signed the bill , the bastard who destroyed the west.

Emergency Quota Act establishes National Origins Formula to slow down immigration from outside Western Europe
White percentage of USA - 88.6%
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 AKA Hart-Celler Passes, eliminating quotas and requirement that immigration mainly come from Western Europe, and introducing family reunification or "chain migration".
White percentage of USA - 87.7%
President Carter Backs 'Legitimate Status' for Nation's Long-Time Illegal Immigrants or "Undocumented Workers"
Presidential contenders George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan debate who will be more 'humane' to the 'family-loving people' counter-signaling 'putting up a fence' and 'make it possible for them to come here legally on a work permit' and to 'open the border both ways'
Ronald Reagan signs the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 aka into law. It allowed '3 million people in the country illegally to gain legal status' aka granted amnesty. It's restrictions, that it "required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status, and made it illegal to hire or recruit illegal immigrants knowingly" were never sufficiently enforced, and were never intended to be sufficiently enforced.
Americans would together outnumber non-Hispanic White Americans

Immigration Act (IMMACT) signed by George H. W. Bush, immigration cap increased to ~625,000
This act expanded the number of family-based immigration visas allotted per year to 480,000 but to do this it also made the definition of family more exclusive by limiting it to immediate family members
Introduced the Diversity Immigrant Visa "a new, important facet of the amendment that had never been instituted in national immigration policy before. "Starting in 1991, every year the Attorney General, decides from information gathered over the most recent five year period the regions or country that are considered High Admission or Low Admission States" "
Bill Clinton signs the IIRAIRA, instituting some greater border security, deportations, and restrictions, but largely security theater and ineffective. 40 mile border fence installed.
White percentage of USA in 2016 - 63.0%
At the current rate, White people not referring to themselves as Hispanic will no longer be a majority but rather only a plurality of the population of the United States. Minority groups, led by Hispanic Americans (mainly Mexican Americans), Black Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders


lol nice bait. you spelled illegal incorrectly.

>Some ideas floating around
>Some Jewish elements to mass immigration
>How the Jews Opened America's Borders
>The wages narative
The big 'Why?':
Why were federal agents provocateur infiltrating and smashing Black Nationalist and White Separatist movement from the 50s to the 80s?
Why was union desegregation pushed so heavily?
Why do modern union heads support mass immigration and amnesty?
Mass Migration Driving Down Wages
Increasing the Supply of Labor Through Immigration: Measuring the Impact on Native-born Workers
All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants
Number of U.S.-born not working grew by 17 million
Mass immigration drives down wages to the LCD, and provides jobs for an army of social workers and rent seekers

m going to start listing some narratives I've succesfully used on normie Levin/Limbaugh/Hannity/Stossel conservatives and Libertarians:
Careful, though, these are just for providing some insight into a different point of view, not an endgame. We do not meet them halfway. We do not ultimately capitulate. The name of the game is get them to our side.

>"root and branch": weak roots lead to sickly branches
This is more geared toward normie conservatives that don't want to hear about the heritability of cognitive and behavioral traits, so the idea is the """"culture"""" is rotten, and so to may be the people that come from there.
>Deep in the roots of corruption, neptotism, "anti-capitalism", fatherlessness, increasing godlessness
>Leads to the current """"liberal"""" problems it faces today
>Leads to branches such as crime, proverty, moral decay, drug use
>Transplanting some branches to a different tree is not the same as fixing the problems at the root
>"insurance pool vs charity" a country needs to be run like the former not the latter, taking into account different aggregate risks
The idea is
>An insurance company can only take in a limited amount of people into its risk pool
>A nation can only take in a limited amount of people before carrying capacity is reached
>An insurance company looks at factors such as income, credit score health risks, whether one falls into a high or low risk age/sex group etc to make sure premiums are paid often and on time, while it pays out as minimally as possible
>A nation should similarly look at factors such as welfare usage, birth rates, crime rates, etc vs how much certain groups pay in taxes

>"cheaper to help 10 over there than 1 over here"
>"carrying capacity is limited; if we limit by quantity we thus have to limit by qualifiers"
>"brain drain from the third world worsens the third world"
>"stopping the boats stops unscrupulous mules from jeopardizing the lives of refugees"
>"refugee safe zones+population transfers+ethnic self determination+border restructuring+strong man dictators+education+infant industry protection+birth control is better than sending fugees to the US and Europe"
>"Front of the line or back of the line doesn't matter, letting illegals on the line for citizenship at because they hopped the border by virtue and luck of their proximity to us while some Ukrainian who follows the legal process may take years to get here undermines the system"
>Stricter immigration?
Well yeah, the idea is
>The US can only take in X number of people before shit starts falling apart
>If it is limiting people by quantity anyway, there is no greater or lesser ethical judgement for taking them from one group of people, or another.
>(7 billion-x) will always be disenfranchised from coming here
>Therefore, the US could establish stricter immigration controls, to take the same quantity of people, but with different qualifiers, and come out none the less evil to Liberals and Cuckservatives
(Watch Immigration Gumballs if you haven't already for the same narrative)

