I feel confident in knowing that women are the future programmers of our autonomous automobiles, aircraft...

I feel confident in knowing that women are the future programmers of our autonomous automobiles, aircraft, and defensive systems.

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for (int c=1;c

oh wait thats bad lol bye

I work all day debugging code written by poo-in-loos and this is how their code looks.

>return a*b;

good think we don't need any numbers larger than 10 in any real world situa-

>without using *
just use a loop or something

But this is a pointless task. Where would you need this in a high level environment?

How many people here know how to solve this problem without a loop?



Wew, haven't seen this maymay in a while.

This is multiculturalism; brown people fuck around all day doing half ass work then a white picks up the pieces.

oh oops I see that now.

in that case I revise it to just use division.

>return a/(1/b);

amen nigga

That's literally the solution. You could not ask for a simpler question. I'm frankly surprised that she knew how to create a function with parameters or knew how to throw an error.

I'd say this was fake, but I've seen women code this poorly.

me and this guy who beat me to it.

Bitshift powers of 2 followed by addition if odd should work

// javascript version
function Product(a, b){
var sum = 0;
for (var i=0; i

Nonsensical cancer solely to drive a gofundme.

I see someone remembers C+=.

Use recursion:

int f(int a, int b) {
if (b > 0) return a + f(a, b-1);
return 0;

Doesn't work if b is 0.
t. grill

return int(double(a)/ (1./double(b)))

>exploring feminist logic
the memes write themselves



Fuck good point, Need an if statement


How did I not think of this, plz kill me

...and what she wore to the interview.

How about this one?

I hate clever code.

int product(int a, int b){
output = 0;
for (x = 0; x < b; x++){
output += a;
return output;

lost so far down the rabbit hole, all sense of reality is gone

>Sup Forumsgrammers

Best this, Sup Forums

int r = 0;
while (b > 0) {
if (b & 1) r += a;
a += a;
b >>= 1;
return r;


you will get there. I only thought of it because my thought process was

>how can I solve this in one line?

Cool, but you'll need to handle for when b == 0.

Go buy a pantsuit, tubby.

The shift makes this hard to beat for speed, or at least on ancient hardware that was the case.

I went to a university and got a CS degree.

The few girls that were in my classes were fairly smart.

Not sure how this meme became so prevalent.

Most likely javascript/Internet's fault.

>((( Ari Schlesinger )))

every fucking time.

It's not just women that are incompetent.

if I input a = 2 and b = 3
>c=1 => a = 2 + 2 (a=4)
>c=2 => a = 4 + 4 (a=8)
>c=3 => a = 8 + 8 (a=16)

you need

int r = 0;
for (int c=1;c

>Don't sexualize women

Did anything ever come of this, or did she just make it up to get attention? I imagine a woman can get a gig pretty easily this way. Make herself out to be a victim, then just wait for the job offers to roll in from places like google and facebook - hoping to virtue signal how progressive they are.

return x >= y ? true : false;

it's from the women and minorities being under-represented in tech crap being pushed

She got a job at IBM. They're a large enough company that they can afford dead weight on the payroll for the virtue signaling points.

>Fail interview
>Rant about the company and social structures
>Probably on a public FB account
Fucking pleb, good luck getting hired.

A guy would have worn a suit that's black, navy or gray, with a white shirt and a tie of a few colors. Maybe chinos and a shirt if the interview was a bit casual. And she complains that women can't wear anything because of "muh beauty standards".


All you cis male programmers need to check your privilege and learn this brave Feminist language


the implied meaning and code don't match

I feel better knowing that those are just cheap toy microscopes

>tiny laptops with tiny screens
>non-adjustable table and chairs
Health problems await

Leave it to a feminist to make a programming language that's even hard to say the name of.

that chair won't last long

Anyone have any experience with Noopept?

Aren't a lot of trannies programmers

I always ask the HR person ahead of time what is the expected level of dress for the interview. Most of the time they acknowledge that the office is business casual but still wear a suit. A few have said a tie would look weird so leave it at home but they're the exception. It's pretty simple to just ask which is what this cow should have done.

x >= y

That's all you need


use the division operator or bit shifts lol

Yes, and they're worse than the women programmers, usually because many of them have skill to get involved in projects but have an obnoxious personality to go with it, introducing drama and sexism into work.


def Product(float a, float b)
if (a==0 || b==0) return 0;
float r = exp(log(abs(a)) + log(abs(b));
return ((a < 0) == (b < 0)) ? r : -r;

yes its a meme

For a page about design and css that was horrible to read and the blockquote shit was just annoying.

That's a parody but sadly quite believable. The image I posted earlier was actually serious.

return (b!==0 ? a/(1/b) : b)

return b if b==0 else a/(1/b)

I ask because a Chem eng. friend of mine found out his computer science (((gf))) was a bf.

What's that bridge that collapsed that was designed by a majority-woman engineering firm?

>good programmers

They are below poos in the loos in that department and they are shitty

How can software be feminist? Fucking hell, this triggers me so much

>But they're so cute user!
If you do any work on a computer with a screen < 20", you're retarded of forced to use a laptop.

def mult(a,b):

if b == 0:
return 0
elif b < 0:
return - (a - mult(a, b + 1))

return a + mult(a, b - 1)

a = 5
b = -4


# written in python
# I am a woman, but that's not relevant to solving the problem
#mfw no one's code works here, or handles for negatives

yeah a lot of them are literal autists and can't seperate their agp bullshit from the workplace

Trannies crave external validation which is why they can't just dress up like a woman and be done with it. They insist that everyone else BELIEVE that they're women and constantly reassure them that that is the case. Terrible for getting actual work done.