>You think immigration restrictions in the US are bad? You should see what they do in [country]!
>Mass immigration is not free market in the current system. Immigration is currently a government program. It's run by the government. It largely helps firms that lobby the government. It largely helps a rent seeking civil service sector that works for governments. It votes in bigger government.
>If you don't think Cultural Integration is important, check out the Yugolslav Balkan wars. Same genetics, different cultures. [Haplogroup map.png]

>One of the reasons we got rid of quotas in the first place was that Western Europeans were disproportionate in number in the US and that was unfair; since Hispanics are disproportionate in number in the current system, we may have to "fix" that again to be "fair" to other people
>Preferably both the welfare state and immigration can be scaled back, but if one has to go it's the former. It's easier to stop people not here already and with little affinity from the host population than to gut a system used by many and with a good deal of affinity from the host population
>Many people from the former USSR brought nepotistic and kleptocratic elements due to their coming from a failed GAWDLEZZ GOMMUNISM
This is the foot-in-the-door
>Many people from the Islamic world bring their arranged marriages, incest, Sharia zones, FGM, and culture not to go to the police even when there is abuse in the home
This is what pries the door open, especially for basic-bitch Conservatives already redpilled on Islam
>It's not therefore unreasonable that people from Africa, Mexico, South America, and Central America wouldn't bring those [solely cultural] problems with them
last one for now:
>Which side of the hyphen are we on? We're CIVIC NATIONALISTS here, like TR. Why are [group] then happy to self-segregate? If they wanted their own enclave, they could have stayed in their own country!

>Low birthrates - problems that solve themselves
Liberal Whites
>High birthrates
Conservative whites
The US mainly has a bean problem, that can be taken care of with carrot and stick.
>What about raising the White Birthrate without being explicit about it?
I would include tax breaks for engineers and scientists that do their work from home, for farm families, financial incentives for stay-at-home moms, for white children, which get increased with every child they have. Higher financial and social incentives for marriage. Remove no-fault divorce to prevent broken families. Incentives for Oil workers, Miners, rural growth (to take pressure off urban growth) etc.
while amping up "proactive policing", reducing or eliminating the Affirmative Action, Jobs, Amnesty, Birthright Citizenship, and Benefits magnets, and helping to instill a nativist culture, we will basically increase the quantity and birth rates of Whites- Anglo-Saxon Scots-Irish whites- while decreasing the quantity and birth rate of everyone else.
We don't have to get it to 100%, just to what things were around 1964.

Get #RepealHartCeller through to pic related
@realDonaldTrump @SenateMajLdr @ChuckGrassley @SenatorSessions @SpeakerRyan @GOPLeader @RepGoodlatte @TGowdySC

@realDonaldTrump @SenateMajLdr @ChuckGrassley @SenatorSessions @SpeakerRyan @GOPLeader @RepGoodlatte @TGowdySC

@realDonaldTrump @SenateMajLdr @ChuckGrassley @SenatorSessions @SpeakerRyan @GOPLeader @RepGoodlatte @TGowdySC

Quoting internbro's plan of attack:
Like I previously mentioned, I'm an intern at a Republican Congressman's district office in Jew York State.
I'll lay out a few tips if you want this to be heard based on how these offices operate. For some, if not many of you, these will be common sense but I'll lay it out anyways.
Let's get a Hart-Celler Act general going to keep this effort going. Daytime Sup Forums could really propel this.
Don't just call your local Congressman once about this. Write a letter. Sup Forums needs to get a form letter going and spam that shit with a thousand different names. Quantity is the name of the game here. If you play dirty, do NOT use the same name twice.
Check out which House committees and Subcommittees your congressman serves on. If they serve on the Immigration and Border Security House Judiciary Committee, your voice counts more because your Congressman has extra clout.
There's a huge drive from Conservative constituents sending in letters urging the Congressmen to end birthright citizenship. If you can tie that into your letter as well, fucking kudos. You give the Hart-Celler Act grievances AND the birthright citizenship grievances legitimacy via numbers simultaneously. Killing two birds with one stone.
Don't contact any Congressman outside your district. They can't do shit for you and your letter goes into the trash.
If your state has a senate, FUCKING CONTACT THEM. All Sup Forumsacks from, for example, Virginia can contact a state senator about this. No, I'm not talking about the two senators from each state. I'm referring to the senate that states sometimes set up (I know NY has one)
But DO contact your Senator about this if they are Republican. In your letter to the Senator, mention you're contacting your Congressman and vice versa.

If you're in a blue state, find out what seats are up for election soon in your state and find out if any republicans are running for it. Send them letters saying you'll support them if they promise to repeal the Hart-Celler act.

Even blue states should have Republican local, state, and federal representatives that can be contacted.
Warn the Democratic local, state, and federal representatives of consequences of what may occur if sanctuary status by governmental or academic institutions, or employment of illegal entrants and visa overstays, or harboring of them continues. Ask what is it worth to them to have grants, appropriations, subsidies, services, etc cut? Is this the hill they want to die on, or would the prefer to work with Trump on auditing the US' FTAs?