This is the better way to do it. Has constant complexity.

int product(int a,int b){
int prod = 0;
int sign = 1;

if(a < 0 || b < 0) sign = -1;

while(b > 0){
int u = b & 1;
if(u == 1){
if(sign > 0){
prod += a;
prod -= a;
b >> 1;
return prod;

you beat me to it but that version only works for positive numbers.

Normie newfags leave.


>australia is now teaching kids in like year 4 to "code"
>the ABC is playing this off as some miraculous work of god

as always a minority of extremely sophisticated people will do the majority of the actual work, and everyone else will inevitably start to see the entire thing as cool and will make a mockery of it. it's already happened with computing in general, video games, table tops, investing, etc.

just do a bit of detective work and find the companies with the most women and diversity hires and use that for investment advice really. a company taking a female CEO who hasn't been there for 10 years is a red flag for the company going to shit, see Yahoo and it's blatant discrimination against men and 9 million dollar parties.

I don't know about all of them but the most annoying are definately the sjw types.

Jesus Christ, did she really? Those huge tech companies seem to hire women and minorities for virtue signaling only. They probably carve out 30-40 worthless titles at each location just to seem diverse.

I work in the field, and I've seen it myself. We had some fat chick ALMOST get hired because she'd finished a 'coding bootcamp' two weeks prior and was shopping her resume around. The 'bootcamp' was her only resume item. It seemed like HR and managers were making the case that we bring her in as a junior dev, and I had to put my foot down.

Every time I said she was completely unqualified, they'd come back with 'well if she was a junior...' or 'well, we could maybe find simpler tasks until she finds her footing'. It was so blatantly obvious what they were doing. Mind you, we've rejected MIT grads at my office - not because they sucked, but because they just didn't fit the role. Anyway, we're not in the habit of hiring people 'just because'. Yet they were effectively pleading that we hire this fat chick who could barely write a line of code.

The job was for node, and she asked if she could do the coding problems in ruby on rails. Not ruby. Ruby on rails...

You... you can divide by negatives normally.. Reconverting isn't necessary. Sorry for mansplaining.


its funny because it is so stupidly clever

most professors would throw a shit fit at that even if you handled the zero

what a sad state of affairs thinking outside the box is frowned upon

#with spaces, because python is silly like that

def mult(a,b):

if b == 0:
return 0
elif b < 0:
return - (a - mult(a, b + 1))
return a + mult(a, b - 1)

a = 5
b = -4


#mfw Sup Forums takes my spaces out

Yes i think it kinda works but its fairly subtle.

Also it seems to lose effect or become unnoticeable if you continue to use it more than a few days straight.

That formatting triggered my autism.

int product(int a,int b){
int prod = 0;
int sign = 1;

if(a < 0 || b < 0) sign = -1;

while(b > 0){
int u = b & 1;
if(u == 1){
if(sign > 0){
prod += a;
prod -= a;
b >> 1;
return prod;

Thanks. I'll stick with my amphetamines, then.

Yeah, mine doesn't handle negative values of b.

I think you're missing the bit where you update a each iteration.

It would also be nice to get rid of the inner conditional where you choose whether to add +a or -a but I can't be bothered figuring out the best way to do it.

>tfw I can't format code properly

I don't think you can fit anymore buzzwords in that.

>Fuck this shit I don't need a stomach ulcer, I'm almost done with my CS degree and I hate college enough already

show tits

haha, well technically not using *

all you need is an if statement for the divisor to be zero, but then you're good

10/10, smarty pants here.

I wrote that up on the spot so I wouldn't be surprised if there is a bug. And yeah the inner conditions are not ideal but given the constant complexity I couldn't be bothered to do it better.

For the record, the official working python function is

>def m(a,b):
> return b if b==0 else a/(1.0/b)

Pretty much. The only way you're gonna get real thinking done at an exponentially faster rate is to nuke your balls and T with spirolactone and chemically castrate yourself.

Though it might not be by design, it also allows the big companies to fuck over smaller companies by setting the expectation that all businesses will have a highly diverse workforce. Companies like IBM can afford to have some deadweight around but smaller companies cannot. If they hire someone unqualified, it could actually tank the company.

Sounds like you helped your company avoid such a fate. If they did hire her, she wouldn't have sat quietly in the corner collecting a paycheck. She would have annoyed you and everyone else to show her how to do her work, even if trivial. And would have been impossible to fire due to fear of a lawsuit. Glad you were able to keep HR from pushing her on you but expect this to not be the last battle of this type.

Like many problems, it's likely the whole "lets push under represented groups into a field of study because equality" issue.

Out of the few girls in my classes, I would only trust one of them to do technical work on their own without someone standing by for assistance. There are girls that are really good at programming and other CIS jobs, but then there are others that just don't have the right mindset and will continuously struggle because they're a strong independent woman who don't need no man (except the campus tutors).

don't even bother, all spaces are removed from beginning, I tried to format my code a second time ... and same problem